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Updated April 18, 2012 - 12:40 AM EDT
NATO Talks Major US Offensive in Afghan Capital
  Karzai: US Must Pay at Least $2 Billion Per Year to Stay
  Australian PM Announces Early Afghan Exit
Iraqis Cry Dictatorship After Official's Arrest
  Scattered Violence Kills 13 in Iraq
Violations Claimed, But Syria Ceasefire Mostly Intact
Palestinians Reiterate Peace Talk Demands

Israel Releases Hunger Striker Khader Adnan

Sudan: Cost No Object in Taking Disputed Oilfield
'Rights Crisis' in US Client Bahrain, Despite 'Reform'
House Intel Chair: Google Secretly Backs CISPA Law
How to Trump a Superpower  by Dilip Hiro and Tom Engelhardt
Democratic Peace Theory Is False  by Daniel Larison
Netanyahu Fears Victory Over Iran's Nuclear Program  by Akiva Eldar
Who Broke Syria?  by James Harkin
New Clothes for Old Naked Lies  by Peter Casey
For You, a Thousand Times Over  by Kathy Kelly

More Viewpoints


American Muslim Alleges FBI Had a Hand in His Torture

Getting Away With Murder: Journalist Murders Worldwide

Israeli Ambassador to New York Times: Netanyahu Does Not Interfere in US Elections

Coast Guard Arctic Focus Might Impact Drug War

Britain Arrests Muslim Cleric, Again Seeking Deportation


NATO Ministers to Deliberate Afghan Strategy

US Assistance to Pakistan Buys Little Goodwill

Economists Warn Pakistan Spending Too Much on Military

Pakistan Deports bin Laden's Family to Saudi Arabia

Opposition Leader: Pakistan Should Take Initiative to End Siachen War
Afghan Extremists Allegedly Poison Schoolgirls' Water, 140 Hospitalized
Taliban Commander Turns Self In... for Reward on 'Wanted' Poster

Higher Education in Afghanistan Pinched by War


Iraq Hosts Arms Expo 9 Years After Fall of Saddam

Iraq's Clash of Old and New: Oil Pipelines in Babylon

Iraq Orders Release of 15 Saddam-Era Officials

Iraq's National Museum Partially Reopened


Ahmadinejad: Strike on Iran Will Cause Enemy's Destruction

Top Iran Nuclear Scientist, Once Targeted for Assassination, Gets New Emergency Post
Middle East-North Africa

Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah Chief, Offers Syria Mediation

Nasrallah Tells Assange That Hezbollah Aims 'To Deter, Not Attack' Israel

Libya May Reshuffle Government in Next Few Weeks

Gadhafi Son Saif Al-Islam 'May Be Tried in Libya'

Egypt's Election Commission Ejects Front-Runners From Presidential Race


Palestinians: Prime Minister Pulls Out of Israel Meeting

Jewish Settlers Invade Palestinian Man's Home, Beat Him in Hebron

IDF Officer Says Regrets Beating Dane 'in Front of Cameras'


Sudan's Frontline: Dead Bodies, Circling Antonovs

Suicide Bomber Kills Soldier in Southern Somali Town

UAE Prosecutor Pushes Crucifixion for Somali Pirates

Reported Arrests in Mali Raise Questions About Junta

African Union Suspends Guinea-Bissau Over Coup


Tajikistan: President Denies Requests for Foreign Bases

Tokyo to Buy Disputed Islands: Controversial Governor

China, Russia Plan Naval Exercises in Yellow Sea

North Korea Says It Will Abandon Deal With US

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Was Elliott Abrams Hitler's Senior Advisor?

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