Investor Centre

Property Investment Map

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Click and drag the notch to the new zoom level. It will snap to the nearest if dropped between two notches.
Scrolls map a half-screen in direction of arrow clicked.
Colours denote areas of maximum values (saturated colours) to minimum values (light hues).

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From mean streets to green streets

The Convesso development in Docklands is praised for its green credentials.

Kath Dolan Sustainable developments are forcing landlords to lift their game to stay competitive.


Market Talk VIC

Stuck in neutral

For sale

Enzo Raimondo Property prices have remained flat, according to REIV figures for the March quarter.


The power of one

The appeal of one-bedroom units is expected to increase.

Chris Tolhurst As space and affordability dwindle, the single-bedroom era dawns.


Market Wrap

Weekend auction results

auction sign

Take a look at the auction results from around the country. We've also included some handy information to explain what they really mean.

Investor Blog

A bex and a lie down

Interest rates.

Chris Vedelago Punditry, property industry - and the media - make promises on interest rates they can't deliver.

Comments 25

Secret government business, part II


Chris Vedelago The government rejects my rejection of their rejection of my freedom of information request.

Comments 41
