
Cannabis: What's the Harm? episode 1
Cannabis: What's the Harm? episode 1
www.youtube.com Link to episode two. ------ Ex-EastEnders star James Alexandrou explores the truth about Britain's favourite illegal drug, from cannabis sold on the street to the hidden world of organised crime. EPISODE 1 OF 2. Exploring the use and effects of Britain's most popular illegal drug. James Alexandrou was caught smoking cannabis by the tabloids when he left the soap. Now he wants to find out the truth about the most popular illegal drug in Britain, see the lengths people will go to get it and discover exactly where it comes from. In the first of two programs, James looks at the effects of the drug on the streets of Britain, meeting a 17-year-old who smokes weed with his parents and a mum-of-three who uses cannabis to keep her emotions in check. He meets people who are growing cannabis illegally for themselves and goes out on patrol with a police drug squad as they clamp down on large-scale cannabis growers. He also travels to California, the first state in America to license cannabis for medicinal use. -------------------------- "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." --------- en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org

Introduction To Indoor Cannabis Cultivation!
Introduction To Indoor Cannabis Cultivation!

How Cannabis Works
How Cannabis Works
Cannabis and Cannabinoid Receptors. How Marijuana works on your brain. Upload taken from - BBC Horizon, Cannabis. The evil weed?

Cannabis Champ Matt Mernagh on the Case that Could Bring Down Canada's Pot Laws
Cannabis Champ Matt Mernagh on the Case that Could Bring Down Canada's Pot Laws
POT TV - Cannabis Champ Matt Mernagh outside the Ontario Court of Appeal discussing his pivotal medical marijuana case that could strike down Canada's pot laws as unconstitutional. Read more about the case: www.cannabisculture.com

Feds force the seriously ill medical cannabis patients to the street, a BPG documentary
Feds force the seriously ill medical cannabis patients to the street, a BPG documentary
Thousands of severely ill patients in California are being denied access to care, and thrown to the street with no alternative. My name is Mary Elizabeth Davis. I am a retired licensed vocational nurse with severe osteoarthritis and need to have both my knees replaced. All the pharmaceutical medications I have been prescribed have caused side effects including: additional pain, vision problems, nausea and blood clots. My doctor eventually recommended I try medicinal cannabis, and I found Berkeley Patients Group, a not-for-profit medical cannabis collective, that has successfully treated me where pharmaceuticals failed. On May 1st, after operating for over 12 years without incident and full local support, the Federal Government forced Berkeley Patients Group to close its doors by threatening its landlord with propertyforfeiture and decades in prison. Today I am speaking not only for myself, but in the name of millions of patients, here in the United States, who like me, have been denied access to medical cannabis and been thrown to the street with no alternative. President Obama promised at the beginning of his administration to respect state medical marijuana laws. He has broken this promise time and time again -- and the consequences have been devastating. Tell President Obama and the Justice Department: enough is enough. Keep your campaign promise, and stop the attacks on medical cannabis patients!

The World's Largest Cannabis Dispensary - Cannabis: What's The Harm? Preview - BBC Three
The World's Largest Cannabis Dispensary - Cannabis: What's The Harm? Preview - BBC Three
More about this programme: www.bbc.co.uk James Alexandrou visits the largest medicinal cannabis dispensary in the world, Harborside Health Centre in Oakland California. Cannabis is legal in California for medicinal use, it's become big business there.

BBC 5 Live New Zero Tolerance Drug Driving Law, Cannabis, Sativex | NORML UK
BBC 5 Live New Zero Tolerance Drug Driving Law, Cannabis, Sativex | NORML UK
I call in to the BBC Radio 5 Live to respond as a medicinal cannabis user to the new zero tolerance drug laws that do not rely on impairment. Sativex is available as a medicine for MS patients and contains cannabis, I spoke to the Head of Toxicology on Friday whilst attending a Cannabinoid Pain and Inflammation conference who was able to tell me that cannabinoids do not effect driving, but at the same time if one feels impaired they should know not to get behind the wheel. Sativex patients should not worry about driving whist being prescribed.

