Conifer reproduction 2
Conifer reproduction 2
pollination and embryo developement of gymnosperms (conifers)
Preparing Conifer Seedling Understocks For Winter Grafting
Preparing Conifer Seedling Understocks For Winter Grafting
I'm showing you how to prepare seedling rootstocks aka understocks of conifers prior to grafting onto them during winter. Conifer seedlings may be purchased bare-root the spring prior and are potted up or you can purchase conifer seedlings already potted up at any time. The seedlings need to be actively showing bud swelling or white root tip growth at the bottom of the pots or actual buds breaking and growth resuming from the buds such as that you can begin to graft onto the seedlings. For spruce, you should wait until needle and shoot growth expands from an unfolding bud while all other conifers as long as white root tips may be seen or bud swelling, then they are ready for grafting. Spruce are just better off to wait until you see growth from the buds.
Wollemie (Wollemia nobilis)
Wollemie (Wollemia nobilis)
Abteilung: Nadelholzgewächse (Pinophyta) Klasse: Pinopsida Ordnung: Kiefernartige (Pinales) Familie: Araukariengewächse (Araucariaceae) Gattung: Wollemia Art: nobilis dtsch. Name: Wollemie Die Wollemie (Wollemia nobilis) ist eine erst 1994 in Australien entdeckte Nadelbaumart aus der Familie der Araukariengewächse (Araucariaceae). Sie war vorher nur von viele Millionen Jahre alten Fossilien bekannt und galt daher als ausgestorben. Das Artepitheton nobilis wurde zu Ehren des Entdeckers David Noble gewählt. Die ältesten bekannten Fossilien der Wollemie werden auf etwa 90 Millionen Jahre datiert; sie galt als seit 65 Millionen Jahren ausgestorben. Im September 1994 wurden jedoch etwa 250 km westlich der australischen Stadt Sydney im Wollemi-Nationalpark von David Noble 23 Bäume und einige Jungpflanzen entdeckt. Sie waren versteckt in den abgeschiedenen und schwer zugänglichen Canyons der Blue Mountains. In dieser geschützten Umgebung konnte die Wollemie als lebendes Fossil bis heute überleben. Sie gilt als sehr bedrohte Pflanzenart und pflanzt sich im Moment nur klonal fort. Nach Erbgutuntersuchungen der australischen Exemplare wurde festgestellt, dass sämtliche bisher bekannten Wollemien einen Klon bilden, also identisches Erbgut besitzen. Zur Zeit sind drei Populationen mit insgesamt nur etwa 100 Bäumen bekannt. Vorsorglich wurden DNA-Proben genommen. Man befürchtet, ein zum Beispiel von Touristen eingeschleppter Pilz könnte die gesamte Population auslöschen. Um dies zu <b>...</b>
Conifera nature01web
Conifera nature01web
La divisione Pinophyta include la grande maggioranza delle piante chiamate comunemente conifere perciò possono essere considerati sinonimi. Sono piante vascolari (Tracheobionta), con semi (Spermatophyta) contenuti in un cono. Le conifere attuali sono piante legnose, perlopiù sono alberi e solo poche sono arbusti. Le conifere sono spesso dominanti nel loro ambiente e specie di conifere possono essere trovate allo stato naturale in quasi tutte le parti del mondo. Le conifere hanno una grande importanza economica, specialmente per la lavorazione del legno strutturale e la produzione di carta.
C is for Conifers - They Might Be Giants
C is for Conifers - They Might Be Giants
This song is about a family of trees called conifers! Illustration & animation by Courtney Booker. From TMBGs CD/DVD set Here Come the ABCs. Available at iTunes at bit.ly and at Amazon at bit.ly
Petrified Conifer Log, Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, Montana
Petrified Conifer Log, Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, Montana
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org Encyclopedia of Life (EOL): eol.org --- Rob's blog: www.robmutch.com Rob at Facebook: www.facebook.com Rob at Twitter: twitter.com Rob at Flickr: www.flickr.com Rob at Google+: plus.google.com [taxonomy:division=Pinophyta]
Stefan Luketa - Plant elements of Stara planina
Stefan Luketa - Plant elements of Stara planina
TMBG ~ C Is For Conifers & One Everything
TMBG ~ C Is For Conifers & One Everything
TMBG Friday Night Family Video Podcast ~ Arbor Day Special! C Is For Conifers & One Everything
Make a 5-Board Bench with Charles Neil
Make a 5-Board Bench with Charles Neil
A fun and inexpensive project to make in a weekend. Charles spent a Saturday and Sunday making and finishing a pine, five-board bench, enter the contest at his web site.
How to draw a Fir Tree
How to draw a Fir Tree
If you've drawn the round,deciduous tree at www.youtube.com you'll want to draw a fir tree as well. It's quite a different approach. hope this helps.
make miniature trees -part 4 more conifers
make miniature trees -part 4 more conifers
Part 4 - Other Conifers - of How to Make Miniature Trees for use with d&d and war games, dioramas, model railroad etc.
Sesame Street The Golden Triangle of Destiny - 1of8
Sesame Street The Golden Triangle of Destiny - 1of8
Sesame Street The Golden Triangle of Destiny - 1of8
6/14/2011 -- things to see along the way -- Lake Crescent -- Glacial lake & a curious Mallard duck
6/14/2011 -- things to see along the way -- Lake Crescent -- Glacial lake & a curious Mallard duck
Lake Crescent -- Glacial Lake Location : 48 3 07 N , 123 50 1 W Elevation: 588 Feet
Conifer Catapult
Conifer Catapult
Have you ever wondered whether a tree could catapult you over a castle's walls... Maybe not but check out the Mythbusters team attempting to do just that.
How to Create a Christmas Tree Bonsai Part I Plant Selection.mp4
How to Create a Christmas Tree Bonsai Part I Plant Selection.mp4
Had to get this vidoe out ASAP, you can also get the good deals with the Christmas trees and turn them into Bonsai! this is the perfect time to buy the materials! This part I shows how to select the plant. Part II will show the prunning session on an alberta spruce, wait for it!
Homemade wood chipper eating Holly and Conifer.
Homemade wood chipper eating Holly and Conifer.
Now then Arfur, this is proper chippin!
Difference between English and African Children
Difference between English and African Children
Frenchy Productions Facebook Page: www.facebook.com
Virtual Makeover -- Heather's New House in Utah
Virtual Makeover -- Heather's New House in Utah
Gardening and lifestyle expert P. Allen Smith give some great design suggestions to Heather in Utah. This video is from season 11 of his public television series, P. Allen Smith's Garden Home
This is a follow up to "Double Line Rope Walker" and illustrates typical procedures one might use in the course of dead-wooding or trimming single stemmed conifers out of the climbline and safety. No way does this video illustrate every scenario possible. It only shows how the Double Line Rope Walker system can be used to assist in the procedures.