Category Archives: sustainability

The Fifth Sacred Thing Green Plan

The Fifth Sacred Thing shows us a vision of a positive, resilient future, where at least one city has achieved environmental balance and social harmony. Applying the ethics and principles of permaculture to the production of The Fifth Sacred Thing will embody the message of the film and generate ecological, social and financial returns.
Also posted in Fifth Sacred thing movie, books and writing, permaculture | Tagged , , | 16 Comments

Save Tasmania’s Ancient Forests!

Tasmanian environmental groups are calling for an international day of action on December 14/15 to pressure the Australian Government to enforce a moratorium on logging the old growth.
Also posted in Paganism/earth-based spirituality, earth-based spirituality, magical activism, permaculture, political activism | Tagged , | 1 Comment

A Recipe for Diversity–or, A Bunch of Diverse Things and a Recipe!

And along with those two big events, I started teaching our long-term training program in Bayview Hunters Point, teaching permaculture design and environmental leadership to both garden coordinators and young adults who live in public housing in San Francisco’s poorest neighborhood.
Also posted in Bayview Hunters Point, Food and recipes, Paganism/earth-based spirituality, gardens, permaculture, social justice | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Our Global Work Day Actions for 10-10-10

10 AM on 10-10-10—an auspicious moment, if you like the number 10! I am at the Alice Griffith Garden in the Doublerock public housing development in Bayview Hunters Point—a neighborhood of San Francisco sometimes known as a ‘food desert’. It’s easy to buy a bottle of liquor or a fistful of oblivion here—really hard to get a good, fresh vegetable.
Also posted in Uncategorized, climate change, gardens, permaculture, political activism, social justice | 4 Comments

US Social Forum–An Inspiring Day

Listening to Grace Boggs, connecting with the wonderful people she and her late husband James Boggs collected around them, I am struck by how unafraid they are to talk about love. With all the anger, our own frustrations and the violence we face, they still put love at the heart of their work.
Also posted in US Social Forum, political activism, social justice | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Miracle of the Hydro

The hydro continues to run. It may come apart in the next storm, but until then, I’m not touching the pipe. My other mantra is “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” The point is, sometimes healing just happens. The onery, contrary universe offers us a bit of grace. I’m grateful. It’s nearly solstice, and the lights remain on.
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Rain and Cold

Today my friends are in Copenhagen protesting at the Climate Change Forum. I’m in Cazadero, doing my bit for climate change by trying to get my microhydro system working now that the rains have come.
Also posted in climate change, life on the ranch, permaculture | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Stand With Van Jones!

Van Jones' real crime? He’s the triple threat: he’s black, he’s effective, and he is doing effective work to empower the people in this country who have the least resources.
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