Vietnamese cannabis factory with up to 600 'skunk' plants in Stoke, Plymouth, Devon HD
Vietnamese cannabis factory with up to 600 'skunk' plants in Stoke, Plymouth, Devon HD
Vietnamese crime gangs who build cannabis factories in unassuming homes have returned to Plymouth, in Devon, exactly three years after they were first discovered. To read the full story click here: www.thisisdevon.co.uk Follow @thisisdevonnews on Twitter: twitter.com Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com

UK Cannabis Social Club Meetings, 420 London Hyde Park, SSDP Conference | Cannabis Cure UK
UK Cannabis Social Club Meetings, 420 London Hyde Park, SSDP Conference | Cannabis Cure UK
CURE Stash Jars and Tees NOW HAVE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING! shop.cannabiscure.co.uk Loved meeting everyone at the Berkshire Cannabis Community meeting! It was great seeing some new faces! I want to put particular emphasis on the SSDP UK Conference and hope to see many of the London Cannabis Club there and see the event on the 22nd for extra cannabis content! So here it goes... • 13th April Mark Lucas -- Epilepsy patient charged with possession of cannabis at his first Crown Court appearance in Lewes, East Sussex. • 14th April: Manchester Grow Show -- Not too sure on the details of this one but I have been asked by many members of the wider cannabis community if I am going to make this one...o is the answer unless someone wants to Hele-lift me in from the South East...but I have been to some great regular grow shows out in the states and you would be surprised at how many techniques are used throughout all gardening not just to do with cannabis. You might meet some other folks like yourself. • 19th April: Winston Matthews -- Court Of Appeal hearing for medicinal cannabis activist and legaliser who refused to stop growing his medicine despite 6 consecutive arrests in total. • 20th April: 420 Celebrations in several parts of the UK. London will see a picnic in Hyde Park where we will peacefully smoke and all have a good time. Leeds are also have a peaceful gathering at Park Square. In the evening SSDP UK (Students for Sensible Drugs Policy) will be having their reception and <b>...</b>

Cancer Killed by Cannabis - Weed - Pot - Marijuana finds UCLA research and others Full-length Doc
Cancer Killed by Cannabis - Weed - Pot - Marijuana finds UCLA research and others Full-length Doc
Please research Ottoman Warburg and High pH Diet also have a look at Vitamin D3. The American and Canadian Cancer society recommend taking at least(MINIMUM) 1000 IU of Vit. D per day, but research shows that 10 000 IU/Day is proper levels to fight off Cancer. And please stay away from sugars as they lower your pH levels which create a perfect growing environment for tumors and cancer growth. Maple sugar is the only sugar that elevates your pH levels rendering your body an infertile environment for Cancers & tumors. Purchase 8.5 pH bottled water or add Baking soda as a cheap alternative to buying water. Ask your Doctor to do pH test of your body as we are 98% water...so keeping your pH higher than 8 is essential..IMO & others Warburg investigated the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells, and in 1931 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for his "discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme."[2] The award came after receiving 46 nominations over a period of nine years beginning in 1923, 13 of which were submitted in 1931, the year he won the prize.[3] In 1944, Warburg was nominated for a second Nobel Prize in Physiology by Albert Szent-Györgyi, for his work on nicotinamide, the mechanism and enzymes involved in fermentation, and the discovery of flavine (in yellow enzymes).[4][5] It is reported by some sources that he was selected to receive the award that year but was prevented from receiving it by Adolf <b>...</b>

The Power of RAW Cannabis.
The Power of RAW Cannabis.
This is a must-watch video featuring some of the top researchers on the healing effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) in it's raw form, eaten or juiced. Eating raw cannabis as medicine, dietary essential: new research Cannabis is a dietary essential that helps all cell types function more effectively. Is a medicine: anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, probably has some direct activity against cancerous cells. This plant can do phenomenal things, but not if [you aren't taking a high enough dose]. Cannabis is the most important vegetable in the world. Source: American Drug War II - "Fight for Your Life" - (Test Trailer Wide) Sacred Cow Productions - www.sacredcow.com Special Thanks to Kristen and William Courtney who were featured in this film. William is now running for Congress please visit the following websites for more info: www.courtneyforcongress.org cannabisinternational.org Also check out "The 420 Daily" for Cannabis News! facebook.com twitter.com the420daily.com Check out this article published (January 9th, 2012) on Natural News www.naturalnews.com

Stoned Free Guide to Growing Cannabis.
Stoned Free Guide to Growing Cannabis.
Grow Pot, Cannabis, Marijuana, Ganja, Chronic Cultivation British Columbia Canada Documentary Educational Purposes only! Grow Pot.

HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup in Los Angeles - Day One
HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup in Los Angeles - Day One
Check out scenes from day one of the first ever HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup in Los Angeles - February 11, 2012. Shot, Edited, Produced and featuring a custom live deejay mix by Baseshot.

High Times Denver Medical Cannabis Cup 2012 Part 1
High Times Denver Medical Cannabis Cup 2012 Part 1
www.weedmaps.com In part one of this three part video series, join Gil and the rest of the WeedMaps crew as they visit the 2012 High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in Denver, Colorado. Take a tour of the massive WeedMaps patient lounge and see why Colorado is one of the best states to medicate in. You will see some of the highest quality medication and glass in the world so try not to get jealous. If you are curious about who the winners of the Cannabis Cup were, skip on over to part three of this series. Special musical thanks to Foster Care presents Funeral Kings mixtape by Jinx bit.ly BIG2DABOY "No More Talkin - Episode 1" BIG2DABOY1@YAHOO.COM jameil robinson/facebook Jahni Denver facebook.com/jahnidenver myspace.com/thebreathingtruth www.jahni-denver.com Felony Fights Soundtrack by SICFUC - MENSREA Records www.myspace.com Gino "Clouds" ginofrancisco90@gmail.com soundcloud.com www.datpiff.com

LEAF [Juicing Raw Cannabis] Re-Upload
LEAF [Juicing Raw Cannabis] Re-Upload
PLEASE SHARE this video with as many people as possible! With all the misconceptions about cannabis, we need to get this info out there to set things right! Thank-you This video was made by: www.youtube.com and re-uploaded onto my channel because I wanted to help spread more awareness on the health benefits of raw cannabis (that is non-smoked & non-heated.) RAW cannabis is non-psychoactive, meaning it will not get you high. Raw cannabis= Immune modulating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-tumor/ anti-cancer, pain-relieving, anti-diabetic, antispasmodic, anti-anxiety and so much more. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****ABOUT THIS VIDEO**** Leaf introduces Dr. William Courtney and Kristen Peskuski of Cannabis International; along with the people involved in researching, promoting, regulating and benefiting from raw cannabis. Dr. Courtney is a physician and researcher from Mendocino, California, who gives medical marijuana approvals to qualified patients in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties. Kristen Peskuski is a researcher and patient who put her systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, interstitial cystitis, and numerous other conditions into remission juicing fresh cannabis. They help make sense of the science behind patient's recoveries from a diverse range of medical conditions. Attorneys, physicians, law enforcement, medical care providers, patients and their families discuss their experiences with medical cannabis <b>...</b>

All New Cannabis Documentary! (PUFF, PUFF, RATE & SHARE)
All New Cannabis Documentary! (PUFF, PUFF, RATE & SHARE)

Medicinal Use Of Cannabis - Tina Mendes | Cannabis Cure TV
Medicinal Use Of Cannabis - Tina Mendes | Cannabis Cure TV
Tina Mendes has been using cannabis as her primary and only medicine for the last 12 years straight. Sign this e-petition to ask for cannabis to be discussed in the commons! We need to separate it from Heroin! epetitions.direct.gov.uk As you can see she appears very well but this is not possible without ingesting and smoking cannabis on a daily basis. She has used the plant for 24 years altogether and only realised half way through that this was better than the 36 pills that she was being prescribed for a range of illnesses and disorders. In the UK Tina is unable to get cannabis as a prescription medicine and all she is given to treat her pain, muscle, tendon and ligaments disorder and her IBS is Tramadol, Morphine and Ketamine combined. Please see the video to hear how prescribed Heroin-like drugs have made her conditions worse but can all be replaced with more effectiveness just by using cannabis. Opiates that she is prescribed damage the internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart and bladder. They are addictive and lead to cirrhosis of the liver...incidentally cannabis also treats that but does not cause it. Thank you to Tina for dropping by after a frustrating day trying to visit Prisoner Of War Winston Matthews at High Down Prison is Surrey. She was stopped and searched by a gang of unmarked police cars that found one spliff on her which she needed to be able to medicate with in between seeing her close friend and driving home for 3 hours. FREE WINSTON MATTHEWS

