
The sound of rain w/o music
The sound of rain w/o music
www.amazon.com Get a 60 minute download of relaxing 'light rain and thunder here' raaaaaaiiiiiinnnnn :D

And The Rainfall - Family Ways
And The Rainfall - Family Ways
No download link, sorry. :c The explanation is in the description. ----------------------- Before moving on to anything else, I wanted to apologize for going into full on emo mode on you guys on the Photoshoot video. I always get self conscious about any kind of creative work I do, and I went overboard with that one. Unfortunately, I was online, and about to upload the song when that happened, so I let it all out on you guys, and while I know that's not a particularly appealing kind of thing to see, I won't delete any of it 'cause I want it to be a reminder of what not to do next time around. Still, I want to thank every single one of you from the bottom of my heart for the words of encouragement you gave me in spite of my moping and attention whoring. I'm truly blessed to be around such wonderful people. :) ----------------------- Anyway, time for an oldie! You may have already heard the awesome cover Forest Rain made of it (linked above. Seriously, he did a much better job on it than I did in every respect!), but here's the original thing.This is the song I made back in December for Smile!, the charity album compiled by Bronies For Good and My Little Remix. Due to the nature of the record I can't share a download link with you guys, as much as I'd like to, but you're still encouraged to get Smile! over here: broniesforgood.org Now, I don't mind you guys ripping or sharing this song around, but I still think it's worth throwing a few bucks at this cause. Also, those of <b>...</b>

And The Rainfall - Photoshoot
And The Rainfall - Photoshoot
Download: www.mediafire.com Without my lousy vocals: www.mediafire.com ----------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I'm not a rapper; I'm not even a singer. Also, any mispronunciation or misuse of grammar is purely intentional and meant to be in character, and totally did not happen because English is not my first language and I STILL DON'T KNOW MY WAY AROUND IT. WARNING: this song contains ridiculous amounts of wankery. ------------------------------ EDIT: I'm truly flattered and humbled by everyone who's commented on this. You've all been too kind to me, and have made me realize a lot about... well, about several many things that would take a lot of space to explain here. I can't thank you enough for your support, and I'm truly sorry you had to see one of those episodes where my insecurities get the better of me. I'm not going to erase it though; I want it to be a reminder of what not to do next time. I'm very sorry I haven't taken the time to reply to all of your comments, I can't help feeling like I'm being ungratefull and spoiled. I'll make an effort to show my gratitude better from now on. For the time being, let it just be said that I'm honored that you've given my music a chance, and I'm forever grateful (I sure do love to use that phrase, don't I?) towards you. I love you all. ----------------------------------- I'm convinced that this song is a huge mistake. I'll be honest, I'm not happy with it. I messed up the vocals, and it's just a total mess, both mix <b>...</b>

And The Rainfall - Winter Wrap Up (Sparkle Mix)
And The Rainfall - Winter Wrap Up (Sparkle Mix)
Download: www.mediafire.com .wav: www.mediafire.com Instrumental: www.mediafire.com Artwork: thesunandtherainfall.deviantart.com ----------------------------------------------- Facebook: www.facebook.com ----------------------------------------------- Sorry for the reupload, I wanted to tweak the art and the mix a bit, no more messing around with this, promise. ------------------------------------------------ That probably the most creative song title ever, amirite? Anyway, this song was born from wondering what the song Twilight was jamming to in Sweet and Elite sounded like, hence the image (also, it's just too damn adorable not to use). I set out to make a straight up dancy song, but then it went somewhere else, and now I'm not sure where it stands. Also, I'm still not sure whether I should keep calling this a remix of Winter Wrap Up or not. I mean, I did use like two samples from the title song, after all. I know there's still plenty of room for improvement, especially mix-wise, so I'd appreciate any feedback you could throw my way. :) Oh, by the way, I made a song for the compilation album that was put together by My Little Remix together with Bronies for Good for a chrismas charity fund. Everyone who donates gets the album, and all the proceedings go to the Children's Cancer Association. Check it out over here: broniesforgood.org Winter Wrap Up and the My Little Pony theme song were written by Daniel Ingram, who is, of course, awesome. Happy new year, everyone <b>...</b>

Our First Significant Rainfall This Winter 2011-2012 Season! (January 20, 2012)
Our First Significant Rainfall This Winter 2011-2012 Season! (January 20, 2012)
Watch in high quality (480p). Winter this season has been extremely dry so far. The last measurable rainfall that fell was just last November of 2011, before Thanksgiving. Almost half of California was and is already just under a drought. This also began to concern farmers and agricultural needs since the soil all over California is parched dry. However, this dry spell ended starting January 19, 2012. The jet stream finally dipped southward, aiming the storm track directly towards California! So our first storm of the season brought light showers to our area on January 19, 2012. (storm not shown in video). However, the 2nd, storm system was the real rain maker. It was the same storm system that brought record snowfall to the Northwest, especially in Seattle, Washington! So in this video, it shows us experience this 2nd, very wet storm impact us, particularly here in San Jose, CA. This was our 1st significant rainfall since last November 2011 and we were thrilled to see good amounts of rain at last, enough to put a dent on the drought. Then coming near 4 pm, it shows the incoming heavy rain bands from this storm viewed up from The Point Church in San Jose, CA. You can see a good view of Silicon Valley. Breezy, southerly winds increased as well as the frontal passage neared. By around 5 pm, skies quickly began to look even angrier. Our area was forecast to have heavy rain and even the possibility of thunderstorms especially from the hours of 8 pm to midnight. Finally, the <b>...</b>

