
Compiling and Optimizing Scripting Languages
Compiling and Optimizing Scripting Languages
Google Tech Talks March 18, 2009 ABSTRACT Presented by Paul Biggar, Department of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College, Dublin. Scripting languages offer unique challenges to compiler writers. Challenges to compilation include undefined and changing language semantics, and run-time code generation. However, optimizing compilers face greater challenges still. Scripting languages offer many run-time features which are difficult to optimize, including run-time typing, run-time aliasing, run-time class and function definitions and run-time code generation. I discuss these problems, and a great number of their solutions, in relation to phc (phpcompiler.org), our optimizing ahead-of-time compiler for PHP.

Google I/O 2010 - A JIT Compiler for Android's Dalvik VM
Google I/O 2010 - A JIT Compiler for Android's Dalvik VM
Google I/O 2010 - A JIT Compiler for Android's Dalvik VM Android 301 Ben Cheng, Bill Buzbee In this session we will outline the design of a JIT Compiler suitable for embedded Android devices. Topics will include an architectural overview, the rationale for design decisions and the special support for JIT verification, testing and tuning. For all I/O 2010 sessions, please go to code.google.com

Lec 1 | MIT 6.035 Computer Language Engineering, Fall 2005
Lec 1 | MIT 6.035 Computer Language Engineering, Fall 2005
Course Administration Information and Overview View the complete course: ocw.mit.edu License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at ocw.mit.edu More courses at ocw.mit.edu

Game Programming Tutorial 2 - Compilers and Interpreters
Game Programming Tutorial 2 - Compilers and Interpreters
elysianshadows.com The second video of our game development programming tutorial series has arrived. Kendall Hyatt (engine programmer of Elysian Shadows) walks us through each step of the compilation process. We take an in-depth look at exactly what happens during each phase, and why these are essential in the process of transforming your program from a string of characters to something a CPU can execute. We also take a look at the differences between compilers and interpreters and discuss the pros and cons of each. Finally, we look at languages and runtimes that are both compiled and interpreted (dynamic translation) such as JIT compilers (.NET) and Virtual Machines (Java). If you're looking to learn more about the mathematics, computer science, and engineering involved in game development, we encourage you to join our forum of fellow indie developers at elysianshadows.com

Source SDK - Speed up compiling
Source SDK - Speed up compiling
Can't find the tutorial you need? Visit here tinyurl.com For further help, ask on these forums www.ubermicro.proboards82.com Compiling your new map can take ages. This video shows every possible way of making it take less time. Just noticed that all 3 possible thumbnails for this video are more interesting than any other Source tutorial one I've ever had before. Should I choose to represent this video with a load of spherical doors floating in the air, a shadowy area of a map or a level full of squares? Oh the possibilities. ALSO, for those of you who want to run VIS normally (ie, get good framerates on your maps)... you can. The big hollow skybox method is bad. Very bad. I tell people to use it to save me like, 2 hours a day explaining to people that they've got a gap letting the blackness in from outside the map. Below I'll tell you how you're meant to do skyboxes. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK, if it causes leaks then you have got a gap some where, follow the grid and all is easy, though from past experience I don't know many people who do. Place the skybox like a 'wall' around your map. If you have a courtyard, think of the skybox as an extension to the four walls. You could just make it like a ceiling to the courtyard, but then people who enjoy spamming the level up with smoke grenades get angry when they bounce off nothingness. Section the skybox off into various areas- if you have two outdoor areas, you don't have to be able to travel from one to the other from above <b>...</b>

Cross-Compiling Android Applications to the iPhone
Cross-Compiling Android Applications to the iPhone
Google Tech Talk February 25, 2010 ABSTRACT Presented by Professor Arno Puder, SF State University. Smart phones such as Google's Android and Apple's iPhone have become popular devices for mobile applications. In particular, both devices allow the development of native applications that can take advantage of special purpose hardware such as accelerometers or GPS. While similar in capabilities, smart phones differ greatly in the way native applications have to be written for them. Google's Android is based on Java with an Android-specific set of widgets, while Apple's iPhone only supports Objective-C as the programming language of choice. In fact, Apple explicitly prohibits Java virtual machines on the iPhone per license agreement. Objective-C and Java are two radically different programming languages. While Java features strong typing and garbage collection, Objective-C supports dynamic typing but no garbage collection. In this presentation we will describe a technique how Java-based Android applications can be cross-compiled to native iPhone applications. We will demonstrate how Java can be cross-compiled to Objective-C and how the Android API can be mapped to the iPhone-specific Cocoa API. One specific outcome of our work is that native iPhone applications can also be developed in Java. Several demos will be given throughout the presentation. The source code is available under an Open Source license at xmlvm.org. Arno Puder is an Associate Professor at the San Francisco <b>...</b>

GNU Compiler Collection dev history 1989-2012
GNU Compiler Collection dev history 1989-2012
More than 20 years of GCC development under a graphical form. (made possible by Gource code.google.com The music is composed by Tryad (tryad.org) under a CC licence (http Thanks goes to Shackra & Majamalu for helping me on this, thanks guys, GNU operating system developers for their awesome work on GCC, all the open source and free software developers out there :) This video is made entirely with free software (as in freedom) If you liked this video please donate so we can make some more Bitcoin address 12d8NJq5a9F1c19ph4LpuxYNuRe8NCEmZ4 (goo.gl

