What is Occupy Santa Cruz?

We gather together as Occupy Santa Cruz in solidarity with the worldwide Occupy Movement. We are individuals committed to promoting justice. We have no leaders. We recognize the right of ALL voices to be heard: our diversity is a source of strength. We present a united front in our non-violent approach to addressing the problems we face and generating solutions beneficial to all. Please join us in creating a better world.

Occupy Santa Cruz General Assembly

Tuesday and Thursday 6PM County Courthouse (steps), 260 Water Street.
Saturday and Sunday  2PM  US Post Office (steps) , 850 Front Street.

Online Discussion for Occupy Santa Cruz


General Assembly Notes for Sun 22Apr2012

[[Ed Note: These notes were submitted by Mithrell. -GX]]

Agenda Items:
-Occupy Tables
-GA frequency
-May 1st
-Traffic Helpers
-Wells Fargo Action

Occupy News

Julian Assange, who has been in house detention for 500 days, has released 12 episodes of interviews. These are available online and through RT.

Vermont passed a resolution 90-4 saying that corporations are not people and that money is property not speech. Part of the ongoing effort to undo “Citizens United.”

Citibank shareholders have sued over excessive payments to CEO. Shareholders can refuse CEO salaries as part of Dodd-Frank. Originally it was thought that nothing would come of this, but these shareholders have sued.

Brazil Oil Spill: Brazil had an oil spill much smaller than the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico. In Brazil, passports have been taken away from U.S. executives connected with the spill, and they are being prosecuted by the Brazilian government.

OWS sleeping on the street on Wall St. They were kicked out Friday morning. Prior to that, they had been relying on a 2000 New York State Supreme Court decision affirming street sleeping as political protest to be protected speech.

Friday 4/20 Isaac was arrested at UCSC for selling marijuana. He is facing felony charges. This is the first felony arrest at UCSC meadow in 5 years. He is being held on $5000 bail but an attorney could get in to see him. He will appear in court Wed 8:15am.

Working Group Reports

Foreclosure: Ken Foster accepted a short sale and the escrow has closed. The difference between the amount Ken owed and the sale price was only $50,000. He has until the end of May to leave his home. The couple that bought it is interested in permaculture, and has expressed a desire to continue it as a permaculture property.

Members of Foreclosure WG attended Judges’ Forum sponsored by “Santa Cruz Neighbors.” The judges told them, “Well, you have to change the laws.” The Sheriff said the same thing when they met with him. Board of Supervisors meetings 5/8, 5/15, 5/22 at 9am. All encouraged to attend. We do have the support of WILPF. Their meeting is 5/15 7pm Quaker Meeting Hall. Cities/counties have already passed ordinances requiring foreclosure filers to have the “authority” to do so (meaning they must show they own the house with non-forged documents). No foreclosure meeting this week and possibly not next week. Communicating via e-mail at this time.

Reach-in Reach-out: Has created an interfaith chapel. Will carry around on May 1st. They will be building it this Tues at 7:45 pm at someone’s house. Contact Abbi for address.

Santa Cruz Eleven Support: Meeting tomorrow 11:45am El Salvador Restaurant by Jury Room on Ocean St. Four pre-lims tomorrow: Grant, Cameron, Ed, Angel 1:30pm Dept. 6

24/7 Occupy WG: First meeting tomorrow 12 noon Occupy House

Direct Action: 6pm Wed Occupy House. Going to SF for Wells Fargo shareholders meeting action Tues 4/24.

Legal: Ed accused of contempt of court during Gary Johnson’s trial for not wearing a tie. Ed now has a public defender and a continuance. Two cases with City of Santa Cruz. Looking for anyone who feels a sense of urgency to continue cases. Steve continuing his part of litigation on his own.

Strategy: Sun at noon west steps of courthouse.

Movie Night working group: Will be showing Wall St. (original 80s version) Wed 4/25 west courthouse steps. That may be changed to Wed 5/2 due to conflict with Food Justice Working group film / fundraiser and possibility of rain.

