
  • How the Goldman Vampire Squid Just Captured Europe

    By Ellen Brown, Truthout | News Analysis


     (Photo: Jose Martins / Flickr)

    The Goldman Sachs coup that failed in America has nearly succeeded in Europe - a permanent, irrevocable, unchallengeable bailout for the banks underwritten by the taxpayers.

    Goldman Sachs and the financial technocrats have taken over the European ship. Democracy has gone out the window, all in the name of keeping the central bank independent from the "abuses" of government. Yet, the government is the people - or it should be. A democratically elected government represents the people. Europeans are being hoodwinked into relinquishing their cherished democracy to a rogue band of financial pirates, and the rest of the world is not far behind.


Over the course of the May Day planning process in New York, in at least two meetings each week, OWS organizers have been patiently patching together an historic joint rally and march with labor unions, immigrants' rights groups and community organizations, many of which were invited to participate in the planning process since the beginning.


When Dorothy Wooten was told she was HIV-positive, her doctor looked her in the eye and predicted that she'd be dead within two years. That was 1987. Now 71, Wooten is a member of The Divas, a support group for middle-aged and elderly women who are living with the virus. The group was started by Iris House, a Harlem-based social service and advocacy organization for people with HIV/AIDS.


