Friday, December 3

Bloom thrown out of EP Plenary for refusing to apologise...

Check out the BBC on G. Bloom's latest antics in Strasbourg:

Saturday, November 20

Farage the Messiah: the second coming!

Farage’s supporters hail his return as UKIP leader in their customary moderate underplayed tones:

“It’s the second coming of the newly re-elected leader of UKIP, plane crash survivor, death cheater Nigel Farage! Could his survival be the hand of God, a Tea Party revolution UK style?”
(Raymond Hall in the News & Star, 19 Nov)

Friday, November 19

UKIP to blunfrt into Northern Ireland

UKIP has announced that it intends to put up candidates in Northern Ireland, contesting 7 seats in the Stormont elections in May next year.

UKIP's policy of replacing the 108 Northern Ireland Assembly Members with 18 dual mandate Westminster MPs would throw a stone into the pond of the province's fragile peace process.

Whatever one thinks of Sinn Fein, it would exclude Norther Ireland’s largest party from the governance of the Province and upset the careful step by step peace process that is still underway.


Thursday, November 18

Telegraph interview with Farage can't hide his more sinister sides

To mark his re-election as leader of UKIP, the Eurosceptic Daily Telegraph accords Farage a lengthy interview in today’s Telegraph. However, such a long chat inevitably revealed more than was intended.

‘The internal squabbling can be very tiresome,’, he sighed about the burden of returning to the UKIP leadership.

Less tiresome, perhaps, than visiting lap top dancing bars, on which he says: “Lap dancing? Don’t have the time these days, but I used to go to them. Like it or not, they are a fact of life. You are talking about normal behaviour there. Everyone does it.”

The interviewer also asks him about his extramarital affairs, which he dismisses by saying “Well, we’re all human. There is a big difference between that sort of thing and being really bad.”, which prompts the question about his expenses scandal, to which he replies: “I was trying to make a point about the Brussels gravy train, but it didn’t work. None of it went to me. Most of it went on my staff, on administration.”. So that’s ok then!


Wednesday, November 17

UKIP MEPs trade insults as one of them takes UKIP to court

17 November

An investigation is to be launched after squabbling UKIP MEPs traded insults in Parliament, according to Parliament Magazine.

According to the article, Godfrey Bloom called Nikki Sinclaire a ‘queer’. She says she was so "shocked" by the comment that it took her two days to lodge a formal complaint with the Speaker (Parliament’s President, Jerzy Buzek).Meanwhile, Sinclaire has announced she is taking legal action against UKIP for alleged discrimination based on sexual orientation. Sinclaire said some Members of Ukip's political Group in the EP, the “Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD)” Group, had "extreme views", something that she has apparently only discovered now!

As a result, she now refuses to sit with her own party members in parliamentary meetings.


Tuesday, November 16

Feuding UKIPPERs set up new blogs

It seems to be a common trend among disaffected UKIP members to set up blogs to moan/reveal/complain about its internal shenanigans.

What appears to be a new one, “Everything about UKIP” focuses on Nigel Farage’s working method of getting his cronies to smear internal opponents (November 16 ) and also has an entertaining character assessment of Farage by his fellow UKIP MEP Mike Nattrass (October 25).

It can be added to the long list of other blog and website dissidents within UKIP, who spend many a happy hour slagging each other off.

One of the more longstanding ones is “Junius”. Another is “Dr Edmond’s blog” by a former UKIP National Executive Committee member.

Then there is “Butterflies and Caterpillars", apparently relaunched as “UKIP-vs-EUKIP”, which just about sums them all up!

Together, they show that UKIP’s three main factions identified by David Cameron – the nutters, the fruitcakes and the racists – are all well represented in its website in-fighting.


Friday, November 5

Norman Tebbit lambasts Farage

A damning article on Nigel Farage by Norman Tebbitt, soul mates on substance, but not, it would appear, close buddies.

Coming soon...

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