May 1st Organizing: Meeting currently combined with Direct Action. Wed 6pm Occupy House. Have item on today’s agenda. Will continue report back then.


Occupy Tables:
Where are they?
Many at Occupy house. Will talk to Bob.

GA Frequency
GAs are currently Tue, Thur 6pm courthouse steps and Sat, Sun 2pm post office. Discussion of possibility of fewer GAs. Proposal for 2 GAs a week: Sun and some weekday. Suggestion to bring working groups back into GA. Suggestion of Sat, Sun, Wed and text tree. Suggestion to try to get a person from each working group to give a report if we only have 2 GAs per week. Support for Sun and one weekday (Tue, Wed or Thur).
Consensus for Sunday.
Some people expressed that they cannot go on Thursday. Thursday eliminated. Support for Tues or Wed. Show of thumbs for Tues or Wed. Wednesday with slightly more support. Test for consensus on Wed.


New schedule begins May 1st. GAs will be Tue, Thur, Sat, Sun for this week. No GA May 1st. First Wed GA on May 2nd.

May 1st 
Several members of OSC attended a meeting Thurday night about May 1st activities. Meeting included unions, community members, student organizer. Labor organizers are holding a rally at 5:30 pm in front of the post office (which has a permit). Students are holding activities on campus, then marching to the post office to meet with labor rally. No permit for student march. Students meet 7pm tomorrow Kresge Student Lounge. Request for suggestions/comments on May 1st activities. Proposal that OSC officially endorse student march and labor rally.

May 1st Traffic Helper
There was a discussion of the role of monitors at Thursday’s May 1st planning meeting. Members of OSC expressed unhappiness with monitors at March 11th march, dislike of being told what to do, “because I said so” attitude. Unions / community members were going to have monitors at May 1st events, but after hearing concerns by Occupiers suggested OSC provide monitors, and only for traffic safety. Does OSC want to do this? yes. (consensus)

Wells Fargo Action
Members of Occupy Santa Cruz going to SF for Wells Fargo action Tues 4/24. Member of Santa Cruz Eleven to speak.

Go to stopwellsfargo.com for demands.
Meet directly after GA for carpool arrangements.


Aqua lawn chair left at courthouse steps Tuesday. See Mithrell to reclaim.

Occupy Wells Fargo — Monday Schedule






4-5 p.m.: Outreach to Financial District workers and other 99%ers

5-8 p.m: 99% SPEAK OUT:

Come hear the stories and struggles of people on the front lines of the communities and movements of the 99% — impacted by and fighting Wells Fargo, big banks and Wall St.:

5-5:30 Foreclosure Fighters

5:30-6 Labor

6-6:30 Immigrant rights/prisons/detention centers

6:30-7 Feminists

7-7:30 Students

7:30-8 Environmental Sustainability


6-9 p.m.: Nonviolent Direct Action Training:

Prepare for the take over of the Shareholder Meeting the next day. Hands-on skills and info about how to engage in effective direct action and occupation, tools for de-escalation (and escalation) and dealing with arrest and legal consequences.

8-9 p.m.: Outdoor Film Screenings by Occupy SF Media:

A series of short documentaries on Foreclosure Fighter Victories, Bank Occupations, and Subervtisements.

9-Midnight: Silent Movies & Music and Wells Fargo Teach-In:

by the Occupy SF Ideological Liberation Work Group


Mortgage Mess: How Wells Fargo defrauds the public with mortgages every step of the way: from origination to securitization to foreclosure.

Predatory Lending: How Wells Fargo uses payday loans, student loans, and interest rate swaps to keep customers, students, and local governments trapped in a vicious debt cycle.

Too Big To Exist: How Wells Fargo abuses its powers as a large bank, from exorbitant bailouts and abusing the FED discount window, colluding with other banks to restrict any semblance of a free market.

Let’s show our solidarity

and Monday

start the heat on Wells Fargo!!!

