Iron Leg: On Hiatus

Greetings all. I come to you today with a heavy heart. Thanks in large part to a busy schedule which only seems to get busier, I’ve decided to put Iron Leg on hiatus. I don’t want to turn out the lights and shut the door, but I am going to have to suspend regular posting [...]

Bubble Puppy – Lonely

Bubble Puppy Listen/Download – Bubble Puppy – Lonely Greetings all. Here’s hoping that the new week finds you all well, and in the mood for a little armadillo-inflected, Texas psyche-o-modelica. If you were to walk into a crowd of music snobs and casually dropped the names 13th Floor Elevators and Bubble Puppy, some folks might [...]

Radio Stars – Dirty Pictures

The Radio Stars Listen/Download – Radio Stars – Dirty Pictures Greetings all. I hope the end of the week finds you all well. The tune I bring you today is something a little later on the schedule that we’re used to here, but there is a tie in for you psyche-a-mo-delic types, so hold steady. [...]

Dance the Slurp!!

Slurp, slurp…POW!!!! Listen/Download – 7-11 – Dance the Slurp Greetings all. I hope you’re all well. I’d like to start by telling you that the mighty soul singer Solomon Burke died this past weekend, and if you dig him (or want to) head on over to Funky16Corners to check out my tribute. In another bit [...]

Raspberries – Go All the Way

The Raspberries Listen/Download – Raspberries – Go All Way the Way Greetings all. How’s by you? All is well hereabouts, aside from the usual deficit of time and energy. If I were asked to reference the first songs I remember hearing as a kid, I’d probably touch on the Mamas and Papas or Beatles, with [...]

The Buffoons – Sunday Will Never Be the Same

The Buffoons Listen/Download – Buffoons – Sunday Will Never Be The Same Greetings all. I have returned from the southern(er) regions of the mid-Atlantic, having DJ’d, purchased many records (little and big) driven hundreds of miles in less than 48 hours, eaten good food, eaten shitty food, met some cool people and then returned to [...]


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