This Week in Sales - The Most Important Word in Sales is 'Next'
This Week in Sales - The Most Important Word in Sales is 'Next'
Mike Brooks, aka Mr. Inside Sales, is on the show with host Kevin Gaither to debate whether or not cold-calling is dead. 00:00 Cold Open 00:30 Introduction 00:55 Nightmare Sales Job: When I Was Hating Sales 02:20 Mike's impressive work history and his books, 03:05 With Sales 2.0, is cold calling dead? 04:20 With inbound leads and Sales 2.0 technology, do we need to redefine cold calling? 05:20 You still need to learn how to make a phone call the right way 05:35 Product dumps and monologues, what's the right way to make a cold call? 06:55 What are the rules for a successful cold call? 08:40 How long should your cold call introduction be? 09:10 Short introductions are important, listening to the answer is more important. 09:55 The three statements to throw away as a sales professional 10:55 The importance and controversy behind scripting calls and responses 12:20 80% of the situations a sales rep will encounter are predictable and able to prepped for 13:35 NFL teams run plays based on research and patterns. 14:05 Ever been told to "send me your information"? Mike has a tip on how to take this common response and convert it into a prospect. 17:20 Part of your job is to disqualify leads in a respectable manner: out of a 100 prospects, only 5 may eventually buy from you. Identify them! 18:35 The most important word in sales is "next". 19:50 Where are sales managers screwing up? 20:50 The Manager's Dilemma 23:10 Mike talks directly to sales managers: "the magic happens during <b>...</b>
Mainframe: The Art of the Sale, Lesson One
Mainframe: The Art of the Sale, Lesson One
"The Office" meets corp. sales training video. This video was selected by Comedy Central as a "staff favorite" in its comedy test pilots contest.
The Two Most Important Words In Sales
The Two Most Important Words In Sales
Jeffrey Gitomer reveals the two most important words in sales and how they can make you into the best sales person you can be.
Early Stage Sales
Early Stage Sales
How do you make that first sale when you are a 'no name' on the market? How do you leverage those early sales into a strong sales curve? Recorded: February 27, 2008
Sales Techniques: How to Capture a Prospect's Attention
Sales Techniques: How to Capture a Prospect's Attention
Interview with Keith Rosen, AllBusiness.com's Sales Advisor See more videos and how-to business information at allbusiness.com
Sales Training Inspiration
Sales Training Inspiration
www.GrantCardone.com - Sales Training Expert Grant Cardone delivers inspirational movie about the importance of sales to any organization and making any dream a reality! Want More Grant for Free?? Sign up for the Strategy of the Week grantcardone.com 800-368-5771
Dynamics CRM 2011 - Driving Sales Productivity
Dynamics CRM 2011 - Driving Sales Productivity
Demonstration of how Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 can be used to drive sales productivity.
Hired! (1941) Chevrolet Car Sales Training and Motivation Film
Hired! (1941) Chevrolet Car Sales Training and Motivation Film
Hired! 1940 Chevrolet Sales Film
Short Sale
Short Sale
Short Sales are the wave of the future, a competing agent says. But he doesn't know what he's doing. The RE/MAX agent, on the other hand, has already closed several Short Sales. If you're ready to take your career to the next level, visit www.joinremax.com today!
What is a Short Sale?
What is a Short Sale?
www.cdpe.com This video describes a short sale, a real estate transaction where the bank will accept less than what is owed to them when a home is sold. Agents who hold the Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) designation are trained to help homeowners navigate alternatives to foreclosure, and can provide answers to the many questions surrounding America's foreclosure crisis.
The Truth In Ad Sales
The Truth In Ad Sales
laugh out loud funny - Media types bury your heads in recognition and shame
- Sales - Hiring High Performing Sales Hunters
- Sales - Hiring High Performing Sales Hunters
Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods. Would they make good salespeople....or not? Kevin talks to Chris Croner, a Principal from SalesDrive, and the co-author of Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again about hiring high performing sales hunters. 00:00 Cold Open 00:48 Most Unusual Sales Interview 02:30 Introducing Dr Christopher Croner 03:30 The secret sauce to hiring the best sales professionals 04:45 Competitiveness 05:00 Optimism 06:00 Would Michael Jordan make for a good hunter salesman? 08:00 Money is like points on the board for sales professionals 09:00 What separates the great performers from the mediocre? 10:00 The volitional model of motivation: need for achievement, competitiveness, & optimism 12:00 Kevin and Chris roleplay an interview process. 12:45 Tips on the interview process for an interviewer or HR professional. 13:45 Using behavioral questions to discover patterns. 15:00 The magic wand question to observe behavior. 16:00 The first interview question: sacrifice? 18:30 Analyzing the response in regards to need for achievement. 20:45 The second question: when were you last comeptitive at work? 22:45 Debriefing the response in regards to competitiveness. 23:30 Identifying someone who is high in competitiveness but low in need for achievement 24:15 The power of using the "echo" in the interview process. 25:00 Dr Croner explains the Columbo, "one down" approach to interviewing 26:15 Kevin and Chris recommend the book Topgrading For Sales 26:45 The value of <b>...</b>
The Website Is Down - Sales Guy vs. Web Dude
The Website Is Down - Sales Guy vs. Web Dude
The Website Is Down - Sales Guy vs. Web Dude
- Sales - The Front End of the Sales Cycle
- Sales - The Front End of the Sales Cycle
