
When I'm with you - Sheriff lyrics
When I'm with you - Sheriff lyrics
This song is just awesome. I love it. I had to make this video. My favorite line is "I never cared for nobody, like I care for you" .... I know many people find themselves into this song. So do I. Hope you like my video. Enjoy + please rate, comment, favorite. && maybe subscribe for more videos? Thanks, * Bojana

Constitution Halts Sheriff
Constitution Halts Sheriff
See follow up video!! - bit.ly @BenGilroy - bit.ly www.PeopleForEconomicJustice.com FreedomFromAllDebt.com http TV3.ie - The Morning Show - 24th (today's show - Ben Gilroy is on) On the 20 February 2012 the deputy Sheriff arrived at another Irish family's home to repossess it and give the keys to the bank in Co Laois. Thus putting another Irish family onto the streets. People from DefendOurHomesLeague.ie http UnitedLeftAlliance.org http and everyone else that was there. Ben Gilroy from "Freedom From All Debt.com" questions the sheriff outside the gates to the house and does an interview at the end of the video. Who is Ben Gilroy? (freedomfromalldebt.com We would like to applaud both the Sheriff and the An Garda Síochána for there civil manner and understanding of the Constitutional challenges being put forward. This video is released under the I hereby release this video under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Please do not edited the content but feel free to Redistribute. Download, Show at public meetings etc. (You get the idea) For photo's please see freedomfromalldebt.com Please like and leave comments. Thanks


Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference March 31
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference March 31
Filmed and Produced by www.westernjournalism.com (Western Center for Journalism) Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the lead investigator of the MCSO Cold Case Posse, Mike Zullo, presented their preliminary findings today (March 31, 2012) regarding their investigation into the "probable" forgery of Barack Obama's online birth certificate and selective service forms. This presentation was open to the public, and around one thousand attendees showed up, although mainstream media were absent. The conference took place at the Church on the Green in Sun City, Arizona. Click here to read about some of the highlights of today's presentation www.westernjournalism.com Click here for some still shot pictures from the conference that you may use: www.westernjournalism.com If you would like mirror this video, please credit it with a link to www.westernjournalism.com. Thank you!

Full Video of Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference 3/1/12 - Obama Eligibility Cold Case Investigation
Full Video of Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference 3/1/12 - Obama Eligibility Cold Case Investigation
**UPDATE There is a marginally better-quality upload of this video (in 480p instead of the crap 240p, which was all I was able to find at the time when I first looked for it). CAUSE I WANT YA TO SEE THE BEST ONE, HERE IS THE LINK TO THE BETTER QUALITY VERSION: www.youtube.com sheilaaliens.net Source: youtu.be "Produced by WesternJournalism.com Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, referred to by many as "America's toughest sheriff," held a landmark press conference today along with an investigative "Cold Case Posse" consisting of former law enforcement officers and lawyers with law enforcement experience. He alleged, among other things, that President Barack Hussein Obama's birth certificate was a computer-generated forgery. His entire press conference can be viewed here. The pdf report he released to press can be viewed here www.westernjournalism.com Videos that accompanied press conference can be viewed here: www.westernjournalism.com "

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama's Records Are Missing + Mike Zullo, Jerome Corsi Full Interviews.
Sheriff Arpaio: Obama's Records Are Missing + Mike Zullo, Jerome Corsi Full Interviews.
www.infowars.com The Obama records which have not been released include; Passport records, Obama kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules (said to be lost), Medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth. State Representative Carl Seel, who introduced the bill, was joined by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, State Senator Lori Klein, and others in support of the bill. Important new information was revealed during the news conference including a request by Sheriff Joe Arpaio to the current head of the Selective Service Board to investigate the criminal forgery committed in the case of Barack Obama's Selective Service registration. In addtion, Carl Seel reveals some of the resistance that other Republicans are creating to stop the bill from even heading to a vote. The bill will require Barack Obama, or any candidate seeking to be on the Arizona ballot, to certify eligibility for the office they are seeking. This will essentially require Barack Obama to certify his eligibility if he wants to be on the ballot this year in Arizona. This could potentially be a game-changing piece of legislation.

