
Man claims to be the Mahdi live on Peace TV !!!
Man claims to be the Mahdi live on Peace TV !!!
The Mahdi - Between Fact and Fiction www.youtube.com The truth about the Mahdi islamqa.com Dajjal (Anti-Christ) www.youtube.com 'Events of the End' discusses the Mahdi, Dajjaal and Jesus Christ in great detail www.youtube.com __________________________ Imam al-Mahdi will be a righteous man from among the descendants of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who will appear at the end of time, through whom Allaah will set mankind's affairs straight, and will fill the earth with fairness and justice just as it was filled with wrongdoing and oppression. His name will be the same as the name of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and his father's name will be the same as that of the father of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). So his name will be Muhammad ibn 'Abd-Allaah al-Mahdi, or Ahmad ibn 'Abd-Allaah al-Mahdi. He will be descended from Faatimah the daughter of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), through al-Hasan ibn 'Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him). The sign of his appearance will be widespread corruption and the earth being filled with wrongdoing and aggression.

Emergence of Mahdi Likely in 2012 (Dajjal Antichrist Jesus Armageddon)
Emergence of Mahdi Likely in 2012 (Dajjal Antichrist Jesus Armageddon)
The evidence that Mahdi may emerge in 2012; Allah knows best. The Arabic version of this video with important links in description: www.youtube.com References to the ayat, hadiths, and athars in Arabic (to the best of my knowledge and ability): www.mediafire.com Keywords: Allah, Islam, Muslims, Christianity, Christians, Quran, Hadith, Sunna, Mahdi, Dajjal, Jesus Christ, Armageddon, Day of Judgement, Apocalypse, Revolution, Masons, New World Order, Illuminati Muhammad Prophet Koran

Who is Imam Mahdi?? (Signs of his return) الأمام المهدي
Who is Imam Mahdi?? (Signs of his return) الأمام المهدي
This is a Short Presentation about Our Last Imam And The Last Descendant Our Prophet Muhammad (saws) He is the Imam Mahdi and Allah (sw)'s Last Hujja and successor On Earth.. He will Arrive soon Inshallah and Follow By Prophet Jesus (pbuh)..Editing and Video By Youtube.com/Princessalmawla..After Effects help by Youtube.com/Mohameda5.. Note: Don't forget to Rate and Comment...Thanks!! :) w/salam

The Mahdi is Alive on Earth NOW on March 1st, 2011
The Mahdi is Alive on Earth NOW on March 1st, 2011
According to many Muslim leaders, Islam's Messiah: The Mahdi (who is the antichrist), is alive on Earth right now, stirring up the wrath of nations before his return! 2 Thessalonians 2:3 clearly states the man of sin (of the "sin god" :Allah), is revealed BEFORE the gathering (rapture) of the Church takes place! The problem for Christians, is they have been taught just the OPPOSITE, and many will "fall away" from the faith, thinking they have been lied too!

www.riffat73.wordpress.com http www.youtube.com www.dailymotion.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.facebook.com

Imam Al- Mahdi
Imam Al- Mahdi
This is taken from the Series of Here After ByImam Anwar Al Awlaki. The Series is available In Audio as well as DVD. You can download the Audio of the Complete Series of talks from here: www.kalamullah.com Dont forget to The Most watched, Most Famous and Free to Air Islamic Channel Peace tv: peacetv.org http Some Famous Websites: kalamullah.com http hoor-al-ayn.com http islamhouse.com http islamqa.com http understand-islam.net http tubeislam.com http A List of Recommended Websites by Dr Bilal Philips: www.bilalphilips.com Urdu Islamic Websites: kitabosunnat.com http Quran-o-sunnah.com http Ahlulhadeeth.net Comparative Religions and Answers to Allegations Website call-to-monotheism.com http islaminfo.com http load-islam.com http htttp://islamic-awareness.org muslim-responses And When some one does not understand the Language of love then the following website explains to them in their language answering-christianity.com

The Bible and the Mahdi
The Bible and the Mahdi
What do Muslims believe regarding a future Mahdi? Does the Bible teach the coming of such a Mahdi? How do the Koran and the Bible differ on the personages known as the beast and the false prophet, or the Masih al Dajal and the Sufyani? Do the Muslims believe in Jesus or Isa, and if so, in what way? Do Muslims believe that Jesus will die again after His return?

