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Ashland Food Co-op found in violation of federal labor law

HEY HEY, HO HO — UNION BUSTIN'S GOT TO GO!!, 09.03.2012 - 06:07

Ashland, OR – March 8, 2012 - A majority of workers at Ashland Food Co-op have been united since June of 2011 to improve their working conditions by organizing a union with United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 555. Ashland Food Co-op management learned of workers’ desire to organize and reacted swiftly with heavy handed tactics to try and sway workers away from unionization. The Employer’s actions included soliciting and promising to remedy grievances, providing benefits to employees that it previously refused to provide, disciplining union activists, threatening employees with more severe discipline if they voted for a union, instituting a rule that prohibited employees from discussing the union and then enforcing this rule only against employees who supported the union, and soliciting employees to sign an anti-union petition
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Co-op Workers Speak Out: Union Yes at AFC!

Justice for Co-op Workers, 24.02.2012 - 21:32
Ashland Food Co-op workers share their perspective on how forming a union will strengthen Co-op workplace democracy and allow for real workers rights and protections on the job.

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War Is Not the Answer

Diplomacy, Not Endless Sanctions, 09.02.2012 - 07:52
Southern Oregon lobbies Senator Merkley to speak out for diplomacy with Iran. The U.S. has levied sanctions against Iran for over thirty years and the people have suffered. It is time for diplomacy. If not now, when?
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Economic Justice Now!

Said, 08.02.2012 - 00:19
I've lived in Medford for almost exactly one year and the economic disparity among people is striking.
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☛ Represent Me or Arrest Me! ~ Walden Occupation Grows ✔

❝ Y O U * A I N ' T * S E E N * N O T H I N ' * Y E T *, W A L D O ❞, 28.12.2011 - 05:22
A musical fundraiser, starring the Rogue Suspects, for the ‘Medford 6’ Occupiers, arrested 12-5-11, for seeking representation from their Congressman, Greg Walden

6:30 p.m. January 5th at Roscoe’s BBQ in Phoenix

Who: The Rogue Suspects, Pete Herzog and Patrick Tovatt for "Occupy Walden"
What: A fundraiser for the “Medford 6” to help cover fines and future actions
When: 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Thursday, January 5, 2012
Where: Roscoe’s BBQ, 117 S. Main St., Phoenix, OR
Why: Because we, the 99%, are not being represented by Rep. Greg Walden, R-OR, the sitting U.S. 2nd District Congressman, and we need to expose the fact that he only listens to and votes for the 1%, the wealthiest Americans and those who run the largest corporations in the U.S.
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Health Care for All Oregonians

Vanessa Houk, 20.12.2011 - 19:57
Vermont Workers’ Tour give hope for universal coverage in Oregon.

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Candlelight Vigil to Support Bradley Manning

ashland cascadian, 14.12.2011 - 09:17
Candlelight Vigil to Support Bradley Manning
Friday, December 16th 4:30 til 6pm
Downtown Ashland at the Plaza

After 560 days of confinement the Military has finally announced the pretrial hearing for PFC Bradley Manning. The hearing will commence on December 16th at Fort Meade, Maryland. This will be PFC Manning’s first appearance before a court and the first time he will face his accusers after 17 months in (mostly solitary) confinement.

PFC Bradley Manning is accused of releasing to Wikileaks video depicting the killing of journalists and wounded civilians by an Apache helicopter in Iraq as well as the Afghan War Diary, the Iraq War Logs, and U.S. Diplomatic Cables. In short, he has been charged with telling people the truth. Vigils and Protests will be held worldwide to stand in solidarity.

Bring candles, signs, and your solidarity

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"How We Won Health Care for All"

Brought to Oregon by Jobs with Justice, 13.12.2011 - 09:18
"How We Won Health Care for All," a presentation by the Vermont WorkersCenter
Wednesday, December 14, 7:00 p.m.
Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 87 Fourth St., Ashland

In June 2010, Vermont signed into law a plan to create a statewide, universal health care system. Now the spirit of Vermont is coming to Oregon. Come hear from two members of the Vermont Workers Center, whose three-year campaign convinced the Vermont legislature to declare health as a human right. This presentation will be followed by break-out groups of local folks to get involved in the continuing campaign for universal health care in Oregon. Suggested donation, $10. No one turned away.

