'Live'Dawah-How Paul becomes Muslim in a few minutes ! (Part 1/2) Street Dawah
'Live'Dawah-How Paul becomes Muslim in a few minutes ! (Part 1/2) Street Dawah
'Live' Dawah as you are watching the complete conversation as Paul becomes a Muslim (Al-Hamdulillah) at a 'Dawah table' in North London. Please note that we are placing these videos on YouTube to show a systematic approach to Da'wah and to show that it really is easy ! For further info on techniques please visit Dawah Is Easy .com. Brothers and sisters, please don't miss any opportunity to give Da'wah and remember us in your Du'a (prayers)
Dawah Addict (Young & Muslim in America)
Dawah Addict (Young & Muslim in America)
Alhamdulillah that I was able to attend and speak at this wonderful event. It was called "Young and Muslim in America" and it was part of the annual Shuruq events at ICNYU. Masha'Allah there were so many incredible speakers at this event sharing stories about anything and everything. Some were happy, some were sad, all were amazing. Subhanallah, this program was one of the best events I've ever attended. FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN DOING DA'WAH: Kamal El Mekki did a series called how to give shahada in 10 minutes which is very helpful. I would recommend you watch all of it insha'Allah: www.youtube.com Also I recommend a lecture series by Muhammad Al Shareef called "Guiding to Allah By the Book: Fiqh ad Dawah" which you can get here insha'Allah: islambase.info Another series by Muhammad Al Shareef that I think would help insha'Allah is "21 Teaching Methods of the Prophet Muhammad (saws)." Here: islambase.info
Amazing Conversion to Islam - Street Dawah
Amazing Conversion to Islam - Street Dawah
David chooses to accept Islam at the 'Da'wah Table' in North West London after only a short talk . The reason this video has been uploaded is because even though David has a great love for Islam and Muslims through his travels abroad ;sadly no one had actually invited him to become a Muslim. Dear brothers and sisters, please take every opportunity to actively invite to Islam,after making Du'a. For some techniques please visit our website DawahIsEasy.com
Christian becomes Muslim - Street Dawah
Christian becomes Muslim - Street Dawah
Damian chooses to accept Islam and takes his Shahadah on the Dawah table in North London. As he says in the video, he has been asking for a Qu'ran and he lives next to a mosque, but no one has invited him to Islam nor given him a Qu'ran. Brothers and sisters, please don't miss any opportunity to give Da'wah. To learn how to give Da'wah, please visit: DawahIsEasy.com
How to Give Da'wah - Kamal el-Mekki - Part 1/2
How to Give Da'wah - Kamal el-Mekki - Part 1/2
Shaykh Kamal El-Mekki has been dubbed the Black Belt of Dawah. With decades of experience in the Dawah scene, Shaykh Kamal has introduced cutting edge and practical strategies that teach students how to tailor conversations to any scenario they may face. Shaykh Kamal combines his ground-breaking teaching style with his own dash of humour, certain to leave students feel at ease & entertained, but above all skilled and empowered. Shaykh Kamal is known best for his workshop "How to Give Shahadah in 10 Minutes" (www.youtube.com a 6-hour workshop designed to empower MSAs and Dawah organizations in the art of Dawah. His lectures and online videos (targeting contemporary challenges) have also gained popular fame and positive impact among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It seems that each time you think you addressed their concerns they come up with yet another question. It's only a matter of time before you get stumped, start stuttering and come up with some half-hearted answer that leaves them even more unconvinced. Have you considered that you might be doing it all wrong? Unfortunately, many of us are doing Islam a disservice by venturing into the field of Da'wah without first learning the science of giving Da'wah. Yes, there's a whole science of Da'wah! almaghrib.org
'Live' Dawah - In only few minutes Michael becomes Muslim after a long search (Part 2/2)
'Live' Dawah - In only few minutes Michael becomes Muslim after a long search (Part 2/2)
Our videos are termed 'Live' as you are viewing it exactly as it happens ! You are watching the full conversation from the initial stopping the person in the high street to The Shahadah. This is to demonstrate that it is easy and so that you can learn the technique insha-Allah. Michael is a buisness man and has been doing a lot of searcing for the Truth. Here Alhamdulillah (Praise is for Almighty God) he reverts to Islam after only a few minutes! Dear brothers and sisters, please take every opportunity to actively invite to Islam,after making Du'a.Please make Du'ah for us For some techniques please visit our website DawahIsEasy.com
Nice Lady talks to muslim outside atheist humanist congress about islam - Live dawah (Norway)
Nice Lady talks to muslim outside atheist humanist congress about islam - Live dawah (Norway)
Nice lady talks about the origins of the universe outside the atheist humanist congress and believes the universe created itself. She gives excellent feedback at the end and says Norway needs to learn more about islam. Join me on facebook: www.facebook.com
Atheist DEBATES Muslim on "if the universe came from nothing" - Live dawah
Atheist DEBATES Muslim on "if the universe came from nothing" - Live dawah
Atheist man debates Muslim on if the universe came from nothing outside the atheist humanist congress in norway. Join me on facebook: www.facebook.com
Yusha Evans SUMSA Dawah Workshop: What is Dawah and to whom are we calling? Session 1 2010
Yusha Evans SUMSA Dawah Workshop: What is Dawah and to whom are we calling? Session 1 2010
Yusha Evans hosts the first part of the Sydney University Muslim Students Association Dawah Workshop. The first session entitled 'What is Dawah and to whom are we calling?'. This event was hosted at the UMA Centre, the United Muslims of Australia Centre as part of the pre-Islamic Awareness Week training organised by SUMSA.