General Assembly Notes for Tue 17Apr2012

[[Ed Note: These notes were submitted by Joel. -GX]]


-Occuhouse to be evicted any day now!
-UCSC Student Union calling for a general strike May 1st. There’s a march planned from campus to downtown
-Courthouse plaza filled with tax protesters Tues, Apr 17th: flags, signs, umbrellas, honks, it was great.
-Helped with a table at Project Connect working with HUFF. Didn’t feel comfortable, too regimented.

Urgent Announcements


Inspirational Minute

-”Everyone does better when everyone does better.”

Working Group Reports

-Foreclosures: Ken Foster has accepted a short sale (he’s given up). He feels ok about it. He may be able to stay. The people buying the house are interested in a permaculture garden. Another house was auctioned on Monday (4/16/12). Still meeting with government peeps trying to get a code change for the county. Still working on it. Talked with the mayor and such. Will be asking judges some questions. Next meeting Sat. 4pm at the Octagon.

-Direct Action: Going to Wells Fargo shareholders meeting on the 24th in San Francisco. Working on carpool list. Meeting Wed 6pm and Sat also at 6pm at the Mission St. house. March at 4pm on May 1st, rally at 5:30pm at San Lorenzo. Movie showing Wednesdays at the courthouse 8pm.

-River St. Defense: Meetings on Mon. 3pm at Mission St. house. New webpage santacruzeleven.org

-Strategy Committee: Meets Sundays 12 noon at the courthouse.

-Legal: Ed Frey’s contempt court case April 27th at 1:30pm Department 2. Show your support!


24/7 Occupation Discussion: Occupy the mission st house. Probably wait until there’s a critical mass, like around May 1st. May 1st yes, rally will include tent games. Occupied building in SF, join the action. Will be sad to lose some occupiers, maybe visit SF but come on back to SC. Noticed that if we go public many houseless folks will
participate; dealing with tweekers, shit got out of hand frequently; best option would be to have privately owned and donated property; the weather will be nice; like it outdoors. Last time we talked we brought up the idea of a mobile occupation; great power in being mobile. Think about being self-sustainable, not a public health hazard, not trashy,
want it to be safe; how will it look, drugs all day or build something; food is very important. Mobile occupation at the post office, harassed by police there; should be there Saturdays indefinitely. Suggestion to form a working group to talk about
re-occupation. Meeting scheduled for Monday at noon at the Mission st. house.

99% Spring Discussion: (bad? good? huh?): Idea came up some months ago by people who didn’t identify with occupy wall st but wanted to use the rhetoric; possibly for electoral reasons. 99% isn’t owned by OWS, Noam used the term in 1985. They put on art shows, and there’s no evidence of political motives.


-Precautionary Principal: Cabrillo College 5:30pm Forum 450. Event around the idea that all products should be proven safe before being proven to not be safe.

-Movie showing Wednesday night (4/18/12) will be “Idiocracy” 8pm at the courthouse.

-Got the Santa Cruz 11 petition onto the OWS facebook page and as of this GA it has 785 signatures! Also on the OSF facebook. Please go to these pages and leave your comments.

-Weather is nice

-Saturday is the Earth Day Festival at San Lorenzo park, all day.

Idiocracy on OSC Movie Night 8PM Thu 18Apr2012

IDIOCRACY, OSC Movie Night, 8PM, Tonight (18Apr2012), Courthouse

Idiocracy is a 2006 American film, a satirical science fiction comedy, directed by Mike Judge and starring Luke WilsonMaya RudolphDax Shepard, and Terry Crews.

The film tells the story of two ordinary people taken into a top-secret military hibernation experiment to awaken in a dystopia wherein advertising,commercialism, and cultural anti-intellectualism run rampant and dysgenic pressure has resulted in a uniformly stupid human society devoid of intellectual curiosity, social responsibility, and coherent notions of justice and human rights.

General Assembly Notes for Sun 15Apr2012

[[Ed Note: These notes were submitted by Robert Norse -GX]]

I only began taking notes towards the end of the meeting, so these notes do not include Urgent Announcements, Occupy News, Inspirational Minute, or Working Group Reports. They may also contain some inaccuracies.

