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Of all the web sites on all the servers in all the world, you logged onto mine...And most of you have done so for one reason: Admiration of the all-time greatest actor, Humphrey Bogart. Bogie has been my favorite actor since I-don't-know-when (and Casablanca has always been my favorite movie), and when I first started learning how to design web sites in September, 1995, I was shocked, shocked when numerous search engines failed to turn up a single page devoted to him. Therefore, I decided to rectify that oversight myself. You'll notice, if you haven't already, that I've kept this site almost entirely black and white (except in those cases where color is not only appropriate but necessary), which I hope you'll agree helps set the proper film noir tone. In this spirit, I've made my links appear in black text, changing to grey after they're followed. It makes them a bit difficult to see, but I think you'll agree it's the right way to go. |
Bogie Board Most Recent Post: 3/12/2012, 5:31 pm
( indicates pages with links to order Bogart merchandise.)
Brought to you by Mike Rosenberg, Jacksonville, FL. Updated November 27, 2011.