Dawah: The Key to Change - Hamza Andreas Tzortzis Pt. 1
Dawah: The Key to Change - Hamza Andreas Tzortzis Pt. 1
Dawah: The Key to Change - Hamza Andreas Tzortzis Part One Speaking at the iERA Conference - Changing the World through Dawah 16th January 2011 Full Description coming soon For more information about iERA see www.iera.org.uk or Find us on Facebok - http Folow us on Twitter - www.twitter.com Subscribe to our YouTube Channel above.
Amazing Conversion from Christianity to Islam. 'Live Dawah'
Amazing Conversion from Christianity to Islam. 'Live Dawah'
This Christian gentleman has worked with Muslims all his life and yet no one has invited him to become a Muslim ! His beliefs had changed but no one had told him ! Dear brothers and sister, please do not miss any opportunity to invite people to Islam. For further techniques, please see the Dawah training videos at Dawahiseasy.com. Please could you rate this video as it will benefit the Dawah insha-Allah
Shaykh Zahir Mahmood - Dawah Power: The Lessons of Our Glorious Past
Shaykh Zahir Mahmood - Dawah Power: The Lessons of Our Glorious Past
Join Shaykh Zahir Mahmood and bit.ly on a journey through history with regards to our glorious past. Examples will include the powerful leaders of our history including Sallahuddin, Nurudeen, Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) etc. The talk will show how the dawah gave us power and it will show us the lessons we can learn from our past such as being people of substance, courage, dignity etc. "Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good; enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, they are the ones attaining success." The Holy Qur'an 3:104 Start now: www.iera.org.uk Changing the World through Dawah This conference is one of the most groundbreaking events to happen in the UK for the past 10 years. In a world full of suffering, wars, poverty, family breakdown how can we make the important changes that can transform lives positively the world over? We believe that, dawah, the method of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) to call the people to 'all that is good' is the way to make this transformation happen. Dawah defines who we are, and through it, lies the power of positive change. Other speakers at this conference: • Shaykh Zahir Mahmood (UK) • Shaykh Alaa Elsayed (Egypt) • Abduraheem Green (UK) • Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (Greece) • Yusuf Chambers (UK) • Adnan Rashid (UK)
Dawah: The Activism of the 21st Century - Yusuf Chambers
Dawah: The Activism of the 21st Century - Yusuf Chambers
facebook.com | bit.ly Explore how dawah should be the new activism, in reality all problems stem from an absence of Islam, so a call to Islam will solve these problems. Follow Yusuf Chambers on Twitter: www.twitter.com "Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good; enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, they are the ones attaining success." The Holy Qur'an 3:104 Start now: www.iera.org.uk Changing the World through Dawah This conference is one of the most groundbreaking events to happen in the UK for the past 10 years. In a world full of suffering, wars, poverty, family breakdown how can we make the important changes that can transform lives positively the world over? We believe that, dawah, the method of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) to call the people to 'all that is good' is the way to make this transformation happen. Dawah defines who we are, and through it, lies the power of positive change. Other speakers at this conference: • Shaykh Zahir Mahmood (UK) • Shaykh Alaa Elsayed (Egypt) • Abduraheem Green (UK) • Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (Greece) • Yusuf Chambers (UK) • Adnan Rashid (UK)
Live Dawah Tableeghi Ijtimah 2011Tableeqi tabligh Jamaat Hanafi Tariq jameel Jamil InkofScholars 2
Live Dawah Tableeghi Ijtimah 2011Tableeqi tabligh Jamaat Hanafi Tariq jameel Jamil InkofScholars 2
