Category Archives: earth-based spirituality

Summer Solstice: Dreams, Manifestation, Movies

We believe the world needs a powerful vision of a positive future here on earth. Once we might simply have told the tale around the fire. Two decades ago, I wrote it as a novel. Now, as the world becomes every more visual, we want to make it a film.
Also posted in Fifth Sacred thing movie, Goddess, Paganism/earth-based spirituality | 10 Comments

Save Tasmania’s Ancient Forests!

Tasmanian environmental groups are calling for an international day of action on December 14/15 to pressure the Australian Government to enforce a moratorium on logging the old growth.
Also posted in Paganism/earth-based spirituality, magical activism, permaculture, political activism, sustainability | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Some Quick Scenes from the Trip

Ooh--it's been a fast and furious few weeks! Hardly even time to check email, let alone write blogs, only intermittent email access--but here's a few highlights and pics if I can get them up before we leave for a fabulous Sicilian lunch and then out to begin the Demeter workshop...
Also posted in Goddess, Paganism/earth-based spirituality, Uncategorized | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Winter Solstice, 2009

But the message of Solstice is this: hope does not come once into the world and fulfill itself. Hope and light must constantly be reborn, over and over again. They wax and wane, and must be renewed.
Also posted in Goddess, Paganism/earth-based spirituality | Tagged , | 8 Comments

The Spiral Dance–A Beautiful Night!

The art of leading the trance is to open up and let the inspiration and ecstasy flow, to find that well at the heart of the Isle of Apples, the ever-flowing well of life, and drink from its waters, and share.
Also posted in Goddess, Paganism/earth-based spirituality, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Trance to the Shining Isle

In Wiccan mythology, death is not an ending, but a transformation to a new state. Witches go neither to hell nor heaven, but to the Land of Youth, where we walk with the Goddess beneath the trees that are in flower, bud, and fruit all at the same time, reviewing our life and its lessons and planning our next one. There we remain until we grow young enough to be reborn.
Also posted in Goddess, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

The Isle of Apples

Keyawis chose to let go rather than to live on life-support, with no hope for recovery or quality of life. She faced death with the same grace and courage with which she lived,
Also posted in Goddess, death | 13 Comments

Pagan Values

I wonder what an ecological movement might look like that truly embraced Pagan values--that pleasure is good, the body is sacred, life should be full of beauty and delight, that all of life is alive and speaking and communicating and inviting us to join in the song?
Also posted in Paganism/earth-based spirituality, climate change | 14 Comments