Happy to note there was no further harassment by police or postal workers. Steve Pleich facilitated most of the G.A. Brent facilitated the rest.

Agenda Items

Proposal to Endorse ACLU Statement of Concern Regarding Prosecutions of a Select Few at 75 River St. Steve Pleich proposed and the G.A. consensed to support the ACLU’s Statement of Support from Peter Gelblum of the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. This passed with one thumbs down.

Proposal to Create a Working Group to Create a More Comprehensive Support Proposal at a Future Meeting This was passed with 2 stand asides.

Proposal that Without a Notetaker There Be no G.A. Proposed by Ed Frey, debated, and withdrawn.


Abbi announced a Reach In-Reach Out Meet 7:45 PM Tuesday April 17 at India JoZe.
[[Someone]] announced [[on Facebook]] that movie night Wednesday April 18 for a showing the 1980′s Wall Street would be postponed [[to Wed 25Apr2012]].
A 4-6 PM Tax Day Action for April 17 was announced–courthouse steps by WILPF.
Steve Pleich announced a Judical Forum to be held 7-9 PM April 17th at the Community Room of the Police Station.
Abbi quickly reported on yesterday’s police intervention and successful maintenance of the right of public assembly on the post office steps during the G.A. Meeting.

Someone announced a Grateful Dead dance April 15 at the 418 Project 10 pm – 3 am.

General Assembly Notes for Sat 14Apr2012

[[Ed Note: These notes were submitted by Mithrell Denica -GX]]

Urgent Announcements

* Check out Indy Bay for news on the Santa Cruz 11 charged, as well as Facebook. Trial dates coming up for 7 of the defendants. Also going to work in  a website. Petition available to sign on FB and the website.
* Today at 4:00 PM @ India Joze, (Justice Party) Presidential candidate Rockey Anderson will speak. Also at 5:30 at LuLu Carpenters and 7 PM at RCNV @ 612 Ocean St. Notes about his GA visit follow.
* 6-9 The 99% Spring Action Training. (Not an Occupy event.)


Occupy News


On the 24th in SF @ Justin Herman Plaza there will be an action protesting the Wells Fargo Shareholders Meeting@ 10 AM. Pre-curser event on the 23rd from 4AM- 12 noon.
MAY 1st we STRIKE! Do not forget to take the day off to show solidarity with the 99%. Costumes, floats, etc.


Inspirational  Minute: Let us all remember the original Courthouse Occupation and those who have worked so hard to effect change in our area. Even though the camp is not here any more, the love and soul still remain strong.


Working Group Reports


Reach In-Reach Out: Meet at 7:45 Tues, at India Joze to look inwards. Thinking of setting up a chill=out tent.
Santa Cruz 11: Meetings at Occupy House to discuss the development of petitions, websites, out reach and general solidarity for those erroneously charged with the 75 River Occupation.

Stop Foreclosures: Meeting with Sheriff soon, working on a Homeowners Bill of Rights. Meet at LuLu’s @ 4PM on Sat.

Legal: Again, pending lawsuits can no longer be handled by Mr. EF, Steve may continue with one.

Strategy: We meet Sunday 12 noon on West Courthouse steps.

Media: Occupied article in Good Times, letter on foreclosure March.

Agenda Items

Presidential Candidate Rockey Anderson comes to OSC GA: Has been doing progressive work for years, one example was his work in having hearings on George W. Bush’s abuses of power in Salt Lake City. Feels that we need to point the finger at ourselves when looking for some of the main problems. Said that the Occupy Movement is a very healthy and positive development for the Nation – perhaps not seen since the 1960′s. This, like his Justice Party, is a genuine grassroots movement. Makes the point that we must work for change both in and outside of the electoral system. A co-founder of the Justice Party, Mr. Anderson is seeking the nomination of the Peace and Freedom Party. He spoke at four events today, as listed in the urgent announcements. :)

OSC Needs to Break the Silence w/ Action (which then changed to two proposed demands for Constitutional Amendments at summarization of proposal/discussion): We need to take personal responsibility not just point finger. In opinion of presenter, we have had no real action in favor of the 99%. We need to use the current political system / Office holders and hold them accountable somehow. The country as a whole is uninformed. Need to occupy the parties.