TO SEE MORE BASELESS STORIES OF FAZAIL E AMAAL PLEASE CLICK THE LINK: allaahuakbar.net allaahuakbar.net allaahuakbar.net allaahuakbar.net allaahuakbar.net allaahuakbar.net Quotes from Fazail-e-Aa'maal (Ta'alim book) I've found the following from Fadha'il A'maal' (Thaalim book) & Fadha'il Haj of Zakhariya Sahib, the famous books of Tabligi Jamaat that the Tabligi people used to read openly after the prayers in many masjids and in their homes, mainly in Asian countries. Also this Urdu book has been translated into many languages except Arabic. Here I've quoted some fabricated stories with reference from the above mentioned books for your eyes, to check whether is it allowed to preach this type of stories in our masjids that would corrupt our belief (Aqeedah). See Fazail Hajj (Urdu page 138, Tamil page 225) "When you see the green dome then it should be with awe and reverence and you should take care of the honour of the Huzoor and reflect that in that pure dome is he who is the best of creation, leader of the prophets and virtuous the Angels. The place of the holy grave is superior than any other place and that place which touches the holy body of the Huzoor is superior to the Ka'bah, superior to Arsh, superior to Kursi in fact superior than everything in the heavens and earth." See Fazail Hajj (Urdu page 141, Tamil page 224) "When you visit anyone's grave, you should proceed from the direction of the feet because if Allah has given the dead the power of Kashf then it is <b>...</b>
Atheist debates Muslim on "gods existence" ! - Live dawah (Must watch)
Atheist debates Muslim on "gods existence" ! - Live dawah (Must watch)
Atheist man debates Muslim on if god exists outside the atheist humanist congress in norway. Join me on facebook: www.facebook.com
The Dawah Dynamo...FUNNY and interesting story by Dr. Bilal Philips...
The Dawah Dynamo...FUNNY and interesting story by Dr. Bilal Philips...
"There is no time for holidays, when you realise how little time there is, and how much work has to be done for Islam." ~Dr. Bilal Philips~ The Dawah Dynamo...A Funny and interesting story by Dr. Bilal about a brother from Sri Lanka by the name of Muhammed Shareef whom Dr. Bilal crowns as a Dawah Dynamo... This is an excerpt from the lecture "Behind Enemy Lines"- by Dr. Bilal Philips For the full lecture go to: www.youtube.com For the question and answer session go to: www.youtube.com DR. ABU AMEENAH BILAL PHILIPS was born in Jamaica, West Indies, and grew up in Canada, where he accepted Islam in 1972. He completed a BA from the College of Islamic Disciplines (Usool ad-Deep) at the Islamic University of Madeenah in 1979 and a MA in Islamic Theology in 1985 at the University of Riyadh, College of Education. In 1994 he completed a Ph.D. in Islamic Theology in the department of Islamic Studies at the University of Wales. From 1994 to 2001, Dr. Bilal founded and directed the Islamic Information Center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and the Foreign Literature Department of Dar al Fatah Islamic Press in Sharjah, UAE. In the year 2001, Dr. Bilal established the Islamic Online University, the first accredited Islamic university on the Internet. www.islamiconlineuniversity.com He was a professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the American University in Dubai and Ajman University, head of the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Preston University-Ajman, UAE, a lecturer <b>...</b>
How Muslims should give Dawah | Sheikh Omar Elbanna | HD
How Muslims should give Dawah | Sheikh Omar Elbanna | HD
How to give Dawah and invite to Islam the proper way. Sheikh Omar El Banna gives us an insight in how to give dawah (Invitation to Islam). He gives us tips and hints on what to and what not to do while embarking on this task. May Allah give us patience. Video Produced by Talk Islam www.facebook.com/talkislam www.talkislam.com.au Footage taken at the UNSW Isoc dinner in 2011, May Allah reward them for their efforts.
Does God exist? Atheist agrees universe is designed - Live Dawah
Does God exist? Atheist agrees universe is designed - Live Dawah
Converstion with very nice man who does not believe in god. This was outside the atheist humanist congress in norway on the dawah table. He agrees that the universe is designed. Join me on facebook: www.facebook.com
Islam in Korea - Korean People Shahada - Da'wah to Islam for Korean
Islam in Korea - Korean People Shahada - Da'wah to Islam for Korean
Islamic Dawah Center, Korea - مركز الدعوة الإسلامية في كوريا www.facebook.com Abd Al-Rashid (Park Dongshin) www.facebook.com The Light of Islam in Korea نور الإسلام في كوريا www.facebook.com 한국에 이슬람의 빛을 نور الإسلام في كوريا www.facebook.com Please Subscribe Our YouTube Channel. www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
British Man Converts to Islam - Street Dawah (Live)
British Man Converts to Islam - Street Dawah (Live)
Watch an Easy Da'wah Technique as an Englishman becomes a Muslim - Alhamdulillah Amazing Conversion and Amazing Conversation Please could you support the Da'wah by clicking the 'Like' button (Blue thumbs up !), Jazakallahu Khairan