
Poundland Instant Cupcake | Ashens
Poundland Instant Cupcake | Ashens
There's nothing more relaxing than taking time out to poison yourself.

Poundland Special
Poundland Special
is.gd Many hats full of thanks to Davydd Grimm for the twit-o-music. Video washed out and the audio loses sync a few minutes in - time to go back to my old camcorder methinks!

Poundland Girls' Toys 2 (Fairytale Castle, Bridesmaid) | Ashens
Poundland Girls' Toys 2 (Fairytale Castle, Bridesmaid) | Ashens
This video covers every toy that little girls might enjoy: Dangerously sharp Fairytale Castles inhabited by hollow, faceless spectres; Monstrously mutant bridesmaids which invoke armageddon; Fairies pretending to be mermaids; Microwave ovens big enough to cook a human head whilst spinning it at terrifying speed; Squishy hippos masquerading as ponies; And tiny warhorses who have taken serious physical damage. ● Twitter - www.twitter.com ● Extra Videos - www.youtube.com ● Facebook - www.facebook.com ● Web - www.ashens.com

Poundland Food Special - Pizza Snack
Poundland Food Special - Pizza Snack
Can you feed yourself for only a pound a day? If the results of this video are anything to go by then the answer is a definite no. I risked my health and stomach lining to bring you this horrifying slection of allegedly edible nastiness. First up are a pair of pizza snacks that manage to combine bread, cheese and tomato sauce into something truly horrifying - they frankly look like someone's already eaten them. Pizza not your thing? Then how about some sugary treats that look like mutants and taste like rubber? Or a plastic cow that excretes jelly beans? No? There's no pleasing some people... Just be thankful YouTube haven't invented a smell emitting device yet. View more game reviews and hilarious* stuff @ www.youtube.com (*Due to the subjective nature of humour, hilarity cannot be guaranteed. Your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or other loan secured on it.)

Poundland Special 5: Boobees!
Poundland Special 5: Boobees!
Yet another Poundland Special! And this time we have Boobees. Which are fluorescent drinks with a built-in straw that you have to... suckle. Nice. Faintly tasting of a generic fruit flavor, you get exactly what you'd expect when you buy 6 for 99p. At least they provide an endless stream puerile double-entendres! And some other top quality Poundland tat: the Michael Jackson King of Pop waterball. Poor old Michael Jackson, commemorated with a pair of battered shoes and the world's smallest microphone encased in a glass bauble for mutual protection. Then I stumble through some Valentines Day "love crackers" complete with a red crown and duff joke, blatantly similar to those you'd thought you'd got rid of at Christmas. And to cap it off - The return of Chef Excellence! Everyone's favourite embittered puppet with bad lipsync shows us a toast stamp. Hey, at least it keeps him off the streets. View more game reviews and hilarious* stuff @ www.youtube.com (*Due to the subjective nature of humour, hilarity cannot be guaranteed. Your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or other loan secured on it.)

Poundland Special: USB Air Freshener, Phone Handset, Kimmy | Ashens
Poundland Special: USB Air Freshener, Phone Handset, Kimmy | Ashens
Jorah stood at the edge of the Wall. A strange mist covered everything, making it impossible to see beyond a few feet. It was eerily silent - no sound of wind, animals or anything at all. Something was horribly wrong. He became aware of movement in front of him. A dark shape. Moving towards him. Jorah gripped the handle of his sword and tried to peer through the fog. A figure began to emerge - a man clad in black. Almost certainly Night's Watch. His grip on his sword relaxed as he heard his name called by a familiar voice. It was Benjen Stark. "Ser Jorah! Ser Jorah...! You should make a video where you talk about a USB air freshener, a handset for a mobile phone, some weird Lego, a dinosaur archaeology kit, and a car-based loop the loop set." Jorah tore his sword from its scabbard and sliced across Benjen's neck. The ranger fell to his knees gurgling as blood sprayed across the snow. He was dead before he hit the floor. Jorah stared down at the fresh corpse. "An Oxford comma? We're not in bloody Pentos!" ● Twitter - www.twitter.com ● Extra Videos - www.youtube.com ● Facebook - www.facebook.com ● Web - www.ashens.com

Poundland Special: Train Set, Kinder Eggs | Ashens
Poundland Special: Train Set, Kinder Eggs | Ashens
At last! An excuse to do Kinder Eggs! And some cheaper versions. And a train set. And some wrestling figures, as is traditional. Deleted Scene: www.youtube.com (And no, the Poundland staff do not recognise me. They have hundreds of customers every day and I only go in once a week.) ● Twitter - www.twitter.com ● Extra Videos - www.youtube.com ● Facebook - www.facebook.com ● Web - www.ashens.com