(click on photo for larger view)
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Occupation with Conviction, Occupying Congressional Representative Greg Walden

* I N D E P E N D E N T * M E D I A *, 06.12.2011 - 14:59
Medford, Oregon 12/5/11-
Occupation of the Second Congressional District in Oregon was a smashing success Monday. On a foggy frozen day, the sun broke mid-morning in Medford and even though the temperature stayed in the thirties 99 percent folk like you and me gathered. We occupied downtown Vogel Plaza and we occupied our Congressional District office, too. We all showed up to ask one unified question: W H E R E ' S * W A L D E N ?

The photos were all shot at Monday's Where's Walden? Occupation Rally downtown in Vogel plaza, or 1/2 block away at Representative Greg Walden's Medford field office. Occupation of the office landed six arrests for trespass. Pictures show support activities on the sidewalk out front, while other shots are inside Walden's office where occupiers sat-in from 11am until after 6pm refusing to leave unless Congressman Walden agreed to start having regular public town hall meetings around the district, something that he refuses to do. The sit-in act of civil disobedience ended with the six arrests by the Medford City police. There are photos of each arrestee to end this photo memory.

It was an amazing day. Smashingly successful and peaceful too! Keep on reading to learn about other Walden Occupiers around Oregon's Second Congressional District. Eight were arrested in Bend about the very same time as the Medford Six.

(click a photo to make larger)
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Occupy Greg Walden -- D2 on D5!

99% of Congressional District 2 is NOT Represented, 02.12.2011 - 08:45
Oregonians across the state “Occupy” Congressional District 2 to demand People’s Town Halls with Rep. Walden!

Powell Butte, OR – In the largest, unified public demonstration to address a specific member of Congress in recent history, the Occupy movement will convene throughout Congressional District 2 in eastern Oregon Monday, December 5, to demand Rep. Walden hold accessible town halls. In Bend, La Grande, Medford and Hood River, church groups, educators, and labor unions will join the “99%” in simultaneous mid-day rallies and marches calling for a more representative democracy.

12 noon, Dec. 5, Vogel Plaza, Main & Central

(click photos to make larger)
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Text resources for effective drug education
17-04-2012 16:43

Text On the 100th Birth Anniversary of Kim Il Sung
17-04-2012 13:52

Text CPP joins Filipino women in marking IWD
17-04-2012 13:49

Text Understanding Trade, our Local Economy and WALMART
02-04-2012 00:56

Text Basic Income is needed now
29-03-2012 04:12

Text Occupy Eugene Open House and Volunteer Fair
23-03-2012 22:01

Text gmo sugar beets planting in ashland (2 comments)
22-02-2012 11:14

Text Community Resources in Medford?
14-02-2012 00:07

Text New Coalition to advocate for Universal Health Care in Oregon
06-02-2012 05:56

Text Friends Say Violent Actions Out of Character
02-02-2012 23:37

Text Occupy DC Organizers to visit Ashland
02-02-2012 23:25

Generic media Ashland Free Press - Feb. 1 Issue
02-02-2012 23:02

Text Bread and Roses: Remembering the Strike
02-02-2012 22:52

Text Gains for Healthcare, Despite Obama
02-02-2012 03:14

Text The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo: Alternative
02-02-2012 02:36

Text Unions Equal Democracy at Work
17-01-2012 00:39

Generic media A Call to Action From Occupy Medford
15-01-2012 19:15

Text Ashland Free Press - Issue 6
14-01-2012 21:00

<!-- Couldn't get value of variable icon_alt: Couldn't get referent of icon_alt: Couldn't get referent of to_media_icon: freemarker.template.TemplateModelException
	at mir.generator.FreemarkerGenerator$BeanAdapter.get(FreemarkerGenerator.java:306)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Dot.getAsTemplateModel(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Dot.getAsTemplateModel(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Variable.getValue(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.instruction.VariableInstruction.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.compiler.TemplateArrayList.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.instruction.ListInstruction.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.compiler.TemplateArrayList.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.Template.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.Template.process(Unknown Source)
	at mir.generator.FreemarkerGenerator.generate(FreemarkerGenerator.java:73)
	at mir.producer.GeneratingProducerNode.produce(GeneratingProducerNode.java:95)
	at mir.producer.AbstractProducerNode.produce(AbstractProducerNode.java:42)
	at mir.producer.reader.ScriptedProducerNodeDefinition$NodeParameterProducerNode.produce(ScriptedProducerNodeDefinition.java:139)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.ProducerNodeDecorator.produce(ProducerNodeDecorator.java:45)
	at mir.producer.EntityEnumeratingProducerNode.produce(EntityEnumeratingProducerNode.java:88)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.reader.ScriptedProducerNode.produce(ScriptedProducerNode.java:99)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.NodedProducer.execute(NodedProducer.java:49)
	at mircoders.global.ProducerEngine$ProducerJob.run(ProducerEngine.java:266)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobHandler.runJob(JobQueue.java:289)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobHandler.access$500(JobQueue.java:259)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobQueueRunner.run(JobQueue.java:425)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
Occupy Walden update--Bend 8's first court appearance (1 comment)
23-12-2011 03:21