How to Compile Android from Source Code
How to Compile Android from Source Code
Ever wonder how developers on XDA take the source code released to the AOSP and create ROMs? While creating software for your phone isn't as easy as this (you also need lots of drivers), the process for compiling Android isn't that difficult. In this video, Shen tells you about the process. For the full steps, check out this link: bit.ly

In this video, we explain how to compile the source code for the Free College Algebra Book available at www.stitz-zeager.com

Delphi 64-bit Compiler Sneak Preview
Delphi 64-bit Compiler Sneak Preview
www.embarcadero.com Join Embarcadero's David Intersimone as he takes you for a tour of the Delphi 64-bit compiler. See how you can take advantage of the benefits of 64-bit and the simple steps to get ready. Visit the preview page to sign up for the beta.

C++ Tutorial - 1 - Installing Compiler for C++
C++ Tutorial - 1 - Installing Compiler for C++
Part 2 - www.youtube.com Make sure to Subscribe to my Channel for all my latest videos!!! support my website too by registering at www.thenewboston.com

Compiling and configuring Boost C++ libraries for Visual Studio 2010
Compiling and configuring Boost C++ libraries for Visual Studio 2010
This video demonstrates how to compile the Boost C++ Libraries for VC++ 10.0. It will then show how to configure Visual Studio 2010, making it ready for use in your own C++ projects. You can download the source code at: toefel.nl For a good detailed description, you can also check out this page: stackoverflow.com I hope it helps, Christophe Hesters ( www.toefel.nl )

HipHop Compiler for PHP? Transforming PHP into C++
HipHop Compiler for PHP? Transforming PHP into C++
(May 5, 2010) Haiping Zhao, the Senior Server Engineer at Facebook, discusses how PHP, an easy to use programming language, can be transformed into semantically equivalent C++ to solve performance problems associated with the language and speed up PHP execution. Stanford University: www.stanford.edu Stanford School of Engineering: soe.stanford.edu Stanford Engineering Everywhere: see.stanford.edu Stanford University Channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com

Gentoo: 10 years compiling codeswarm
Gentoo: 10 years compiling codeswarm
This video was generated by Gentoo Developer, Patrick Lauer, using codeswarm. It visualizes more than 10 years of commits to the Gentoo portage tree. Its a rather exciting experience to watch milestone after milestone dance on the screen. This is definite proof that Gentoo is not dead, nor is it dying. Please watch and enjoy! Your comments are welcome. [edit] The video's creator has posted some more information here: gentooexperimental.org

Tutorial: Android Kernel Configure, Compile & Install (Part 1)
Tutorial: Android Kernel Configure, Compile & Install (Part 1)
Social Media Contacts: twitter.com ohheyitslou.blogspot.com www.facebook.com Step by Step Instructions: goo.gl

How to Compile and Run C/C++ program in Ubuntu
How to Compile and Run C/C++ program in Ubuntu
This video shows how you can Compile and Run C/C++ program in Ubuntu. We assume that your Ubuntu has gcc/g++ compiler installed already. It has been recorded in Ubuntu 10.10

Botnet - Compiling & Building /PART 2
Botnet - Compiling & Building /PART 2
This is only for general purposes. This tutorial was made by X-Shock, also known as Soulstoler. Download Botnet Pack from: www.mediafire.com . Botnet Supplies contains SDK, RxBOT source, service pack 6 and Microsoft Visual C++ 6. The whole packet contains also mIRC client and server. Made for hackforums.net. My comment: Not the best video, but still shows you how you get botnet running. YOU NEED A WORKING IRC SERVER!!

Compiling and configuring the OpenCV library for use with Visual Studio 2010
Compiling and configuring the OpenCV library for use with Visual Studio 2010
This video tutorial shows how to build OpenCV with TBB (threading building blocks) support for Visual Studio 2010. When building is finished, I also demonstrate how to configure Visual Studio 2010 so you can compile and run programs that use OpenCV. I used OpenCV 2.1.0 because OpenCV 2.2.0 contains a bug on windows 7 when using the webcam. This is not fixed yet in the downloadable package from the OpenCV website. I hope it helps, Christophe Hesters ( www.toefel.nl ) Download the source code here toefel.nl Face Detection and and Face Recognition using OpenCV is demonstrated here: www.youtube.com

Compile From Source ( Aka Install tar.gz, tarball ) Part 1 - Ubuntu 10.04
Compile From Source ( Aka Install tar.gz, tarball ) Part 1 - Ubuntu 10.04
maketecheasier.com gelide.sourceforge.net Playlist www.youtube.com Neo has to go to the machine mainframe, where the path of the one ends =) u need to install build-essentials 0) install any dependency the program ask 1) download and extract file desire 2) cd into the folder 3) ./configure no error? great next step bitch 4) make 5) sudo make install done to uninstall, cd into the folder sudo make uninstall