What is medicaid?
What is medicaid?
An informative video on Medicaid and how it affects Texans.
What Is Medicaid?
What Is Medicaid?
www.esuremenow.com Welcome toPart 13 of 16 Long Term Care Insurance Videos from eSuremenow.com. In this video we shortly explain what Medicaid is. Does Medicaid pay for your Long Term Care expenses? You can find more answers to your Long Term Care Insurance Questions in our Long Term Care Insurance Guide at http and can also get your competitive Long Term Care Quotes from our experts at www.esuremenow.com Gurhan Gary Demirkan 703-763-4902 www.esuremenow.com Follow me on my other great sites www.esuremenowblog.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Quality Direct Mail Marketing Sites leadsquest.com www.facebook.com twitter.com
FinLitTV® - What Is Medicaid
FinLitTV® - What Is Medicaid
Medicaid is a government funded health insurance program for people with few resources who are not able to afford their healthcare. The Medicaid program pays the healthcare provider directly for the care for the person who qualifies. It does not matter how old or young you are to qualify for Medicaid so young people whose parents do not have enough money can get healthcare through Medicaid. Like Medicare though, the federal government does not have a lot of resources to continue to pay for Medicaid and this program could experience cut-backs like the Medicare health insurance program for people who are over 65 years of age.
Ron Paul - End Medicare, Social Security & Medicaid?
Ron Paul - End Medicare, Social Security & Medicaid?
Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) speaks with MSNBC host Cenk Uygur about why he voted against the Ryan budget and what programs he'd like to cut. Ron Paul Admits He's cut Social Security & Meidcare if elected President: 04:42
A Life Under Medicaid
A Life Under Medicaid
When Gracie Scarrow, 94, was diagnosed with congestive heart failure she didn't have the money to pay for the care she needed. With her daughter Lela's help, Gracie turned to Medicaid. The program pays for her nursing home, and they couldn't be happier with the care.
Ohio Medicaid Russian Drug Smuggling Investigation
Ohio Medicaid Russian Drug Smuggling Investigation
Two men posing as wealthy Russian Drug Smugglers get told not to put their exotic sports cars on the Medicaid application, to classify their drug business as "babysitting," and to get abortions for their underage sisters who perform sex in exchange for drugs. John Buckley as Sergei Spencer Meads as Afghani ProjectVeritas.com Promoting Modern-Day Muckrakers
How to Apply For Medicaid in Florida Online
How to Apply For Medicaid in Florida Online
Medicaid Florida Application step by step how to apply online
Entitlement Bandits Rob Medicaid/Medicare
Entitlement Bandits Rob Medicaid/Medicare
Subscribe: bit.ly Read more: bit.ly The three most salient characteristics of Medicare and Medicaid fraud are: It's brazen, it's ubiquitous, and it's other people's money, so nobody cares. The incentive problems that these programs create for lawmakers, health care providers and patients are effectively baked into the entitlement cake. Michael F. Cannon, director of the Cato Institute's health policy studies, describes the problems. Video produced by Caleb O. Brown and Austin Bragg.
Obama: Cut Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid
Obama: Cut Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid
Richard Eskow of Campaign For America's Future explains President Obama's grand bargain which includes cuts to social security, medicare and medicaid. The Largest Online News Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Subscribe: bit.ly FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com Read Cenk's Blog: www.huffingtonpost.com
Michele Bachmann Medicaid Payments
Michele Bachmann Medicaid Payments
2012 Republican presidential hopeful and Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann's husband has collected Medicaid payments for several years for a Christian Counseling Clinic. Cenk Uygur an Ana Kasparian discuss. The Largest Online News Show in the World. Facebook: www.facebook.com Subscribe: bit.ly TYT Mobile: bit.ly Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com Read Cenk's Blog: www.huffingtonpost.com
Obamacare at the Supreme Court: Day Three (2/2)
Obamacare at the Supreme Court: Day Three (2/2)
blog.heritage.org | The Court's afternoon session focused on whether Congress's conditions on the states to continue to participate in the Medicaid program were constitutionally coercive. The two sessions were largely distinct but had some overlapping aspects. Heritage's Todd Gaziano joined us after the final session to discuss what transpired in the courtroom and his overall impressions of the past three days of oral arguments.
Michael Moore on Medicare & Medicaid
Michael Moore on Medicare & Medicaid
Michael Moore, director of "Sicko", comments on US Medicare and Medicaid system at a private screening of his movie in NYC held on 6/17/07. Visit peppini or fealgoodfoundation.com.
