
How JEWS control the world? #2
How JEWS control the world? #2
Know how the BANKERS (mostly the Jews) control the world. Full PlayList at: www.youtube.com Full Version of this video titled "The Prohibition of Riba" at: Part 1: video.google.com Part 2: video.google.com The Speaker: Shaik Imran Nazar Hosein

Sheikh Mishary Al afasy, Surat Al Mulk from studio
Sheikh Mishary Al afasy, Surat Al Mulk from studio
A video of sheikh Mshary Alafasy reciting surat Al Mulk in a studio.

Saudi Sheikh weeping as he demands that Saudi Columnist Hamza Kashgari gets executed
Saudi Sheikh weeping as he demands that Saudi Columnist Hamza Kashgari gets executed
Sheikh Nasser Al Omar pleads to the king that Saudi writer Hamza Kashgari gets executed for supposedly writing "shameful" comments about prophet Mohammed on Twitter. Save Hamza! Sign the petition. www.thepetitionsite.com

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has been known for his vast charitable donations. On May 19, 2007, he announced plans to give $US100m to set up the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation, an educational foundation in the Middle East, one of the largest charitable donations in history.[13] Sheikh Mohammed stated that the money is meant to bridge the knowledge gap between the Arab region and the developed world, improving the standard of education and research in the region, developing leadership programs for youth, and stimulating job creation. The announcement was made at the 2007 World Economic Forum in Jordan. One of the Foundation's key initiatives is Bayt Ul Hikma۔ Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum (born November 13, 1982)[1] is the Crown Prince of Dubai and the second eldest son of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum. Sheikh Hamdan began his schooling in Dubai at the Rashid Private School and then continued his studies in the United Kingdom.[2] There, he graduated from Sandhurst and later attended the London School of Economics.[1] He was recently appointed as the Chairman of the Dubai Executive Council in September 2006.[1] He also is the head of the Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Establishment for Young Business Leaders, and the president of the Dubai Sports Council and the Dubai Autism Centre.[2] He is known for both his poetry and as a horse rider. His poems are mainly romantic, patriotic and <b>...</b>

Deedat's Debate With American Soldiers - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (1/11)
Deedat's Debate With American Soldiers - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (1/11)
Part (2/11): www.youtube.com Deedat's Debate With American Soldiers - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat debates with the American soldiers of the First Gulf War in Saudi Arabia.Sheikh Ahmed Deedat In 1986, the King Faisal Foundation awarded the King Faisal International Prize for SERVICE TO ISLAM, to a South African who is more or better known than many dignitaries in their own countries. This was the first time that this prestigious award has been awarded to a South African. The recipient of this award was a man totally dedicated to his faith and its propagation and who was not afraid to challenge any one to a debate to settle once and for all the matter, who has the good news right? He was none other than Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, reverently known and called UNCLE by those who hold him in high esteem and admiration. The award came after a lifetime of struggle to propagate Islam and to defend Islam against the onslaught of the missionaries. Finally, he was given recognition by the international Muslim community that he deserved and focused more sharply the attention of the Muslim world on the most important aspect of his work, the challenge to propagate Islam. This was his life long ambition to focus the Muslim world's attention and resources on the propagation of Islam, and at last he succeeded. What a moment of jubilation, achievement and personal gratification for Sheikh Deedat the award was, a turning point in his life. Sheikh Deedat did not have much formal schooling, but he was self <b>...</b>

Oh Syria the Victory is Coming | Sheikh Muhammad Al Arifi | HD
Oh Syria the Victory is Coming | Sheikh Muhammad Al Arifi | HD
للشيخ محمد العريفي Sheikh Muhammad Al Arifi, warning the tyrant Bashar Al Assad that his end is near, he cannot hide from Allah. How dare you disgrace the Muslims Oh Bashar. Do you not fear your meeting with Allah? Muhammad Al Arifi has received numerous death threats from the Evil Oppressive Tyrant Regime for speaking the truth about them.

