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English parliament petition
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Politics News
Channel 4
The Guardian
Sky News
The Daily Express
The Telegraph
Wales Online
The Scotsman
Belfast Telegraph
Request to bloggers
The Government's e-petition website has a petition for an English Parliament. Please help publicise this petition by adding the following banner to the end of your blog posts.
English parliament
The html text to add is contained within the text box below. We appreciate that you have probably signed countless petitions to no avail, but if you don't sign this they will say that there is no demand for an English parliament, so regrettably it is a hoop that must be jumped through. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.
Political Parties & Parliament
Labour Party
Conservative Party
Liberal Democrat Party
Green Party
Plaid Cymru
House of Commons (News)
House of Lords (News)
Committee News
Early Day Motions
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