
Hi, I’m Brian Colinger.

Brian ColingerI grew up in Waldo, Arkansas. After high school, I did a short stint at Southern Arkansas University. There, I learned that partying, and 8 AM classes don’t mix very well. I dropped out after two and a half years and got a real job.

Years later in 2006, I was made an offer I couldn’t refuse. I packed up and moved to Santa Clara, California. Several months later I moved down the street to San Jose. I worked for AnchorFree in Sunnyvale for almost three years.

Some time in April of 2009 Matt offered me a dream job with Automattic where I could work from home. Shortly after that, I packed up and moved to Northwest Arkansas. Goodbye California. So long and thanks for all the fish.

Currently I’m a Code Wrangler for Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com.

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