Bronx, NY Planned Parenthood tells pimp he can pose as "guardian" for underage sex slaves
Bronx, NY Planned Parenthood tells pimp he can pose as "guardian" for underage sex slaves
NYC Planned Parenthood Supervisor, Employee Shown Willing to Assist Pimp/Sex Trafficker With Girls As Young As 13 Supervisor and Staffer Serve Up Business As Usual, Counsel When Pimp Tells of Underage Girls Being Used for "Sex Work" Media contact: Colleen O'Boyle, media@liveaction.org, (703) 683-5004 ext. 122 General phone: (323) 454-3304 Learn more at liveaction.org/blog
Michigan Medicaid Protesting family1
Michigan Medicaid Protesting family1
A look at how the proposed Michigan Medicaid budget cuts will affect Special Needs children and their families.
NYC Super Mario Medicaid Investigation
NYC Super Mario Medicaid Investigation
Mario walks into Medicaid office and says he is an unemployed plumber. The Medicaid official encourages him not to talk about his illegal mushrooms, and how to account for his illegitimate income with a legitimate source.
Stealth-Unionization Scheme Bleeds Medicaid
Stealth-Unionization Scheme Bleeds Medicaid
Robert and Patricia Haynes of Macomb Township take care of their adult children — Melissa, 34, and Kevin, 30 — who suffer from hypertonic cerebral palsy and function at the level of six-month-olds. Now, some of the Medicaid assistance that is supposed to go to the Haynes family is being diverted to the coffers of the Service Employee International Union. The Hayneses are not alone. Under this arrangement, the SEIU has skimmed nearly $29 million from 56000 Michigan home health care providers, most of whom are self-employed or family members caring for loved ones. In 2005, the SEIU held a virtually unpublicized election that roped these providers into the union — even though more than 80 percent of them did not vote. In June 2011, the Michigan House passed legislation that would prevent people from being designated government employees simply because they receive a subsidy. Michigan's Senate Republicans, who hold a supermajority, have not considered the bill, allowing the SEIU to collect $4 million more over the intervening eight months.
Indiana's Medicaid Waiver Program
Indiana's Medicaid Waiver Program
The Arc of Indiana produced this video to provide information on Indiana's Medicaid Waiver Program. Medicaid waivers provide home and community-based supports to people with disabilities.
Obama: $15B From Stimulus Going to Medicaid Plan
Obama: $15B From Stimulus Going to Medicaid Plan
President Barack Obama told the nation's governors Monday that the administration is quickly releasing $15 billion from the stimulus package to help them cover soaring Medicaid costs. (Feb. 23)
The Many Faces of Medicaid
The Many Faces of Medicaid
Medicaid is the key source of health care coverage for low income families, disabled and poor, elderly South Carolinians. Yet few people really understand how the Medicaid program works or who and what it covers and doesnt cover. Listen to the stories of how Medicaid plays a critical part in the health of the states citizens and economy.
How Does Health Reform Expand Medicaid, and Who Pays?
How Does Health Reform Expand Medicaid, and Who Pays?
The health reform law will expand Medicaid coverage to 16 million Americans, beginning in 2014. This video explains who will be newly eligible for Medicaid, and how the expense for these new Medicaid recipients will be divided between the federal government and state governments. Featuring Diane Rowland, executive vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation. This video is part of a series produced by the non-partisan Alliance for Health Reform in Washington, DC (allhealth.org). Our aim is to explain simply and in concrete terms the major provisions of the health reform law (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010). The series is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. To suggest questions that you would like to have answered in this series, please send an email to BillErwin@allhealth.org
The Painful Price of Medicaid | The New School
The Painful Price of Medicaid | The New School
A Center for New York City Affairs Forum | newschool.edu The fast-rising cost of Medicaid is one of the most pressing issues facing the governments of New York City and New York State. One in four New Yorkers is served by this system of insurance, which now costs an average of $1 billion per week. Health care for low-income people and long-term care for disabled and older people is more expensive than ever. Medicaid costs are growing faster than the state's budget, and this gap is widening. Governor Andrew Cuomo's new Medicaid Redesign Team made recommendations that would result in nearly $3 billion in savings. With those recommendations now made public, what is the future of Medicaid in New York? And what are the implications for New York City's families? THE NEW SCHOOL | www.newschool.edu Remarks by * Jason Helgerson, Medicaid director, State of New York. * Robert Doar, commissioner NYC Human Resources Administration. Followed by a conversation with: * Alyssa Aguilera, community organizer, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest. * Elizabeth Lynam, vice president, Citizens Budget Committee. * Barbara Lyons, Director of The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Kaiser Family Foundation. Moderated by Anemona Hartocollis, reporter, the New York Times. MILANO THE NEW SCHOOL FOR MANAGEMENT AND URBAN POLICY | www.newschool.edu This event is supported by the Sirus Fund and the Milano Foundation. Location: Wollman Hall, Eugene Lang Building, 65 West 11th Street. 04 <b>...</b>