Hard on drugs – or on hard drugs?

October 19th, 2005

Top Tories on drugs? Whatever next.

With the Tory leadership race in full swing, we felt obliged to come out of retirement.

In honour of David Cameron, we offer this roll-up-and-keep commerative banknote.

David Cameron commemorative bank note

Cameron once called himself the “Coke candidate”, meaning he was “the real thing”. At least that’s what we assumed he meant.

Incidentally, we suspect the cocaine claims are an elaborate ruse to persuade the kids that Class A’s aren’t cool.

Howard’s end

May 6th, 2005

Michael Howard conceded defeat at 4.20am this morning.

Our work here is done – for the time being.

Don’t forget…

May 5th, 2005

…polling stations are open 7am – 10pm today.

Vote wisely and keep Michael Howard out of Number 10.

Taking it to the streets (part 5)

May 5th, 2005

More billboard masterpieces for your delight…

Poster crime soars but Labour puts gloss on it
Anlaby Road, Hull (Thanks Bobby)

Imagine 5 more years of bliss

I'd still think Tories are scum

Wood Lane, London (Thanks to Cybermuppet)

Readers’ roundup

May 3rd, 2005

Nick Cohen - Pretty Straight Guys

A quick roundup of our last minute pre-election reading:

  • Nick Cohen’s Pretty Straight Guys is our favourite critique of the New Labour project
  • Piers Morgan’s The Insider tells all on Blair and Iraq from the view of the then Mirror editor’s desk
  • Christopher Hitchen’s Letters to a Young Contrarian stresses the importance of asking tricky questions
  • The Liar by Luke Harding et al expertly disects the fall of Tory MP Jonathan Aitken

Hate Mail (part 2)

May 2nd, 2005

Hate Mail

The Daily Mail
peddles a despicable cocktail of hatred, bigotry and fear.

We’re delighted to learn that concerned citizens have knocked up a spoof.

It’s called – somewhat inevitably – the Hate Mail [PDF], and 30,000 copies are being distributed nationwide.

Middle England’s house paper is guilty of many crimes, not least supporting fascism in the 30s.

British fascist leader Oswald Mosley was praised beneath the headline Hurrah for the Blackshirts.

The paper’s proprietor Lord Rothermere also wrote to congratulate Hitler months before the outbreak of war with Germany.

The rag continues to offer a daily diet of spite today, with immigrants bearing the brunt.

An anonymous ex-employee sums the paper up perfectly:

“The ideal Daily Mail story leaves the reader hating somebody or something”

It’s my party…

April 28th, 2005

Channel 4 log

Fed up of the usual election news?

Channel 4′s coverage takes a surreal turn with their spoof political broadcasts.

They commissioned films for the three main parties from Lee Ford and Dan Brooks, the duo responsible for the controversial ‘suicide bomber’ spoof VW Polo ad.

Ford said:

“We set about creating the kind of broadcasts the three main parties would like to make if there were no regulations and they didn’t have to be politically correct.”

See all three at Channel4.com.

April 28th, 2005

How will spending £35 billion less on public services improve them?

UNISON has launched a spoof ad campaign based on Tory election posters.

The public service union’s version of the billboards asks:

“‘What are the Tories thinking of? – use your vote to stop them’

We couldn’t agree more. More details at the UNISON site.

Hate mail

April 26th, 2005

Want to tell the right-wing tabloids how you feel?

Then download handy campaign sticker templates here.

Taking it to the streets (part 4)

April 25th, 2005

Are you thinking what we’re thinking? Of course not.

Here’s another bumper crop of defaced Tory billboards.

As one visitor noted, what they lack in subtlety, they gain in enthusiasm.

Imagine 5 Tory years of shit

Hospital killers bugs treble since Tories

How would you feel if the Tories won this erection?

Stupid Tory bastards

Tory racists