- published: 17 Feb 2021
- views: 1006
CFRNA ("The French-Romanian Company for Air Transport"; French: Compagnie franco-roumaine de navigation aérienne; Romanian: Compania franco-română de navigație aeriană), later CIDNA ("The International Air Navigation Company"; French: Compagnie internationale de navigation aérienne) was a French-Romanian airline, founded on January 1, 1920.
Using French-built Potez aircraft, the company provided passenger, mail and cargo transportation, by air, from Paris to Bucharest, via Strasbourg, Prague, Vienna and Budapest. As such, CFRNA was the first operative transcontinental airline in the history of aviation. The company also made the first passenger international night flight, between Belgrade and Bucharest in 1923. In 1925 CIDNA opened the first domestic Romanian route Bucharest - Galaţi, followed, from 24 June 1926, by an extended service to Iaşi and Chişinău.
In 1930, the Romanian arm adopted the name LARES (Liniile Aeriene Române Exploatate de Stat - State-Run Romanian Air Lines). The company ceased to exist when it became one of the constituting companies of Air France on October 7, 1933.
Slovo pilota po přistání skupiny letadel, která se účastní mise CIDNA 2019 ve stopách francouzsko-rumunské letecké společnosti CFRNA/CIDNA, na pařížském letišti Les Plessis-Belleville, kam společnost CFRNA/CIDNA rovněž létala a školila zde své piloty. CFRNA/CIDNA byla historicky první leteckou společností, která zajišťovala mezikontinentální leteckou dopravu - a to na trase Paříž-Štrasburk-Praha-Bukurešť-Istanbul-Ankara. Československo mělo ve společnosti od roku 1925 20% akcionářský podíl a letiště Praha-Kbely bylo jejím středoevropským hubem. Flying Revue na paměť této málo známé skutečnosti uspořádalo skupinový let na místa, na kterých tato společnost se svými letadly přistávala.
Extract cfDNA and cfRNA simultaneously from up to 5 ml of plasma or serum using the Presto™ cfDNA/RNA Extraction Kit cfDNA/RNA spin column centrifuge protocol. Column Extension Tubes are included with the kit to increase sample size and cfDNA/RNA yield (1-100 ng of cfDNA/RNA per ml of serum or plasma). The purified cfDNA/RNA can be used directly in qPCR, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and DNA Methylation Analysis. http://www.geneaid.com/products/dna-rna-protein-extraction/cfdna-cfrna-extraction-kit-circulating-cell-free-nucleic-acid http://www.geneaid.com
waa xasuustii maxamed saleebaan tubeec....
September 19, 2018 - “Reinventing Societal Infrastructure with Technology”, Vinod Khosla, Khosla Ventures Wong Auditorium, Cambridge, MA The General Georges Doriot Lectureship Series was recently established by Michael M. Koerner, SB ‘49 in honor of General Georges Doriot. A friend and mentor to Mr. Koerner, General Doriot is considered to be the father of venture capitalism. Along with former MIT President Karl Compton, he founded one of the earliest venture capital firms which encouraged private sector investments in business run by soldiers returning from World War II. The lectureship will highlight topics related to venture creation, innovation, and venture capital.
Slovo pilota před odletem skupiny letadel, která se účastní mise CIDNA 2019 ve stopách francouzsko-rumunské letecké společnosti CFRNA/CIDNA, na druhou, "západní" etapu této mise. CFRNA/CIDNA byla historicky první leteckou společností, která zajišťovala mezikontinentální leteckou dopravu - a to na trase Paříž-Štrasburk-Praha-Bukurešť-Istanbul-Ankara. Československo mělo ve společnosti od roku 1925 20% akcionářský podíl a letiště Praha-Kbely bylo jejím středoevropským hubem. Flying Revue na paměť této málo známé skutečnosti uspořádalo skupinový let na místa, na kterých tato společnost se svými letadly přistávala.
Inspired by the true story of Săgeata Orientului the new limited edition watch Tissot Heritage Navigator was created to celebrate 100 years since The French-Romanian Company for Air Transportation (CFRNA). Almost a century ago, CFRNA launched the world's first transcontinental airline for commercial freight, mail, and passenger transport between Paris and Constantinople, with stops in Strasbourg, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, and Bucharest. As a tribute to these commercial aviation pioneers, Albini Prassa launched the limited edition Tissot Heritage Navigator "Săgeata Orientului", the first watch to include Bucharest on the dial of the 24 time zones. You can find the watch here - https://www.albiniprassa.com/collections/frontpage
CFRNA ("The French-Romanian Company for Air Transport"; French: Compagnie franco-roumaine de navigation aérienne; Romanian: Compania franco-română de navigație aeriană), later CIDNA ("The International Air Navigation Company"; French: Compagnie internationale de navigation aérienne) was a French-Romanian airline, founded on January 1, 1920.
Using French-built Potez aircraft, the company provided passenger, mail and cargo transportation, by air, from Paris to Bucharest, via Strasbourg, Prague, Vienna and Budapest. As such, CFRNA was the first operative transcontinental airline in the history of aviation. The company also made the first passenger international night flight, between Belgrade and Bucharest in 1923. In 1925 CIDNA opened the first domestic Romanian route Bucharest - Galaţi, followed, from 24 June 1926, by an extended service to Iaşi and Chişinău.
In 1930, the Romanian arm adopted the name LARES (Liniile Aeriene Române Exploatate de Stat - State-Run Romanian Air Lines). The company ceased to exist when it became one of the constituting companies of Air France on October 7, 1933.
Your time is near, the mission's clear, it's later than we think
Before you slip into the night, you'll want something to drink
Steal away before the dawn, and bring us back good news
But if you've tread in primal soup, please wipe it from your shoes
Just then a porthole pirate scourged the evening with his cry
And sanctuary bugs deprived the monkey of its thigh
A dust arose and clogged my nose before I could blink twice
Despite the stuff that bubbled up, I gave some last advice:
The flesh from Satan's dogs will make the rudiments of gruel
Deduct the carrots from your pay you worthless swampy fool
Exploding then through fields and fen and swimming in the mire
The septic maiden's gargoyle tooth demented me with fire
I drifted where the current chose afloat upon my back
And if perchance a newt slimed by, I'd stuff it in my sack
Soon I felt a bubble form, somewhere below my skin
But with handy spine of hedgehog I removed the force within
Suzie then removed her mask and caused a mighty stir
The angry mob responded taking turns at grabbing her
The foggy cavern's musty grime appeared within my palm
I snatched Rick's fork to scrape it off with deadly icy calm
[Alternate lyrics for above verse:
The brothel wife then grabbed a knife and slashed me on the tongue
I turned the blade back on the bitch and dropped her in the dung]
The crowd meanwhile had taken Sue and used her like a rag
To mop the slime from where the slug had slithered with the bag
In summing up, the moral seems a little bit obscure...
Give the director a serpent deflector
a mudrat detector, a ribbon reflector
a cushion convector, a pitcher of nectar *
a virile dissector,a hormone collector
Whatever you do, take care of your shoes