<!-- Couldn't get value of variable icon_alt: Couldn't get referent of icon_alt: Couldn't get referent of to_media_icon: freemarker.template.TemplateModelException
	at mir.generator.FreemarkerGenerator$BeanAdapter.get(FreemarkerGenerator.java:306)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Dot.getAsTemplateModel(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Dot.getAsTemplateModel(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Variable.getValue(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.instruction.VariableInstruction.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.compiler.TemplateArrayList.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.instruction.ListInstruction.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.compiler.TemplateArrayList.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.Template.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.Template.process(Unknown Source)
	at mir.generator.FreemarkerGenerator.generate(FreemarkerGenerator.java:73)
	at mir.producer.GeneratingProducerNode.produce(GeneratingProducerNode.java:95)
	at mir.producer.AbstractProducerNode.produce(AbstractProducerNode.java:42)
	at mir.producer.reader.ScriptedProducerNodeDefinition$NodeParameterProducerNode.produce(ScriptedProducerNodeDefinition.java:139)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.ProducerNodeDecorator.produce(ProducerNodeDecorator.java:45)
	at mir.producer.EntityEnumeratingProducerNode.produce(EntityEnumeratingProducerNode.java:88)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.reader.ScriptedProducerNode.produce(ScriptedProducerNode.java:99)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.NodedProducer.execute(NodedProducer.java:49)
	at mircoders.global.ProducerEngine$ProducerJob.run(ProducerEngine.java:266)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobHandler.runJob(JobQueue.java:289)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobHandler.access$500(JobQueue.java:259)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobQueueRunner.run(JobQueue.java:425)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
Sitting- In With Conviction
22-12-2011 20:17

Text Take Action to Save Coos Bay from LNG
22-12-2011 20:13

<!-- Couldn't get value of variable icon_alt: Couldn't get referent of icon_alt: Couldn't get referent of to_media_icon: freemarker.template.TemplateModelException
	at mir.generator.FreemarkerGenerator$BeanAdapter.get(FreemarkerGenerator.java:306)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Dot.getAsTemplateModel(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Dot.getAsTemplateModel(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Variable.getValue(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.instruction.VariableInstruction.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.compiler.TemplateArrayList.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.instruction.ListInstruction.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.compiler.TemplateArrayList.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.Template.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.Template.process(Unknown Source)
	at mir.generator.FreemarkerGenerator.generate(FreemarkerGenerator.java:73)
	at mir.producer.GeneratingProducerNode.produce(GeneratingProducerNode.java:95)
	at mir.producer.AbstractProducerNode.produce(AbstractProducerNode.java:42)
	at mir.producer.reader.ScriptedProducerNodeDefinition$NodeParameterProducerNode.produce(ScriptedProducerNodeDefinition.java:139)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.ProducerNodeDecorator.produce(ProducerNodeDecorator.java:45)
	at mir.producer.EntityEnumeratingProducerNode.produce(EntityEnumeratingProducerNode.java:88)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.reader.ScriptedProducerNode.produce(ScriptedProducerNode.java:99)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.NodedProducer.execute(NodedProducer.java:49)
	at mircoders.global.ProducerEngine$ProducerJob.run(ProducerEngine.java:266)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobHandler.runJob(JobQueue.java:289)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobHandler.access$500(JobQueue.java:259)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobQueueRunner.run(JobQueue.java:425)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
Occupy Movement Shut Down West Coast Ports (1 comment)
20-12-2011 20:00