From Tripoli To Damascus To Imam Al Mahdi By Sheikh Imran Hosein
From Tripoli To Damascus To Imam Al Mahdi By Sheikh Imran Hosein

Reality of Imam Mahdi- Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq
Reality of Imam Mahdi- Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq
The Reality of Imam Mahdi- A lecture by Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq. Click here to download the mp3: www.megaupload.com This lecture will inshallah cover: - Who the Mahdi will be, explained from Ahadith. - Shi'a view on Imam Mahdi - Qadiani View on Imam Mahdi The coming of Imam Mahdi is a 'Mutawatur' issue. It forms a part of the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. - He will be recognised between Hajar Al-Aswad and Maqam-e-Ibraheem in Makkah. - He will be a ruler of the Arabs (7-9 years), he will unite them, organise them & solve disputes - There will be a rain which brings vegetation. - 313 will initially give bay'ah to him. Brought to you by the Ink of scholars channel. Youtube: www.youtube.com Facebook: www.facebook.com

The Mahdi- Facts & Fiction | Shaykh Abu Adnan
The Mahdi- Facts & Fiction | Shaykh Abu Adnan
The concept of the Mahdi is one of the most controversial and greatly misunderstood topics. Different sects have proposed radically variant beliefs about him. In this lecture Sheikh Abu Adnan sheds light on the Prophetic descriptions of the Mahdi. He explains the signs of the Mahdi, the trials and tribulations that shall accompany him, sorting out fact from fiction. What he looks like? What is his role? what are his achievements? what do the Shi'a believe about him?

The Mahdi- The Islamic Messiah
The Mahdi- The Islamic Messiah
This is a clip from the excellent DVD, Inside The Revolution-- you can order a copy of the DVD here: www.insidetherevolution.org

The 12th Imam Mahdi Shall Rise "Beast Of The East"
The 12th Imam Mahdi Shall Rise "Beast Of The East"
Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana breaks down bible truth and explains www.paulbegleyprophecy.com the Muslim belief of the rise of the NWO and the Mahdi.

Mahdi Nazemroaya from Tripoli early 22 August
Mahdi Nazemroaya from Tripoli early 22 August
Mahdi Nazemroaya reporting Donations: www.paypal.com

Iran Is Preparing For Armageddon "12th Imam Mahdi" Coming?
Iran Is Preparing For Armageddon "12th Imam Mahdi" Coming?
Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana reveals Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is preparing the "atmosphere" to set up Armageddon battle. Can this be stopped? Bible Prophecy from Ezekiel 38 holds the key.

Imran Hosein - Imam Al Mahdi & The Return Of The Caliphate (Part 1/3)
Imran Hosein - Imam Al Mahdi & The Return Of The Caliphate (Part 1/3)
With many of the signs of the Day of Judgement already appeared, the Muslim world now awaits the emergence of Imam Al-Mahdi with the return of the Caliphate. Sheikh Imran Hosein explains the major and minor signs of the Day and with it the appearance of Imam Al-Mahdi, the return of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and the destruction of Gog and Magog. This lectures gives Muslims a wake-up call to observe the world as it changes, especially in these times and with what we are witnessing. Produced by One Islam Productions www.1islam.net

Mahdi - Algerian TNC formed - Israelis were present in Libya
Mahdi - Algerian TNC formed - Israelis were present in Libya
Look at when Mahdi lost his internet connection.... he was at his office in Montreal, Canada at the Centre for Research on Globalization. Mahdi recently returned from Libya - More Mahdi videos here: www.youtube.com Donations: www.paypal.com

The Coming of The Mahdi - Shaykh Samir al Nass
The Coming of The Mahdi - Shaykh Samir al Nass
Shaykh Samir al Nass speaks about The coming of The Mahdi; how to prepare ourselves, Dajjal (Anti-Christ). Followed by a Q & A Session in Preston, December 2011. www.shifa.org.uk http www.facebook.com

Who Is Imam Mahdi? What Will he do? How Will he be treated? Where will he come from? Is he well known? Is he sunni Or Shia? IS HE BORN ALREADY? when CAN he emerge? Does Eclipses (Moon & Sun eclipses) have anything to do with his coming? HOW DO WE VALIDATE that a man claiming himself to be Mahdi to BE THE TRUE mahdi? A Factual analysis from the Hadith.. The position of THE KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA.. Sheikh Safar Al-Hawali Differentiating Masajids... WHERE WILL DAJJAL ATTACK FROM "THE EAST"? How will it be? Parallel-ism in History SAY GOOD RIDDANCE TO ALLL governments around the World today! No more National Anthems & Flags with Imam Mahdi.. No Superior Currency To TRAMPLE any Muslim.. NO ONE is to be higher in position than others! We eat on the table together with our servants\slaves (if there even is any in this age, which i doubt there is), or eat on the floor TOGETHER.. NO MORE MONARCHY! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO ONE ISLAM PRODUCTIONS.. NO CREDIT TO ME PLZ.. (SEE AND SUBSCRIBE HIS CHANNEL 1ISLAM) Sheikh Imran Hosein in Australia in 2002.. Imam Al-Mahdi & The Return of the Khalifa... ALL QUESTIONS above are in the video.. Below are some answers only.. 1. Death of Muslim Ruler 2. Al-Mahdi's approach to Makkah, the Baiah 3. The event confirming his identity 4. The conditions for the emergance of Al-Mahdi.. 5. Armies from south attacking finaly confirms his identity.. 6. Handling Shia' when Mahdi returns.. 7. An Army will be attacked by Quraisy\Qalb army (after the swallow of <b>...</b>