Cannabis - Weed - Pot - Marijuana - Kills Cancer cells finds UCLA research and others
Cannabis - Weed - Pot - Marijuana - Kills Cancer cells finds UCLA research and others
Please research Ottoman Warburg and High pH Diet also have a look at Vitamin D3. The American and Canadian Cancer society recommend taking at least(MINIMUM) 1000 IU of Vit. D per day, but research shows that 10 000 IU/Day is proper levels to fight off Cancer. And please stay away from sugars as they lower your pH levels which create a perfect growing environment for tumors and cancer growth. Maple sugar is the only sugar that elevates your pH levels rendering your body an infertile environment for Cancers & tumors. Warburg investigated the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells, and in 1931 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for his "discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme."[2] The award came after receiving 46 nominations over a period of nine years beginning in 1923, 13 of which were submitted in 1931, the year he won the prize.[3] In 1944, Warburg was nominated for a second Nobel Prize in Physiology by Albert Szent-Györgyi, for his work on nicotinamide, the mechanism and enzymes involved in fermentation, and the discovery of flavine (in yellow enzymes).[4][5] It is reported by some sources that he was selected to receive the award that year but was prevented from receiving it by Adolf Hitler's regime, which had issued a decree in 1937 that forbade Germans from accepting Nobel Prizes. en.wikipedia.org

Honeycomb Showcase - Cannabis Cup Winning Hash, Budder, Wax, Oil
Honeycomb Showcase - Cannabis Cup Winning Hash, Budder, Wax, Oil
weedmaps.com - I had the chance to spend the day with Crown Extracts and their beautiful assortment of honeycomb style wax. You're going to want to get your dab on watching this video... Music Artist Task Rok Song: Sing Along www.facebook.com

High Times Denver Medical Cannabis Cup 2012
High Times Denver Medical Cannabis Cup 2012
I have always dreamed of going to Amsterdam for the Cannabis Cup, but now the Cannabis Cup has come to me instead. We went to Denver for the Cannabis Cup and we had a great time. We met some really cool people ran into old friends and got to smoke with some famous people too. Everyone was having a great time celebrating Medical Marijuana and the amazing industry that supports the patients that need cannabis to live their lives. I hope that you get a good sense of what it was like to be there. It wasn't as big as I thought, but there was still a lot of people. The music was really loud in the medical building so it was kind of hard to talk and meet more people. We were comfortable smoking anywhere and I was never paranoid or worried I was being watched. It was absolutely wonderful to have the freedom to smoke with this many people. I wish that everyone will soon have the same freedom. This was an amazing way to cap off our 4/20 vacation. Thanks to everyone we met that weekend, we had a great time. And thanks to Garrett for watching Lady for us. Our website - www.R3dband.com Buy a shirt www.r3dband.com Send us mail - www.r3dband.com Follow @r3dband on Twitter - www.twitter.com Friend us on Facebook - www.facebook.com Like us on Facebook - www.facebook.com Dan's channel - www.youtube.com Mark's channel - www.youtube.com Thanks for watching Please leave comments. Don't forget to thumbs up, and favorite. We are both Medical Marijuana patients in the State of Colorado. Thank <b>...</b>

Cannabis Culture's Jodie Emery LIVE on CTV National News on 4/20 2012
Cannabis Culture's Jodie Emery LIVE on CTV National News on 4/20 2012
Jodie Emery, marijuana activist and publisher of Cannabis Culture Magazine stopped by CTV's Vancouver studio on 4/20 to discuss calls for pot legalization by John McKay, the former government prosecutor who helped to send her imprisoned husband Marc Emery to jail. The interview was broadcast live across Canada. watch.ctv.ca SEE VIDEO OF THE PRESS CONFERENCE: www.cannabisculture.com SEE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE EVENT: www.cannabisculture.com