Upper West - Rainfall feat. Sarah Solovay (Prod. by Back Country)
Upper West - Rainfall feat. Sarah Solovay (Prod. by Back Country)
DOWNLOAD OUR DEBUT MIXTAPE, WEST SIDE STORIES, HERE: www.mediafire.com Like us on facebook.com: www.facebook.com Free Download HERE: soundcloud.com Lyrics: rapgenius.com Follow us: twitter.com/upperwestmusic

[ALERT] Saint Louis Radioactive Rainfall @133x Greater Than Background Radiation
[ALERT] Saint Louis Radioactive Rainfall @133x Greater Than Background Radiation
[MAXIMUM ALERT] Neptunium 239 Potentially Detected see pissinontheroses.blogspot.com ------------------------------------- (c)2011 www.POTRBLOG.com 9/14/11 Saint Louis, Mo 5:30pm Radioactive Rainfall at 1.33 mR/hr 133 Times Greater Than Normal I would expect Iodine 131 to be reported again in Japan timing to a window surrounding 9/7/11. I have uploaded the full video of this detection, with multiple samples taken; the readings represent a 30 second moving average updated every 3 seconds. The maximum reading of 1.362 mR/hr occurs at approximately 7min 33 sec into the video. For an analysis of the relation of the detection to Fukushima and the previous 8/20/11 detection of 178x Background radiation please see the videos at: pissinontheroses.blogspot.com

2.76 mR/hr Fukushima Rainfall in Saint Louis Missouri on 10/17/11
2.76 mR/hr Fukushima Rainfall in Saint Louis Missouri on 10/17/11
UPDATE 10/22/11 The Day THYROID CANCER Was Thrust Upon Saint Louis, North America: Monday 17th of October 2011 The POTRBLOG team has been able to identify a 19.25 hour half life and a follow on 4.8 day half life component in the radioactive fallout which rained down on Saint Louis, Missouri on Monday 17th of October 2011. The half lives and decay chain indicate the presence of radioactive Iodine 133 and its daughter product Xenon 133. Additional longer half life components are also present. Further updates, and data will follow pissinontheroses.blogspot.com UPDATE 10/18/11 IODINE-133 has been tentatively identified in this fallout for details see: pissinontheroses.blogspot.com --------------------------------------- pissinontheroses.blogspot.com for more data and updates (c)2011 www.POTRBLOG.com ALERT- Saint Louis 4:30pm 1017/11 radioactive rainfall at 270+ times greater than background radiation- 2.7 mR/hr The highest reading we have ever measured more info to follow on www.POTRBLOG.com

Raw Video: Record Rainfall Drenches New York
Raw Video: Record Rainfall Drenches New York
Sunday's deluge set a one-day rainfall record for New York's JFK Airport, nearly 8 inches of rain fell. On Staten Island, the rain flooded a swath of road in the Bay Terrace area, submerging cars abandoned by stranded drivers. (Aug. 15)

Amazing Rain Sounds Relaxation Video - Rainfall Sounds [1080p HD]
Amazing Rain Sounds Relaxation Video - Rainfall Sounds [1080p HD]
Watch and listen to this stunningly beautiful rain sounds relaxation video in full 1080p HD right now and experience the soothing relaxation of a rainfall. Please Like this video and subscribe to our channel! Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com Visit our Website at www.clearlifenet.com Lean back and relax to these amazing rainfall sounds (rain soundtrack) and enjoy the relaxing power of listening to a calm and beautiful rain drops. This video is ideal for relaxation, for meditation, for soothing yourself to sleep, during sleep, a wonderful and relaxing rain video with soothing raining sounds presented in full 1080p high definition (Blu-Ray HD quality). The ideal rain sounds for sleeping! Amazing Rain Sounds Relaxation Video - Rainfall Sounds without music [1080p HD] Video Tags rain, rainfall, raining, rain relaxation, rain sounds, rain fall, rainfall sounds, rain song, rain sound effects, rain sounds for sleeping, rain storm, water, water flowing, water dripping, water drops, sleep, meditation, relaxation, relaxing, relax, rain soundtrack

