
Documentry on ancient plastic surgery by sushruta
Documentry on ancient plastic surgery by sushruta
Sushruta the first person in history to conduct pastic surgery ever

Sushruta nose repair surgery (short documentary)
Sushruta nose repair surgery (short documentary)
A short narrative showcasing the influence of Acharya Sushruta (200 years ago) on surgery even today.

Kapila And Sushruta - Valaji Varnam
Kapila And Sushruta - Valaji Varnam
Kapila & Sushruta Chandramouli Playing at the 2010 Dhvani Carnatic Composers' Day Karthik Gopalaratnam - Mridangam Murali Krishna - Ghatam

Kapila & Sushruta Chandramouli - Janani Ninnuvina
Kapila & Sushruta Chandramouli - Janani Ninnuvina
Kapila & Sushruta playing at the 2010 Carnatic Composers' day organized by dhvani www.dhvani.org Karthik Gopalaratnam - Mridangam Murali Krishna - Ghatam

Kapila and Sushruta - Raja Raja Rajithe
Kapila and Sushruta - Raja Raja Rajithe
Kapila and Sushruta Chandramouli Playing at the 2010 Dhvani Carnatic Composers' Day Karthik Gopalaratnam - Mridangam Murali Krishna - Ghatam

Last post for Sushruta Martins
Last post for Sushruta Martins
Popular Goa-based homeopath, campaigner, President's Scout, electronics and photography buff, and a lovely human being ... Sushruta Martins passed away suddenly on May Day 2010. Scenes from his funeral at the Salvador do Mundo church, and earlier at his home off Porvorim. We'll miss you Sushruta... from the Cafe Prakash Club.

Proud to be Indian!
Proud to be Indian!
Proud to be Indian Bharti Airtel AR Rahman Indian Aryabhatta Sushruta Jagdish Bose Vinod Dham When you stand for what you believe in, You can change the world! Cool!

Buddhism, Hindu, Christ, and The History of Medicine--Hokua oe episode
Buddhism, Hindu, Christ, and The History of Medicine--Hokua oe episode
Original article found at just-things-to-talk-about.blogspot.com Vishnu en.wikipedia.org Siddhārtha Gautama en.wikipedia.org Princess Yasodharā was the wife of Prince Siddhārtha Gautama en.wikipedia.org Rāhula (born c. 534 BC) the only son of Siddhartha Gautama en.wikipedia.org Some ideas for Bodhi you might want to look at can be found atfamilydharma.pulelehuadesign.com Roza Bal is the name of a shrine located in the Khanyar area of district Srinagar, in Kashmir, India, venerated by some Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. Some people identify the sage buried there with one Yuz Asaf, that is Jesus of Nazareth, whom they allege to have arrived in Kashmir after surviving his crucifixion. en.wikipedia.org History of Surgery: Mesopotamia en.wikipedia.org India en.wikipedia.org Sushruta en.wikipedia.org Dhanvantari en.wikipedia.org Egypt en.wikipedia.org Greece en.wikipedia.org China en.wikipedia.org Europe en.wikipedia.org hokuaoe's webcam video January 6, 2012 11:33 AM

Monday Night Combat Support voice responses
Monday Night Combat Support voice responses
Monday Night Combat, the sound clips and the audio used in this video are property of Uber Entertainment. Download link of the audio: www.mediafire.com No team can win consistently without a Support position, whose primary responsibility is to use his extensive knowledge of cyberbiology and medicine to keep his team sharp, alert and on the battlefield for longer periods of time than their opponents. Notable DNA: Leonardo DaVinci, Steve Jobs, Sushruta Samhita, Dr. Kinsey Likes: gondolas, Ferraris, Swiss chalets Dislikes: any type of instant or fast food, sewer rats, hotel paintings

Indian Forehead Flap_0001.wmv
Indian Forehead Flap_0001.wmv
Nasal reconstruction using median forehead flap. Described by Sushruta, popular as Indian method, very useful for this region.

ancient INDIA
ancient INDIA

Ayurveda Based on Karya Karana Siddhanata part3.wmv
Ayurveda Based on Karya Karana Siddhanata part3.wmv
By Dr Ravishankar Pervaje, Sushruta ayurvedic hospital , Puttur Atha Bhutadayanam Prati!! Copy left protection!! rspervaje@rediffmail.com

Tips On How To Lose Weight Fast With Herbal Supplements
Tips On How To Lose Weight Fast With Herbal Supplements
www.Tridoshawellness.com - Natural Fitness and Holistic Medicine info Manu Kalia Physical Therapist, Clinical Ayurveda Herbalist and Exercise Science Specialist Formulator of TriSport Herbal Formulas "your natural wellness and fitness solution" "I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment, question or just stop by to say Hi" To get regular channel updates, subscribe by clicking below www.youtube.com Tips On How To Lose Weight Fast With Guggulu Herbal Supplement Guggulu or Commiphora Mukul is known in Sanskrit as "one that protects against diseases". This statement shows the respect given to this botanical for its therapeutic and medicinal action in Ayurveda. It balances all systems of the body and is one of the most important herbs for removal of "ama". "Ama" refers to toxins that accumulate in the body because of poor digestion and slow metabolism. Guggulu has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to treat lots of different diseases. Its medicinal use is mentioned in various Ayurvedic medicine texts including the Sushruta Samhita (from the 3rd to 4th centuries), where it's mentioned as one of the top "Rasayanas" or herbal tonics and especially recommended for the treatment of joint pains and obesity. Tips on how to lose weight fast with Guggulu herbal supplement Reduce fat by its "scraping action" and by improving digestion and metabolism. Detox the body by improving metabolism and burning up accumulated fat and congestion forming materials. It also <b>...</b>