Expecting a Boom in Demand, Greek Shipowners Turn to LNG Tanker Acquisition

April 10, 2012

By Ioannis Michaletos and Chris Deliso Emerging trends in the world energy involve an increase in natural gas usage as an emission-free and cost-effective energy product. Greece has an important role to play in this developing energy trend as well. Its is an especially unique one, considering the country’s historical identity as a major shipping [...]

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The Future of EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans: Interview with Eduard Kukan

April 11, 2012 Editor’s Note: As Chairman of the European Parliament’s Delegation for relations with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo and Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Eduard Kukan is a prominent voice when it comes to Western Balkans-related issues. In the context of the latest positive developments concerning Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, which [...]

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