1) With all due respect, I have been working for the last 10 years for change and I know I have effected some! Effecting the national consciousness with Occupy is no small feat either. I agree that while many are uniformed, I do not feel that describes this group of activists. I have done work on radio, in school, in community – do not like the personal insults. I am reminded of song Word I Never Said by Lupe Fiasco. I agree we need to attack big problems but disagree totally with the premies that WE have not done enough. Time for others to help and disagree with this concept.

2) We need to try and take over the political parties with a group of people going to their meetings from Occupy. Occupy the political parties!

3) I am from Occupies Berkeley, Oakland and OSF – I have some good news in the way of change. $300 Million was moved by the City of Berkeley out of Wells Fargo recently as a direct result of the occupy actions. This is and example of the real changes happening.

Restated Proposal: Would like to demand that OSC put forth two Constitutional Amendments, as follows.

1) Every 30 days every Congress person must do a 30 min Q + A/ Comment period on television with a Citizen chosen at random.

2) There should be no private Congressional meetings. The public must be privy to all of the goings on of Congress and Government.

Vote: No Consensus


Watch the movie The Inside Job!  Inform yourselves.

Steve plans on going ahead with the lawsuit concerning the Occuption of San Lorenzo Park but will not have the help of Ed.

Police Officers ask us to leave, then determine that we are legally allowed to SIT AT OUR POST OFFICE!

Denica makes announcement that we have voted to not have officers in uniform at our GA and asks for them to leave until and come back if needed out of uniform.

Proposal to Endorse ACLU Statement of Support

On Sunday 15Apr2012, at the General Assembly, the Legal Working Group will be presenting a proposal to endorse the ACLU Statement of Support for the eleven activists charged with offenses related to the Occupation of 75 River Street.

Please join us on Sunday for the discussion of this proposal.



Eleven local activists have been charged with a variety of offenses arising from the occupation of a vacant bank building last fall. We have two primary concerns regarding this prosecution. First, at least some of the defendants are journalists who were present to report on the protest. We condemn any attempt to criminalize their exercise of the crucial First Amendment right to gather and disseminate information about this newsworthy event. All charges based on this constitutionally protected activity should be dropped immediately.

Second, it appears that some of the defendants may have been charged due to their past adversarial relationship with law enforcement officials. The Constitution requires that the enormous power of government be exercised fairly and even handedly, and not be based on the identity or past actions of the defendants. The District Attorney should re-examine the basis for the charges, and the Court must ensure that these activists are not being selectively prosecuted.

Very truly yours,

Peter Gelblum

Chair, Board of Directors
ACLU–Santa Cruz Chapter
April 4, 2012

Ashley Morris
ACLU of Northern California
39 Drumm Street
San Francisco, California 94111

Dear Ashley:

The following case summary and request for support is being submitted on behalf of the entire Board of Directors of the Santa Cruz County Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and its more than 2,000 members:

As you may know, several of our local activists have been charged with a variety of offenses arising from their alleged involvement with the occupation of a vacant bank building late last fall. That matter is referenced as Santa Cruz County Superior Court Case Number F22196. The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press submitted an amicus Letter Brief on behalf of two of the defendants in early March. I have attached a copy of that brief for your review, and the pdf may also be found online at santacruzindymedia on the Indybay.org website.

There are several reasons why we believe that Northern California should rise to the defense of these members of our community individually and as a group:

First, all of these defendants are either journalists, members of our local press, and/or activists committed to the Occupy Movement––and particularly Occupy Santa Cruz. Therefore, we believe that civil liberties are being broadly threatened by the continuing prosecution of these cases.

Secondly, none of these defendants “occupied” the premises in the same sense that those who remained on the property for several days did. (See Reporters Committee Letter Brief, page three, paragraph 4.) Indeed, these defendants were participating in constitutionally protected activities either as news gatherers or as supporters of the activists inside the occupied building.

