Occupy London opens May Day with flower power


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Thousands of roses and carnations distributed on the main Liverpool Street Station concourse Tags read: “This flower is a May Day gift from Occupy London.  Please put it in water and enjoy it. There is something better out there.” Just … Continue reading

May Day – a day for all


This gallery contains 1 photo.

On 1 May, people around the world will strike. They will demand their right to decent working conditions, secure employment and pensions. This day is for all people. It isn’t just for workers lucky enough to have unions to represent … Continue reading

12 May: Global Spring – Meet the 1%


Our city has lost its pride. It’s been stolen. Our politicians, regulators and those who were meant to be looking after things sold us out. Who is benefiting? ‘We are all in this together’ never rang so hollow. There is no ‘together’ … Continue reading

MAY 15 – Drought of Democracy: Flood the British Bankers’ Association!


On 15 May it will be one year since the start of the indignados movement, and the fight against bailouts, corruption, repeating economic crises, and financial crimes continues. People are still occupying and protesting to bring about a better world. … Continue reading

Public statement from Save Leyton Marsh protestor recently served with an Olympic ASBO


My name is Simon Moore. I was recently served with an Interim Anti Social Behaviour Order (IASBO) on leaving HMP Thamesmead following four days of incarceration. I was imprisoned along with two friends: Dan & Anita. We had engaged in … Continue reading

Spring Awakening: Occupy London prepares for second wave

Occupy London announces an Open Day on Tuesday 10 April as gets ready for Occupy May. Occupy London Stock Exchange was just the beginning. Calls you to help make May the beginning of a summer the one per cent will not forget.

Occupy London is set to strike back this May as people around the world take to the streets to mark one year since the indignados reclaimed their squares in Spain and Greece, and six months since the Occupy movement went global.

The next wave is about to begin. Put May Day, 12 May and 15 May in your diary.

It’s been four years since the financial crisis hit. Governments have failed catastrophically to implement the economic change needed to prevent it happening again. They have failed to protect their citizens’ interests against those of corporations and the financial markets. Ordinary people – families, small businesses and communities – are being forced to pay for a crisis they didn’t cause. May marks an international call to act locally and globally against this injustice and to fight for a sustainable economy that puts people and the environment we live in before corporate profits.

In the UK, the millionaires’ budget confirmed that the coalition seeks to reward those at the top of society, at the expense of our health service, education and pensions. We are already seeing the fallout of extreme austerity in other European countries where the economic activity has come to a standstill and the living standards of ordinary people have reached punishing lows.

The world’s eyes are on London this year with the Jubilee, the Olympics … but we all know that the pageantry and the spectacle can’t hide what’s really happening in the UK as politicians collude with the financial elite.

Occupy London is building for its second wave. You, your group, organisation or community are called to get involved – let’s bring together concerned individuals and seasoned campaigners from across and beyond the political spectrum.

Open Day for Occupy London

The first of a number of creative events and actions leading up to May will be an Open Day event starting at 6pm Tuesday 10 April at Friends Meeting House (173-177 Euston Road NW1 2BJ). Between 6pm and 7.30pm, come and meet people involved in Occupy London’s working groups to find out how you can get involved, what they have been up to and what they are planning. At 7.30pm, get ready for some creative planning for events in May! Stay in the loop via the Facebook event for Occupy May!.

Occupy London Stock Exchange was just the beginning. Join us as we regroup to make May the beginning of a summer the one per cent will not forget.

7pm today – Occupy London Roving General Assembly at Leyton Marsh


This Friday 30 March, for the first time, takes us to the site of the Olympic games in Lee Valley in support of the Save Leyton Marshes campaign. Meet 6:30pm outside Clapton Train station to walk to the Leyton Marsh where … Continue reading

Events this weekend: Corporations v communities; education & activism


Occupy London is gearing up for Occupy May – details to be announced soon – but this weekend sees a host of events happening at its existing camps as well as around London. Highlight events include: 5.30pm Friday 23 March – Disrupt Dirty … Continue reading