"The Goodly Life" - Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee [HD 720p]
"The Goodly Life" - Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee [HD 720p]
An extremely beautiful clip from one of the most amazing scholars and worshippers of our time, Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee, from the holy city of Madinah. A translated extract from his lecture "Al Hayaat At-Tayyibah" ("The Goodly Life"), in which he discusses the realities of the life of this temporary world and man's relationship with it, and most importantly his relationship with his Creator. Although the word "he" is used throughout the video, the Sheikh is referring to what affects all people men or women, and "he" was used for brevity. Download the video and reupload on your accounts, facebook, youtube or wherever inshaAllah from here: hotfile.com

"The Destroyer of Pleasures..." - Sheikh Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee
"The Destroyer of Pleasures..." - Sheikh Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee
Remember death, the destroyer of all earthly pleasures. A heart wrenching account of the final moments every soul must experience as they approach their ordained departure from this earthly existence. Taken from the original lecture, "Would That I Knew" which can be watched in it's entirety from my page.

Depression vs Contentment- Sheikh Sulaiman Moola FULL
Depression vs Contentment- Sheikh Sulaiman Moola FULL
Click here to watch the Q&A session: www.youtube.com Depression vs Contentment by Sheikh Suliman Mulla Brought to you by the Ink of Scholars

surah yasin by sheikh shuraim full
surah yasin by sheikh shuraim full
surah yasin By Sheikh Al shuraim

Sheikh Mohammad Al Arifi - Hoor Al Ayn (Funny Story)
Sheikh Mohammad Al Arifi - Hoor Al Ayn (Funny Story)

Sufi Music Sheikh Ahmed Al Tuni 1
Sufi Music Sheikh Ahmed Al Tuni 1
Live performance of Sheikh Ahmed Al Tuni at El Sawy CultureWheel - Cairo on 25 Ramadan 1430 - 15 September 2009. This clip was shot by Hend Abdullah. Al-Tuni is one of the last great Upper-Egyptian singers of the ritual and sacral repertoire who conduct the dhikr ritual (also zikr; remembrance) in the fresh and dusty starry nights of the Sahara, during which the divine name is repeated with special breathing techniques, leading all participants straight forward into a trance under the guidance of munshid. The master of ceremony is accompanied by a small formation of excellent musicians called takht: ruqq, duff, darabuka, qawal, kamanga and oud all preserve their individuality of expression and provide ornamented, modulated support or dialogue with the singing master.

Nancy Ajram - Sheikh El Shabab / نانسى عجرم - شيخ الشباب
Nancy Ajram - Sheikh El Shabab / نانسى عجرم - شيخ الشباب
Copyrighted To Melody

Reality of Imam Mahdi- Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq
Reality of Imam Mahdi- Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq
The Reality of Imam Mahdi- A lecture by Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq. Click here to download the mp3: www.megaupload.com This lecture will inshallah cover: - Who the Mahdi will be, explained from Ahadith. - Shi'a view on Imam Mahdi - Qadiani View on Imam Mahdi The coming of Imam Mahdi is a 'Mutawatur' issue. It forms a part of the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. - He will be recognised between Hajar Al-Aswad and Maqam-e-Ibraheem in Makkah. - He will be a ruler of the Arabs (7-9 years), he will unite them, organise them & solve disputes - There will be a rain which brings vegetation. - 313 will initially give bay'ah to him. Brought to you by the Ink of scholars channel. Youtube: www.youtube.com Facebook: www.facebook.com

