• One can be the loveliest number

    Far from being a sad and lonely existence, living alone has a lot going for it, as Chrissie Swan reminisces.

    Chrissie Swan ... Loving life, but missing the old days.
  • This is why we need to vaccinate: Kaliah's story

    If you're against vaccination, or just aren’t vaccinated, I really hope my little girl’s story changes your mind.

    Chelsey with Kaliah before she fell ill.
  • Peaches Geldof: "I'm a mummy!"

    Peaches Geldof has given birth to a son - and, in true celeb fashion, has given him a not-so-common name.

    Peaches Geldof
  • Pinky McKay: The good mummy rules

    They say babies don't come with an instruction manual, but many mums try to live up to the 'good mummy rules' anyway. Pinky McKay shares her guidelines for how to tell if a piece of advice might work for you and your baby.

    Enjoying your baby - and not trying to live up to impractical or unrealistic advice - is what really matters.
  • Alternative parenting practices

    From freebirthing to lotus birthing, raising your children with no gender to raising them with no formal education, it seems there's a parenting philosophy to suit every family.

    Actresses Alicia Silverstone and January Jones have both chosen to take part in practices that aren't part of the mainstream parenting culture.


What is my luteal phase?

Knowing the length of your luteal phase allows you to more accurately predict at what point in your cycle ovulation occurs - and makes getting pregnant easier.

Racing biological clock has risks


Older mothers are driving an increase in the number of premature babies, reports Rachel Browne.

Fertility is not infinite

Where do babies come from?

Generation Y says why not to babies

Prue Corlette's Blog: The embryo decision: use, donate, destroy or research?


Spotting and cramping in pregnancy

Brooke Tasovac Many women experience spotting and cramping in the first trimester of pregnancy – in fact, one out of every two or three pregnant women experience some bleeding. While these symptoms can be nothing to worry about for the majority of women, it's a good idea to keep track of them and to get medical attention.

How to get the best from your midwife or doctor

Doctor with pregnant woman.

Your midwife or doctor plays a pivotal role during your pregnancy and early postnatal period, and the quality of care they provide may vary. Here, a midwife gives some advice on how to gain the most from your antenatal visits.

Breath test to detect smoking in pregnancy

Push for alcohol warnings to save babies

Miranda Kerr's advice to fellow mummy models

Jessica Simpson's TMI pregnancy moments


Bruce Willis welcomes fourth daughter

Bruce Willis has become a father again after his fourth daughter was born on Sunday.


Meningitis: what you need to know

It’s a disease that strikes fear into the heart of most parents, as its symptoms are frustratingly vague and it can become very serious very quickly. On World Meningitis Day we look at the causes, signs and treatments of the potentially fatal illness meningitis.

Alternative parenting practices

alternative parenting

From freebirthing to lotus birthing, raising your children with no gender to raising them with no formal education, it seems there's a parenting philosophy to suit every family.

The baby fog: parenting support

The baby fog: illness

A broken leg, but who's complaining?

This is why we need to vaccinate: Kaliah's story


English for beginners

Kylie Orr Her toddler will eventually pronounce words properly, but Kylie Orr loves the mispronunciations her son is coming up with along the way. Sceezy cuggle, anyone?

EB Mums' Morning Tea, March 2012

Mums had the chance to meet the EB team and other EB fans at a special morning tea.

Amber Robinson Essential Baby's latest morning tea gave the EB team and the mums who make up our community a chance to meet in real life - and get to learn about pain relief for little ones, too.

Essential Baby: When Easter photos go wrong

Children not so cute after 4½ years, scientists say

What one 'ASD mum' wants you to know

From my bookshelf

Being Dad

Dad's parenting statements a hit

A dad of two has done something constructive with his "I can't believe I just said that!" parenting moments, creating a series of posters that have become an internet sensation.

Secret men’s business

tired father

Adele Horin Alan Chavez usually thinks nothing of abseiling down a 30-storey building to clean the windows. But after his daughter Luanna was born 11 months ago, the ''rope access technician'' became a bit concerned.

Terry Barnes: What if you wanted a baby but your partner didn't?

Father role linked to teen boys' behaviour

Video: Being Dad trailer DVD 2

Being Dad book extract

Who is Being Dad? (FOR HER...)


Barnados Australia's Mother of the Year State Winners - 2012

Most mums are great mums - but some are outstanding. The Barnardos Australia’s Mother of the Year Awards is the national event that recognises the achievements of mums and their enormous contribution to the Australian community.

From birth to 12 years in two and a half minutes


First it was a couple who made a time-lapse video of their entire pregnancy; now a dad has gone one better by making a time-lapse video of the first 12 years of his daughter’s life.

Mother's Day gift ideas

One can be the loveliest number

Parenting payments going unclaimed

No winners in the mummy wars debate