


Well the day so far has been really wonderful. Last night was spent with great friends watching movies, playing on the trampoline, huddling for warmth, and of course counting down to my birthday in central, mountain, and pacific time—new year’s eve style. After a few interesting experiences at House of Pies I found myself dog-tired and decided to call it a night.

This morning was a little rushed getting things ready for the HPUG meeting but everything turned out alright. We did something never done before and actually joined the Palm and Web Technology SIGs for a party. Since I lead the Palm SIG and present in the Web-Tech SIG that was a lot of fun for me, as I always feel like the two may never meet.

I’ve just gotten warning that there are people coming over to my house and that a blindfold is involved, so this should be interesting. Gotta go . . .


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