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  • A View from Behind the Front Line

    As numerous column inches are currently given to the ongoing electoral battle in London and other key councils across the country, there are also thousands of Labour activists busy campaigning in constituencies (like my own of Harrogate & Knaresborough)...

  • Meeting Tweeting

    It’s a packed-out hall on a spring evening. Almost two hundred Labour members have gathered to hear the potential candidates for a safe Labour seat set put their case for selection. The members rustle folded leaflets the candidates have given them,...

  • Southern Comfort – Crawley and Reigate

    Back in the south-east and Crawley is my first stop to launch Labour’s Local Election campaign. I have visited Crawley a number of times over the years when Laura Moffett was MP. Laura has gone back to nursing still sporting I presume the tattoo on...

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Recent Comments

  • Hugh: You'll notice I preceded it by "For what it's worth" fo
  • Amber Star: Labour have jumped in the polls since Ed's Andrew Marr
  • @benjaminbutter: Some of you are anal! Why not just be glad Manchester h
  • Chilbaldi: But why are people interested in what is only a celebra
  • Dave Postles: Barker?  - more like a yapper - shitzui, perhaps?