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}    New website offers easy access to information on European Standards European Standards Organisations enlarge membership to include Turkey Market take-up of innovation – role of European Standards The European Standards Organizations welcome the proposal for HORIZON 2020Prague Anti-bureaucratic award granted to CEN and CENELEC       img { float:right; }    New Connect now available! Issue 7 of the CEN-CENELEC NewsletterNew Connect now available! Get a glimpse of the latest news in the world of European standardization during the third quarter of 2011.New Connect Issue 2 now available! Get a glimpse of the latest news in the world of European Standardization during the second Quarter of 2011      img { float:right; }    Workshop on the application of standards in nuclear installations Application of IEC/SC 45A and CLC/TC 45AX standardsEuropean Standardisation Summit 2012 - ‘Towards a sustainable economy’  Hosted by the Bulgarian Institute for Standardisation (BDS)StandarDays  17 and 18 April 2012 CEN-CENELEC Sector Forum "Energy Management" Seminar 2012 Global Energy Challenge and Energy Transition - The role of Energy Management and related standards            >>More information on StandarDays                 Browse by technology sector      Electric Vehicles Smart Grids Smart Metering Household Appliances Information and Communication Technology Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Other sectors                                          European Electrotechnical Standardization: your key to success Interconnecting the world for a better living: standardization supports the electrotechnical industry by removing barriers to trade; ensuring quality, safety and health for citizens; and stimulating innovation

              European Electrotechnical Standardization: your key to success Interconnecting the world for a better living: standardization supports the electrotechnical industry by removing barriers to trade; ensuring quality, safety and health for citizens; and stimulating innovation

            European Electrotechnical Standardization: your key to success Interconnecting the world for a better living: standardization supports the electrotechnical industry by removing barriers to trade; ensuring quality, safety and health for citizens; and stimulating innovation

            European Electrotechnical Standardization: your key to success Interconnecting the world for a better living: standardization supports the electrotechnical industry by removing barriers to trade; ensuring quality, safety and health for citizens; and stimulating innovation

            European Electrotechnical Standardization: your key to success Interconnecting the world for a better living: standardization supports the electrotechnical industry by removing barriers to trade; ensuring quality, safety and health for citizens; and stimulating innovation

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