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama's Records Are Missing
Sheriff Arpaio: Obama's Records Are Missing
The Obama records which have not been released include; Passport records, Obama kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules(said to be lost), Medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth. [see Arpaio News Conference below] www.youtube.com news conference at the Arizona Capitol announcing new legislation based on Sheriff Joe Arpaio's investigation findings. State Representative Carl Seel, who introduced the bill, was joined by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, State Senator Lori Klein, and others in support of the bill. Important new information was revealed during the news conference including a request by Sheriff Joe Arpaio to the current head of the Selective Service Board to investigate the criminal forgery committed in the case of Barack Obama's Selective Service registration. Inaddion, Carl Seel reveals some of the resistance that other Republicans are creating to stop the bill from even heading to a vote. The bill will require Barack Obama, or any candidate seeking to be on the Arizona ballot, to certify eligibility for the office they are seeking. This will essentially require Barack Obama to <b>...</b>

TBTF Sheriff Bill Black on the MF Global Cover-up: "All those that doeth Evil hateth the light!"
TBTF Sheriff Bill Black on the MF Global Cover-up: "All those that doeth Evil hateth the light!"
Follow us @ twitter.com twitter.com Welcome to Capital Account. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas says Dodd-Frank did not end too big to fail, and says we must downsize the TBTF monsters in the view of Richard Fisher. This, as some US lawmakers are working to push back the timeline for a key part of Dodd-Frank, the Volcker Rule...a rule regulators and banks already appear to be hollowing out. We'll look at what the costs of these actions could be Meanwhile, the "Corzine Rule" is reportedly gaining momentum -- this would restrict what brokerage firms can do with customer money. Before looking forward -- what about the unanswered questions and accountability in the MF Global bankruptcy and what we consider theft of customer money? We'll talk to William K. Black, the former regulator who oversaw prosecutions of bankers for fraud during the S&L crisis to find out what it would take to see justice in this case. We will discuss some of the peculiarities surrounding the MF Global bankruptcy, the decision by CFTC chairman Gary Gensler to proceed with a Chapter 11 bankruptcy as per the SEC, with a SIPA/SIPC liquidation for the brokerage unit, which put the customers on even footing with the creditors, instead of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for the entire company. We ask Bill Black if this is an example of control fraud and regulatory capture, and where a crime has been committed here. Meanwhile, do you think we have enough lawyers in the US already? Well, you may be happy to hear this <b>...</b>

It's Official: Sheriff Arpaio's Investigation Finds Obama's Birth Certificate is a Forgery
It's Official: Sheriff Arpaio's Investigation Finds Obama's Birth Certificate is a Forgery
It's official: Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's investigation concluded that Barack H. Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate is NOT authentic. Sheriff Arpaio also uncovered FRAUD regarding Obama's Selective Service Registration Card. More information on Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate Forgery can be found at: thedailypen.blogspot.com FBI -- WARNING -- Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called fair use and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.

Sheriff Trades Meth for Sex
Sheriff Trades Meth for Sex
Arapahoe County Sheriff Patrick J. Sullivan Jr. was arrested for attempting to trade meth for sex. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss his arrest and some ironic things about this case. www.thedenverchannel.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

Sheriffs Stand TALL for the Constitution
Sheriffs Stand TALL for the Constitution
Why the meeting? Go to ConstitutionalSheriffs.com Help support our sheriffs by visiting http - SupportRuralAmerica.com - http Here are eight county sheriffs from Northern CA and Southern OR speaking on at panel at the Defend Rural America event October 22, 2011 in Yreka. Despite the low media coverage there were about 700 people in attendance from all over California, Oregon and as far away as Wyoming. The sheriffs made it perfectly clear that they are the last line of defense for their citizens and given authority by the 10th Amendment. YOU will be a source of information beyond the lame stream media by forwarding this link! For further information: www.SiskiyouCountyWaterUsers.com www.DefendRuralAmerica.com www.PieNPolitics.com www.ReddingTeaParty.com http For information on the Constitutional Sheriff visit www.ConstitutionalSheriffs.com "JUMP TO" important parts of the video by selecting "SHOW MORE" below. Chapter markers (click the link to jump to topic) 00 Event starts 01:18 Introduction: Sheriff Jon Lopey Siskiyou County CA 02:29 Sheriffs and the Constitution? 03:15 Why are the Sheriffs involved? 10:15 Sheriff Dean Wilson Del Norte County CA 11:26 Sheriff Wilson talks about the Oath of Office 11:53 Government land access restrictions Travel Management Plan 17:50 Sheriff Bruce Haney Trinity County CA We're in it together 18:00 The Travel Plan is to keep us off the roads 19:55 We need to educate our youth 22:00 Pledges to stand with the sheriffs 22:48 Sheriff Tom <b>...</b>