<!-- Couldn't get value of variable icon_alt: Couldn't get referent of icon_alt: Couldn't get referent of to_media_icon: freemarker.template.TemplateModelException
	at mir.generator.FreemarkerGenerator$BeanAdapter.get(FreemarkerGenerator.java:306)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Dot.getAsTemplateModel(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Dot.getAsTemplateModel(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Variable.getValue(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.instruction.VariableInstruction.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.compiler.TemplateArrayList.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.instruction.ListInstruction.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.compiler.TemplateArrayList.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.Template.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.Template.process(Unknown Source)
	at mir.generator.FreemarkerGenerator.generate(FreemarkerGenerator.java:73)
	at mir.producer.GeneratingProducerNode.produce(GeneratingProducerNode.java:95)
	at mir.producer.AbstractProducerNode.produce(AbstractProducerNode.java:42)
	at mir.producer.reader.ScriptedProducerNodeDefinition$NodeParameterProducerNode.produce(ScriptedProducerNodeDefinition.java:139)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.ProducerNodeDecorator.produce(ProducerNodeDecorator.java:45)
	at mir.producer.EntityEnumeratingProducerNode.produce(EntityEnumeratingProducerNode.java:88)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.reader.ScriptedProducerNode.produce(ScriptedProducerNode.java:99)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.NodedProducer.execute(NodedProducer.java:49)
	at mircoders.global.ProducerEngine$ProducerJob.run(ProducerEngine.java:266)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobHandler.runJob(JobQueue.java:289)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobHandler.access$500(JobQueue.java:259)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobQueueRunner.run(JobQueue.java:425)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
Ashland Bradley Manning Vigil (2 comments)
17-12-2011 06:23

<!-- Couldn't get value of variable icon_alt: Couldn't get referent of icon_alt: Couldn't get referent of to_media_icon: freemarker.template.TemplateModelException
	at mir.generator.FreemarkerGenerator$BeanAdapter.get(FreemarkerGenerator.java:306)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Dot.getAsTemplateModel(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Dot.getAsTemplateModel(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.expression.Variable.getValue(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.instruction.VariableInstruction.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.compiler.TemplateArrayList.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.instruction.ListInstruction.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.compiler.TemplateArrayList.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.Template.process(Unknown Source)
	at freemarker.template.Template.process(Unknown Source)
	at mir.generator.FreemarkerGenerator.generate(FreemarkerGenerator.java:73)
	at mir.producer.GeneratingProducerNode.produce(GeneratingProducerNode.java:95)
	at mir.producer.AbstractProducerNode.produce(AbstractProducerNode.java:42)
	at mir.producer.reader.ScriptedProducerNodeDefinition$NodeParameterProducerNode.produce(ScriptedProducerNodeDefinition.java:139)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.ProducerNodeDecorator.produce(ProducerNodeDecorator.java:45)
	at mir.producer.EntityEnumeratingProducerNode.produce(EntityEnumeratingProducerNode.java:88)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.reader.ScriptedProducerNode.produce(ScriptedProducerNode.java:99)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.CompositeProducerNode.produce(CompositeProducerNode.java:81)
	at mir.producer.NodedProducer.execute(NodedProducer.java:49)
	at mircoders.global.ProducerEngine$ProducerJob.run(ProducerEngine.java:266)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobHandler.runJob(JobQueue.java:289)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobHandler.access$500(JobQueue.java:259)
	at mircoders.global.JobQueue$JobQueueRunner.run(JobQueue.java:425)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
Occupy Carols Rogue Valley Mall (1 comment)
16-12-2011 08:06

Text Simply put, I need some money
13-12-2011 00:08

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Text Rashid Kevin Johnson's details
14-04-2012 19:49

Text On the 100th Birth Anniversary of Kim Il Sung
13-04-2012 13:09

Text Does George F. Will Write Like a Weasel
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Text Worldwide Children's Revolution proposed to l
10-04-2012 12:42

Text On Global Democracy and World Parliament
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Text SNWA Water Grab Mirrors Owens Valley Theft
02-04-2012 22:15

Text NV State Engineer Rules Against Goshute Tribe
29-03-2012 23:17

Text Lynch Law U.S.A.: Murder of Trayvon Martin
29-03-2012 03:22

28-03-2012 23:15

Text Philippines: Annoying P-Noy
27-03-2012 10:32

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