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Featured Stories

  • Headed for Marxism or Madison?

    Headed for Marxism or Madison?

  • Nuge: The NRA Party Rocked

    Nuge: The NRA Party Rocked

  • "Excellence is everywhere around us. We need to reward it."

    "Excellence is everywhere around us. We need to reward it."

  • Meesage from Ted Nugent

    Nuge: The NRA Party Rocked "If my daily activities and simple statements of truth and logic can cause such bizarre over-reaction by so many, I need no more evidence that I am on the right track."
  • The Oval ep. 2: Excellence Around Us

    "Excellence is everywhere around us. We need to reward it." So today, let us look within for the solutions that we need. Next time you hear someone say "where are the leaders?", go and get a mirror and hold it up. There's your leader.