Want to close more sales? Then you better do a better job at the FRONT end of the sales cycle. Learn how to get more decision makers on the phone with Steve Richard of Vorsight. Take a 3-minute web survey for a chance to win an iPad 2 or Kindle Fire: www.bridgegroupinc.com 01:00 Ice To Eskimos? 02:00 Steve Richard's work history, including a role as a CNBC contributor 02:30 Why does Steve focus on the front-end of the sales funnel? 03:30 There is a lot of junk in the pipeline prohibiting velocity 04:00 The philosophy of a sales cylinder versus a sales funnel 04:30 Knowing your client's profile, how to find those contacts and then determine the influencers and their direct lines. 05:15 Kevin is intrigued by the 3x3 Research Approach 07:00 3x3 Research creates possibilities for engagement with a lead 09:00 If you can double your direct lines you can triple your results. 10:00 Steve navigates the gatekeeper live on the air. 12:00 Star - Pound - Four on Cisco works a miracle. 13:00 Putting the extra effort into every single phone call. 16:00 DEPT = DNA Environment Performance Technology 18:00 Tips for sales managers: go look at your job openings! Would you want this job? 19:00 Steve's Call To Action: Download the Vorsight Sales Prospecting Training Curriculum www.tinyurl.com/7wuvlrs 21:00 Take a 3-minute web survey for a chance to win an iPad 2 or Kindle Fire: www.bridgegroupinc.com 22:00 The struggles of retention for a new generation of sales professionals
- Sales - Bill Binch Talks Sales/Marketing Alignment
- Sales - Bill Binch Talks Sales/Marketing Alignment
Ever wonder what's in a Sales Playbook? Bill Binch, SVP of Sales at Marketo, visits the show to tell us all about them as well as the challenges of sales/marketing alignment and making "big round words" specific and actionable. 00:00 Cold Open 01:00 Bill's Nightmare Sales Job 02:00 Vice President of Sales at Marketo, Bill Binch 03:00 Definitions and Metrics: making "big round words" specific 04:00 Suspects, prospects, and closed sales 05:00 The importance of an exact definition of a closed sale 06:30 What is a marketing qualified lead? 07:30 Accountability of marketing in driving leads versus sales 08:00 The Top Three Metrics for sales/marketing alignment 09:00 "Accidents happen in the intersections." 11:30 Sales reps should be selling, not prospecting, segmenting, or negotiating 13:00 How to setup a brand new sales model 14:30 If resources are limited where do you choose to specialize? 16:30 Land and expand, hunters versus farmers 17:30 The Dallas Cowboys don't run around the field without a plan, neither should you 18:30 Why you should have a playbook as a sales rep 19:30 Approaching small, medium, and enterprise businesses with different methodologies appropriate to the company, not the geography 21:00 "Start collecting logos." Focus on transactions, not dollars as a new sales team 23:00 A better question to ask other than "how do you like to buy stuff"? 24:00 Bill runs through exactly how he listens to a customer 25:30 Kevin asks what else is in Bill's playbook: is it <b>...</b>
Sales Cloud Demo
Sales Cloud Demo
The Sales Cloud from salesforce.com is the world's #1 sales application. It gives reps, managers, and execs everything they need to connect with customers and focus on what's important —more selling and less administration. It helps you close more deals - faster, gain real-time visibility into sales, and connect with today's social customers.
Soupy Sales - Complete Show 1965 - Part 01
Soupy Sales - Complete Show 1965 - Part 01
Pieces of this show have been posted to YouTube previously... here's the complete show (minus commercials) in three parts.
H1 Hummer Sales Video
H1 Hummer Sales Video
The Ultimate Offroading Beast! Can Go Anywhere, Do anything, the one Vehicle Wanted to Be Owned By Many, But only a few will ever get to see, the H1 HUMMER!! This shows what the Beast Can Truly Do out in the Field, be aware this is an early model, and the newer ones are more powerful, lighter and even more versatile!!
Sales Training Video - The "PRICE" Objection
Sales Training Video - The "PRICE" Objection
More FREE SALES TRAINING TIPS www.nationalsalescenter.com How to address "Your Price Is Too High" Objection Sales Training Videos.
The Website is Down Episode #4: Sales Demolition (NSFW)
The Website is Down Episode #4: Sales Demolition (NSFW)
The fourth episode The Website is Down webseries: Sales Demolition! A Plastroltech sales demo goes completely haywire.
- Sales - Social Media For Sales Professionals
- Sales - Social Media For Sales Professionals
Joanne Black, author of No More Cold Calling, joins us to talk about the interaction between social media and sales: it's not all LinkedIn and Twitter! 01:00 Joanne's Nightmare Social Media Story 02:15 Kevin introduces Joanne Black, author of No More Cold Calling 03:30 Joanne defines social media for sales professionals. 04:15 Defining referrals as a warm introduction. 05:15 How do referrals and LinkedIn complement each other? 06:00 Social media is never a place to sell, it is a place to communicate and build relationships. 07:00 People do business with people , not technology. 08:00 Allow some of your personality to show through in social media. 10:00 Put a smile on your social media profile. 10:30 Keys to operating on LinkedIn: professional photos, personalize your introduction, and avoiding automated referral suggestions. 15:00 Should sales reps avoid selling on social media sites, especially if you are selling lists? 16:15 There is power in being genuine and helpful within social media. 17:15 Paring down your network within LinkedIn 18:30 Make a priority out of turning online connections into offline relationships. 19:30 March 7th, 1876: telephones do not crash! 20:00 Hiding behind the technology curtain. 21:15 The addiction of technology. 22:00 The broader definition of social media: do not forget email. 25:00 Best practices: determine your social media strategy and correlate to your business strategy, have a social media ambassador, create sticky metrics, manage the <b>...</b>
Ex Pharma Sales Rep speaks the truth - Pharma doesn't want to cure you
Ex Pharma Sales Rep speaks the truth - Pharma doesn't want to cure you
www.gwenolsen.com Ex pharma Rep speaks out about Pharma and their real motivations and lack there of to cure , heal and care for you or your best interests. Only to cure the space in their pockets not yet filled with your cash.