Sheikh Shuraim Very Emotional Quran recitation
Sheikh Shuraim Very Emotional Quran recitation
www.ediscoverislam.com Sheikh Shuraim Very Emotional Glorious Quran reciation 4th Ramadan 1424 H Thinking about and trying to understand meanings of the Glorious Quran, which Allah has sent down for His slaves to clarify all things and as a Light that He gives to whom He wills among His slaves. Indeed, the Quran contains tremendous medicine for all ills of the heart, as Allah said, what translated means, "And We sent down from the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism)." [17:82] The Quran contains Islamic Monotheism; Allah's promises, warnings and Commandments; stories of previous nations; and codes of the best conduct and behavior. These various subjects in the Quran have different effects on the heart. Some Surahs (chapters) of the Quran are more frightening than others. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wa salam) said, what translated means, "Hud (chapter 11) and its sisters (chapters 56, 77, 78 and 81) have brought me white hairs before their due time." [As-Silsilah As-Sahihah]. Hud and its sisters brought white hairs to the Messenger of Allah because of what they contain of matters of Iman. These Surahs, and the rest of the Quran, showed their effect on the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wa salam) and his companions, exactly as they were ordered in the Quran, "So stand (ask Allah to make) you (Mohammad) firm and straight (on the religion of Islamic Monotheism) as you are commanded and those (your <b>...</b>

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat at his best
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat at his best
Even the Questioner gave him the clapping in the end ... I love Deedat uncle :) ... May Allah grant him the place in Jannat-ul-Firdus Ameen Plz ignore the 'trial version' thingy on the screen ...Sorry for that :)

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid - Crazy 46 vehicle convoy through Berlin
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid - Crazy 46 vehicle convoy through Berlin
The Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid of the United Arab Emirates driven in a large convoy through berlin, to have talks with chancellor Angela Merkel. Feb 6th 2008 A large group of Mercedes transporting several UAE diplomats, the Prime Minister is driven behind 7 police motorcycles. There are 31 Black Cars, and 15 police vehicles. 16 - Mercedes S Class 12 - Mercedes E Class 2 - BMW 7 Series 1 - Audi A8 13 - Police Motorcycles 2 - Opel Police Cars Total = 46 Vehicles!!

The Story of Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (FULL MOVIE)
The Story of Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (FULL MOVIE)
"The Story of Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah" TV MOVIE of the life of Sheikh ul-Islam Ahmed Ibn Taymiyah one of the greatest Islamic scholars. Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah (January 22, 1263--1328), full name: Taqi ad-Din Abu 'l-?Abbas A?mad ibn ?Abd al-?alim ibn ?Abd as-Salam Ibn Taymiya al-?arrani (Arabic: تقي الدين أبو العباس أحمد بن عبد السلام بن عبد الله ابن تيمية الحراني). Ibn Taymiyya was born in 1263 at Harran into a well-known family of theologians and died in Damascus, Syria, outside of the Muslim cemetery. His grandfather, Abu al-Barkat Majd ad-deen ibn Taymiyyah al-Hanbali (d. 1255) was a reputable teacher of the Hanbali school of law. Likewise, the scholarly achievements of ibn Taymiyyah's father, Shihab al-deen 'Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyyah (d. 1284) were well known. Because of the Mongol invasion, ibn Taymiyyah's family moved to Damascus in 1268 , which was then ruled by the Mamluks of Egypt. It was here that his father delivered sermons from the pulpit of the Umayyad Mosque, and ibn Taymiyyah followed in his footsteps by studying with the great scholars of his time, among them a woman scholar by the name Zaynab bint Makki from whom he learned Hadith. Ibn Taymiyyah was an industrious student and acquainted himself with the secular and religious sciences of his time. He devoted special attention to Arabic literature and gained mastery over grammar and lexicography as well as studying mathematics and calligraphy. His scholarly zeal combined with his intense <b>...</b>

Sheikh Abdur-Rahman as-Sudais
Sheikh Abdur-Rahman as-Sudais
This is video of Sheikh Sudais's visit to Al-Khair Madrassah's event on 13th June 2004.

Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Crying for Syria | Tears for the Oppressed | HD
Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Crying for Syria | Tears for the Oppressed | HD
Sheikh Muhammad Hassan breaks down into tears live الشيخ محمد حسان وبكاء for the people of Syria. This is a human issue, our brothers and sisters are dying where have our hearts gone to react to the situation. The honour of our brothers is violated as they are forced to prostrate to the tyrant Bashar Al Assad.