Thirdly, in our opinion, the charges being pursued by our local District Attorney are over broad and overreaching in consideration of the facts. Each of these defendants has been charged with (1) felony conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor (Penal Code Section 182(a)(1); felony vandalism (PC Section 594(b)(1); misdemeanor trespass by entering and occupying (PC Section 602(M); and misdemeanor trespass and refusing to leave private property (PC Section 602(O). The facts in support of these charges as adduced through discovery provided by the District Attorney are both scant and unpersuasive even in the absence of any civil liberty considerations.

Fourthly, it is also our opinion that these defendants are being selectively prosecuted in a manner directly related to the existing adversarial relationship several of these defendants have with both our local police department and the District Attorney’s office. According to reports published and/or broadcast by local news media, anywhere from 150 to 300 individuals entered and exited the bank building during the 75-hour occupation, including local elected officials. And, yet, only these eleven defendants have been charged.

Fifthly, we believe that significant civil liberty issues arise on the facts of this case. Although we are mindful that the constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and free assembly do not confer immunity from prosecution on those who choose to participate in arguably unlawful activities, it is of critical importance that clear distinctions be made between the exercise of the aforementioned rights in the context of direct political action. In our view, these defendants posed no threat to public order or private property by their actions either as chroniclers of the events or as ardent supporters of the occupiers and the occupation.

It is therefore our considered opinion, duly ratified by a unanimous vote of our Board, that an amicus Letter Brief appropriate to these facts and circumstances be submitted to our Superior Court on behalf and in support of the named defendants. Although the submission of an amici curiae brief is procedurally unusual at the non-appellate level, it is not barred by existing case law and may serve to provide the presiding Court with relevant information.

Should Northern California agree to draft and submit such a brief, it may be addressed to:

Honorable Paul P. Burdick
Judge of the Superior Court
County of Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz Courthouse
701 Ocean Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Of course, you and your staff will need to independently review and assess the merits of this case in light of our shared mission to defend civil liberties. Please feel free contact to me directly via e-mail or by phone should you have any additional questions.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Santa Cruz Chapter ACLU, I thank you for your consideration of this matter of local importance and concern.

Very truly yours,

Peter Gelblum

Chair, Board of Directors

ACLU–Santa Cruz Chapter


Occupy Santa Cruz Movie Night

Wednesday, April 4th, Occupy Santa Cruz viewed the film “V for Vendetta” on the west side of the county courthouse. There were about 20 in attendance for our movie. I personally didn’t know what to expect for a turn out and was very pleased with the numbers that did show. Mithrell and I have decided to make a weekly event of showing a movie, next week will be the 1980′s classic “Wall Street” starring Charlie Sheen and Micheal Douglas. Again it will be shown on the west side of the courthouse, weather permitting, at 7:30ish next Wednesday. If you have a movie suggestion please feel free to ask at http://occupychop.tumblr.com/ask.

[[Ed Note: The showing of Wall Street last night (Wed 11Apr2012) was cancelled due to the wet weather. It has been re-scheduled for Wed 18Apr2012. -GX]]

[[Ed Note: Occupy Chop announced on Facebook that due to a lack of equipment the showing has now been re-scheduled for Wed 25Apr2012. -GX Tue17Apr2012]]

Protest Income Inequality — Monterey

Protest Income Inequality. Monterey Conference Center, 1 Portola Plaza, Monterey (near corner of Alvarado and Del Monte).

This rally will be held prior to the Panetta Institute Lecture (Discussing the economy will be Robert Reich, professor of public policy at the University of California, Berkeley, author, advisor to presidents and former Secretary of Labor and Alan Simpson, former U.S. Senator and co-chair of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. Ron Insana, senior analyst, CNBC and MSNBC, and financial industry expert will moderate.), with the intention of spreading awareness to the arriving attendees and the community.

Dress up as a 1%er (your interpretation) and bring a sign expressing your desire to be taxed. “Close Tax Loopholes”, “Raise the Capital Gains Tax”, “I Love Estate Tax”, etc.