PURE GOLD SOLD IN POUNDLAND?!?!?!?!?!? | James Deacon
PURE GOLD SOLD IN POUNDLAND?!?!?!?!?!? | James Deacon
Click Here To Share on Facebook - on.fb.me Click Here To Share on Twitter - clicktotweet.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Competition Email: Jedeacon@live.co.uk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoutouts: want a shoutout in an upcoming video? all you have to do is go here: on.fb.me then click the 'share link' button down the bottom, prove to me that you have done it (post a screenshot on my facebook fan page, email a screenshot to - JeDeacon@live.co.uk or tweet me a picture) and your name will be included in an upcoming video... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----My Links:---- ●Twitter - Twitter.com ●Facebook - FaceBook.com ●Tumblr - JDeacon.Tumblr.com ●iPhone Channel - http ●Instagram - @JeDeacon - followgram.me --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ●OUTRO VOICE OVER BY - YouTube.com ●Music Used - Wallpaper - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) under FULL, Worldwide permission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags pure gold sold in poundland pound land shop review reviewing items of stock james deacon jd3acs Shopping Store Vlog ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Poundland Special 2
Poundland Special 2
You'll like what they do, 'cause everything's a pound in Poundland!

Poundland Special 3
Poundland Special 3
I recorded this when I was ill, which in hindsight may not have been a good idea as my hands were shaking like a good 'un. Ho hum.

Poundland Extra: Harry Potter Mystery Orb | Ashens
Poundland Extra: Harry Potter Mystery Orb | Ashens

Poundland Girls' Toys Special (My Little Pony) | Ashens
Poundland Girls' Toys Special (My Little Pony) | Ashens
Boys can't have all the fun! And by "fun" I mean "crappy knock-off toys that nobody wants." First up on our Poundland tour of girl's tat are a pair of cute little animals. One of which is likely to bite your arms off them chew on your torso. But hey, at least it has a little pink house! Then THE HORROR appears. An evil we dare not speak the name of. I destroyed it for the good of all - but those who fight monsters should take care that they never become one. For when you stand and look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you. Then we rustle up a fake My Little Pony. The cheapest way for a young girl to experience horse ownership without the negative aspects! (Such as the immense cost, the necessity of shovelling huge mounds of excrement, and having to shoot it in the head if it breaks a leg.) Next: A fake thing. Kind of an iPad. Kind of an iPhone. Mostly neither. But it does come with genuine PenesamiG batteries and makes weird shireky noises, so that's OK then. Finally: A sailboat with some funny writing on. Yes, I know that's not really relevant to the main idea. Think of it as one of those DVD extras which nobody watches! More videos every Friday. (Or Saturday if everything goes tits-up.) Subscribe now, Mister Bloke!

Poundland Special - X Factor Dinosaur | Ashens
Poundland Special - X Factor Dinosaur | Ashens
It starts off prehistoric, gets a bit musical then ends up medieval. Also there's a hat! ● Twitter - www.twitter.com ● Extra Videos - www.youtube.com ● Facebook - www.facebook.com ● Web - www.ashens.com

Occupy Worthing - Poundland
Occupy Worthing - Poundland
Revealing the workfare scheme to Poundland, but not getting much response. People of Worthing, unite!

Poundland Horror at £50 Note!
Poundland Horror at £50 Note!
Every time you go to Poundland in Barrow in Furness and give them a £50 note they go into panic mode. Here the Guy does not even examine it...just presses the alarm and then goes to sleep till help arrives. Why do they put people on the tills that do not even know their own legal tender notes??

Poundland Nodding Santa Review
Poundland Nodding Santa Review
The full uncut version of the Nodding Santa review I did for Ashen's 2010 Christmas special. Quite possibly my first and only ever "Ashens style" review, I don't know how he manages these week after week! I've been sitting on this bloody video for over a year now, I could have uploaded it before, but uploading a Christmas video in July would look a bit odd wouldn't it? ^_-

Fan Video response "Poundland pizza"
Fan Video response "Poundland pizza"
A video response created WITH PERMISSION from ashens himself, His channel can be found here: www.youtube.com

Poundland Extra: Biting Dog | Ashens
Poundland Extra: Biting Dog | Ashens
I would have called this product "Cecil The Bitey Dog."

Hateful Abandon - Poundland
Hateful Abandon - Poundland
Promo video for Poundland from the forthcoming album 'Move' due to be released Summer 2011 on Todestrieb Records. Todestrieb Records: todestrieb.co.uk HA Official Site hatefulabandon.todestrieb.co.uk Todestrieb Mailorder with HA CDs & Merch distro.todestrieb.co.uk iTunes itunes.apple.com ========================================== POUNDLAND ========================================== WE'RE PROMISED THE EARTH. GREASY MONEY SWAPS POCKETS. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAID FOR - A TEMPORARY HIGH. CASH IN ONE FIST AND YOUR DICK IN THE OTHER. SYMBOLS DRAWN IN SHIFTING SAND. POUNDLAND. WAR DRUMS POUND. POUND THE LAND. M16S ARE AIMED AT YOUR WALLET. RELOAD, SPEND, RELOAD, SPEND. YOU'RE PAYING TO BE A TARGET - PAYING TO BE A SHOP DUMMY. ==========================================