
SNP Headquarters is located at Gordon Lamb House, 3 Jackson's Entry, Edinburgh, EH8 8PJ.

Opening hours: -
Headquarters Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Members' Room Mon-Fri 10am-4pm

For journey planning and a map view please follow this Google maps reference

General enquiries: 0800 633 5432

Membership services: 0131 525 8925


info [at] snp [dot] org

Media enquiries
SNP Press Officers can help journalists and press with interview requests and provide background to stories and campaigns.

Whether you require assistance with editorial, images, or comments, please contact us directly.

Holyrood: 0131 348 5684

Party: 0131 525 8928

Westminster: 0207 219 0074

Please note that if your enquiry relates to a Government announcement or a media bid for a Minister, you should contact the Scottish Government directly on 0131 556 8400.