How the Body Works : The Small Intestine
How the Body Works : The Small Intestine
The Small Intestine The small intestine, a twenty-one-foot tube, lies in coils in the abdomen. The first ten to twelve inches are called the duodenum, which is the U-shaped section of the small intestine that joins the stomach and the jejunum. The next eight feet, the jejunum and the remaining twelve feet the ileum, join the duodenum with the large intestine. The muscle layers of the small intestine are arranged longitudinally on the outside and circularly on the inside. Between the muscle layers are a series of nerve fibers which control the muscular movements that mix and move food along. The common bile duct is the opening through which bile and pancreatic juices enter the small intestine. As food reaches the duodenum from the stomach, it is mixed with these juices and further digested. At the base of the duct is a ring of smooth muscle, the sphincter, which regulates the outflow of fluid. Digested food is absorbed into the cells through the fingerlike projections lining the small intestine called the villi. The Crypts of Lieberkuhn, numerous tubular glands which open into the intestine from between the villi, secrete an alkaline fluid rich in digestive enzymes and mucus. The mucus protects the tissues of the small intestine from being digested by it's own enzymes. Brunner's glands pour out an alkaline juice to neutralize the acid chyme reaching the small intestine and to create the necessary conditions for further digestion. Tributaries of the portal vein carry <b>...</b>
Biology: Chemical Digestion in the Small Intestine
Biology: Chemical Digestion in the Small Intestine
www.mindbites.com for full video
Small Intestines Histology Model - Layers & Mucosa
Small Intestines Histology Model - Layers & Mucosa
This video was produced to help students of human anatomy at Modesto Junior College study our anatomical models.
Shotgun Histology Small Intestine Ileum
Shotgun Histology Small Intestine Ileum
Shotgun Histology Small Intestine Ileum
SAGES 2011 Bonus Video: Primary Author - Parag Dhumane, MD
Small Intestine - Raccoon Mountain - Chattanooga TN
Small Intestine - Raccoon Mountain - Chattanooga TN
This is the first section of the Raccoon Mountain mountain bike trail known as Small Intestine. It is a fast flowing trail with just enough challenges to keep you on your toes since the terrain has some excellent downhill sections with unobstructed views which allow you to maintain good speed throughout the trail. Kudos to the Chattanooga Chapter of the Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association (in partnership with TVA , supported by Outdoor Chattanooga and with technical assistance from National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program for an excellent system of trails on Raccoon Mountain!
The Digestive System: The Small intestine, Pancreas, and Liver
The Digestive System: The Small intestine, Pancreas, and Liver
A video describing the small intestine, pancreas, and liver and their corresponding roles in digestion. Please subscribe! Please Donate! Help this company thrive! www.tangiblechemistry.com Supplemental Text: www.helpsheets.tangiblechemistry.com Questions? tangiblechemistry@gmail.com
Shotgun Histology Small Intestine Jejunum
Shotgun Histology Small Intestine Jejunum
Shotgun Histology Small Intestine Jejunum
Worm in Small Intestine
Worm in Small Intestine
This is a endoscopic video of a worm in the gut/small intestine
Histopathology Small intestine, duodenum--Peptic ulcer
Histopathology Small intestine, duodenum--Peptic ulcer
Histopathology Small intestine, duodenum--Peptic ulcer
Small Intestines Histology Model - Intestinal Glands
Small Intestines Histology Model - Intestinal Glands
This video was produced to help students of human anatomy at Modesto Junior College study our anatomical models.
Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Video
Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Video
Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a common cause of many symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease and any type of colitis. Dr. Dahlman explains how to identify the problem and what to do about it.
Histopathology Small intestine--Carcinoid tumor
Histopathology Small intestine--Carcinoid tumor
Histopathology Small intestine--Carcinoid tumor
Small Intestines Histology Model - Submucosa
Small Intestines Histology Model - Submucosa
This video was produced to help students of human anatomy at Modesto Junior College study our anatomical models.
Small Intestines Histology Model - Layers (Transverse View)
Small Intestines Histology Model - Layers (Transverse View)
This video was produced to help students of human anatomy at Modesto Junior College study our anatomical models.
Dim mak - Small intestine 18 point application on the ground
Dim mak - Small intestine 18 point application on the ground
This is a small clip from the award winning Sifu Steven Burton's Dim Mak Secrets. The application shows how easy it is to achieve a ground pin utilising the Dim Mak skills. Visit www.dimmakdeathtouch.com for further details of this amazing 7 DVD set with charts and books included. The set is everything you need to learn this devastating art. The DVD set is a No 1 Best seller and has now sold of every major continent in the world. Sifu Steven burton will guide you through a complete training programme i the Forbidden dim mak skills.
Small Intestine Cancer Health Byte
Small Intestine Cancer Health Byte
Small intestinal cancer (small bowel cancer) is a rare form of intestinal cancer that can be divided into two main types, duodenal and a lower part cancer found in either the jejunum or ileum found in the lower part of the small intestine. Learn more about these types of cancers found in the intestine in this video.
Histopathology Small intestine, duodenum --Chronic peptic ul
Histopathology Small intestine, duodenum --Chronic peptic ul
Histopathology Small intestine, duodenum --Chronic peptic ulcer, penetrating