The Mahdi , a Islamic antiChrist. Part 1 of 4.
The Mahdi , a Islamic antiChrist. Part 1 of 4.
Sunni doctrine First school of thought The mahdi is frequently mentioned in Sunni hadiths as establishing the caliphate. Among Sunnis, some believe the Mahdi will be an ordinary man, born to an ordinary woman. The prophet Muhammad said: The world will not come to an end until the Arabs are ruled by a man from my family whose name is the same as mine and whose father's name is the same as my father's. Umm Salama said: His [the Mahdi's] aim is to establish a moral system from which all superstitious faiths have been eliminated. In the same way that students enter Islam, so unbelievers will come to believe. When the Mahdi appears, Allah will cause such power of vision and hearing to be manifested in believers that the Mahdi will call to the whole world from where he is, with no postman involved, and they will hear and even see him. I heard the Messenger of Allah say: "The Mahdi is of my lineage and family [...]". Abu Sa`id al-Khudri said: The Messenger of Allah said: "He is one of us [...]" The Messenger of Allah said: "The Mahdi is of my lineage, with a high forehead and a long, thin, curved nose. He will fill the earth with fairness and justice as it was filled with oppression and injustice, and he will rule for seven years. The Messenger of Allah said: "At the end of the time of my ummah, the Mahdi will appear. Allah will grant him rain, the earth will bring forth its fruits, he will give a lot of money, cattle will increase and the ummah will become great. He will rule <b>...</b>

Imam Mahdi (الإمام المهدي ) coming soon
Imam Mahdi (الإمام المهدي ) coming soon
"The Age of Chaos Has come, Mercilessly it hunts us down, But what Man is most needed in such a time?, He is the Last of Imams, He will fill the world with Justice and hope, Just as it has been filled with destruction and evil" "Where will fate take us? I do not know, but I Hope it will be with Imam Mahdi (AF)" "May God Hasten the appearance of Imam Mahdi, For the world is waiting for justice and justice is waiting for Imam Mahdi" "Please like and Subscribe!" FaceBook group: www.facebook.com FaceBook Page: www.facebook.com Copyright The Islamic History Production © 2011.

The Mahdi - Signs of The Day of Judgment (Part 1)
The Mahdi - Signs of The Day of Judgment (Part 1)
This series of lectures by Sheikh Yasir Qadhi is being uploaded to YouTube to help dispel many of the false allegations about the Islamic belief in the Mahdi, that are being spread over the internet by the makers of the 'Arrivals series' and by those who support this series by either featuring or re-uploading it. I advise the creators of the 'Arrivals series' and those who re-uploaded it, to remove this series from their YouTube channels and to repent to Allah (swt). When a person spreads false information about Islam knowingly or out of ignorance it is as if they have told a lie against Allah (swt). Not to mention the many they are misleading by keeping this series up, which they will be held accountable for if they don't repent and choose not remove this series out of pride. You are currently listening to part 5 of 26 Use one of the following links to purchase the entire lecture: www.muslimaudio.com www.al-basheer.com

The holy appearance of Mahdi, physical features & nature 5/6
The holy appearance of Mahdi, physical features & nature 5/6
I am Jesus of 2nd coming the Mahdi alaisalaam. See all my vdos for physical signs mentioned in all holy books to recognize me right now & trust your own eyes.I have discovered 14 more physical signs of Mahdi the Jesus of so called second coming on my body mashallaah & loaded 2 more vdos now. (1) Little space in my upper front teeth as per hadeeses (2) Little space in my exact lower front teeth of upper one (3) No space found on both sides upper & lower in other teeth (4) V shaped mark on forehead exactly as shown as one of the signs of Kalki as per www.kalkiavtar2010.com (5 & 6) A nail piercing mark on right hand palm & a nail's coming out mark on backside of palm (7 &8) A nail piercing mark on left hand palm & its coming out mark on backside of it (9 & 10) A nail piercing mark on right foot & its coming out mark on other side of foot (11 & 12) A nail piercing mark on left foot & its coming out mark on other side of foot (13) A piercing cut mark on left side lower rib (14 & 15) Two thorns like marks on upper forehead visible. My looks are also Israelean as I am the descendant of Israel (bpuh) the Yaqoob (Bpuh). From his lineage King David (bpuh) arose & now I have also arrived. See all the signs from your own eyes now. Now I have almost 40 holy physical signs on my body naturally apart from other 750 holy signs with scenes. I am not the same Jesus son of Mary (bpuh) the lamb nature Messiah for Bani Israel only who had already died 1900 years ago but I am the Lion nature <b>...</b>