The County Sheriff Project with Sheriff Richard Mack 1/2
The County Sheriff Project with Sheriff Richard Mack 1/2
Over a hundred sheriffs from across the country came together at this convention to hear presentations on a wide variety of topics relevant to the powers and rights of their constitutional duties and oaths of office. It was a powerfully moving conference, and many videos are now online for your viewing at The County Sheriff Project YouTube Channel. www.sheriffmack.com www.countysheriffproject.org www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com [I'm Running for Congress in Texas] sheriffmackforcongress.com

LA Sheriff Punches Special Needs Woman In The Face On A Bus
LA Sheriff Punches Special Needs Woman In The Face On A Bus
A Metro passenger used his cell phone's video camera to capture a confrontation between a woman and two LA County sheriff's deputies on a bus in Bellflower. The over aggressive sheriff's punch, to a young woman's face wasn't even necessary!!! Damn shame! Then the dirty sheriff, wants to take the cell phone, of the soldier who recorded it!! Just imagine how much other dirt is hidden, and covered up by dirty cops!!! The world will never know!! HERE IS A CLEAR PIC OF THE SHERIFF, WHO PUNCHED THE YOUNG SPECIAL NEEDS WOMAN ((( twitpic.com )))

Los Angeles Sheriff's Academy
Los Angeles Sheriff's Academy
Black Monday - the First Day of the Academy

Arizona Sheriff Explains Fast And Furious
Arizona Sheriff Explains Fast And Furious
Sheriff Paul Babeu implicates Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department as accomplices in the crimes involving weapons used in the "Fast and Furious" scandal.

When I'm With You
When I'm With You
Jammy vid to one of my favorite 80's tunes - When I'm With You - by Sheriff.

Sheriff McGyro
Sheriff McGyro
Buy the game: itunes.apple.com In an ordinary little town on the frontier, the problems are far from ordinary. But there is one man who can take care of everything... Made for YoctoGames.com Voice actors Eric Gusky, Joanna Henning-Johnson. voiceovertogo.com Music by Piggy Jazz www.lastfm.ru

Monster Ballads - When I'm With You (Sheriff)
Monster Ballads - When I'm With You (Sheriff)
Artist: Sheriff Song: When I'm With You Album: Monster Ballads Platinum Edition (Disc 2) Year 2005 you can buy it online from here: www.amazon.com I DO NOT OWN THIS VIDEO OR MUSIC, PROMOCIONAL USE ONLY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY ITS OWNERS. lyrics: I never needed love like I need you And I never lived for nobody, but I live for you Oooh, babe, lost in love is what I feel when I'm with you Maybe it's the way you touch me with the warmth of a sun Maybe it's the way you smile, I come all undone Oooh, babe, lost in love is that I feel when I'm with you Baby, oh I get chills when I'm with you Baby, my world stands still when I'm with you When I'm with you I never cared for nobody like I care for you And I never wanted to share the things I want to share with you Oooh, babe, lost in love is what I feel when I'm with you Baby, oh I get chills when I'm with you Baby, my world stands still when I'm with you When I'm with you Baby, oh I get chills when I'm with you Baby, my world stands still when I'm with you When I'm with you When I'm with you When I'm with you

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I'm Not Going to Back Down from Obama's Identity Document Fraud Investigation
Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I'm Not Going to Back Down from Obama's Identity Document Fraud Investigation
Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I'm Not Going to Back Down from Obama's Identity Document Fraud Investigation - www.BirtherReport.com

Jerome Corsi: Breitbart's Last Contact Was With Sheriff Joe Arpaio! 1/2
Jerome Corsi: Breitbart's Last Contact Was With Sheriff Joe Arpaio! 1/2
The news conference of Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Barack Obama's Birth Certificate yielded one fascinating back story. This is a story which has received no media coverage, but it deserves to get out. This back story is about Andrew's last hours. In those last hours he was working with Sheriff Arpaio to get the truth about Obama's fraudulent birth certificate out to a wider audience. www.jeromecorsi.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com