And The Rainfall - At The Gala (Rainfall Mix)
And The Rainfall - At The Gala (Rainfall Mix)
Download: mediafire.com Instrumental (Backup Vocals only): www.mediafire.com Wav: www.mediafire.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook: www.facebook.com ----------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so this is my first remix ever. It was born from the idea of what the song playing in the ponies' heads during the gala would sound like, hence the three more or less distinguishable parts in the song; when they go in in hopes of living their dreams, when they become disappointed and everything goes to hell, and when they eventually realize that despite things not turning out how they expected, it really was the best night ever. I'm gonna go a bit on a tangent here and say that I worked on this on and off over two and a half months. During this period I went through a couple of rough patches, and working on this was sorta like a safe haven where I could escape my troubles. I guess you could say working on this healed me, and I hope I was able to transfer some of that into the song itself. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. :) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro. At The Gala was written by Daniel Ingram, who is awesome. ~ And The Rainfall

Hiroe Sekine- After The Rainfall
Hiroe Sekine- After The Rainfall
From the album, "After the Rainfall" (2012) www.sekaimusic.com Hiroe Sekine, piano and vocal Larry Koonse, Guitar Darek Oles, acoustic bass Peter Erskine, drums

Nintendo Localization Rant (Operation Rainfall)
Nintendo Localization Rant (Operation Rainfall)
Join the thousands of other people that wanna see these games make it to their consoles. It's the right thing to do cause being left out on fantastic titles is just terrible. oprainfall.blogspot.com Music in the intro and at the end done by Gods Immortal Gauntlet check out his youtube music videos here - www.youtube.com Art of Me in the intro and at the end done by Mr. Evil cheese. Check out his Badass Video Game Action Figure Party Videos here - www.youtube.com Rate-Comment-Subscribe Check out my Other Nintendo related Videos :D Top Loading NES Review - www.youtube.com Super Mario 25th Anniversary Rant - www.youtube.com Operation Raiinfall - www.youtube.com 3DS Price Drop - www.youtube.com We Need a New Pokemon Trading Card Game - www.youtube.com Why isn't there a Pokemon MMO? - www.youtube.com Nintendo Superguide Rant - www.youtube.com Wii Internal Memory Rant - www.youtube.com Check me out on Facebook - www.facebook.com

Operation Rainfall: Nintendo DOESN'T Want Games Anymore :P
Operation Rainfall: Nintendo DOESN'T Want Games Anymore :P
I advise you to watch the ENTIRE video before commenting. You will learn and understand alot more about this topic. Enjoy! FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! twitter.com JOIN MY fACEBOOK fAN pAGE! www.facebook.com

K-News - Xenoblade Chronicles US 2012 & Operation Rainfall Victorious!
K-News - Xenoblade Chronicles US 2012 & Operation Rainfall Victorious!
Xenoblade Chronicles US bound it's official. Operation Rainfall has achieved what many deemed Impossible! North American players can look forward to playing this epic game Q2 2012. Reggie was right, The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, was NOT the last great game for the Wii. Special Thanks to all those involved in Operation Rainfall and people that signed the Petition during this year!

K-News - Operation Rainfall makes waves for Xenoblade on Amazon.com!
K-News - Operation Rainfall makes waves for Xenoblade on Amazon.com!
Join the fight to get Nintendo to Localize Xenoblade, The Last Story & Pandora's Tower for North America! Im a proud supporter of Operation Rainfall - oprainfall.blogspot.com *Now for your K-News sources* Opertaion rainfall Xenoblade best selling video game on Amazon! - wii.ign.com Last Story coming to Europe in 2012 - www.nintendoworldreport.com Resident Evil Mercs save files are forever? - www.joystiq.com

K-News - Final Fantasy 3 on Wii, Op Rainfall continues to march, & Zelda Wii U might look different?
K-News - Final Fantasy 3 on Wii, Op Rainfall continues to march, & Zelda Wii U might look different?
Final Fantasy VI NA virtual console - www.nintendo.com Operation rainfall prepares to mail out plea's to NOA - oprainfall.blogspot.com Pandora's Tower coming to Europe - www.nintendoworldreport.com Cave story 3DS delayed until NOV 2011 T_T - www.shacknews.com Classic Mario power ups & suits will appear in Super Mario 3D - www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk Don't expect Zelda Wii U to look anything like the Demo - www.wired.com

Hard News 08/11/11 (Rainfall could happen, Paul WS Anderson speaks, AC3 Beta)
Hard News 08/11/11 (Rainfall could happen, Paul WS Anderson speaks, AC3 Beta)
Today on Hard News Operation Rainfall could still succeed, Paul WS Anderson talks video game movies, and where and when you can play the Assassin's Creed beta. Nintendo Watching Europe Sales of Wii RPGs - wii.ign.com Resident Evil Movie Directors Slams Video Game Movies (except his own) - www.videogamer.com Assassin's Creed Revelations Beta Details - blog.us.playstation.com Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook! Facebook - Pro Jared and www.facebook.com Twitter - @ScrewAttack and @ProJared

Rainfall by Hungry Lucy (The Libertine)
Rainfall by Hungry Lucy (The Libertine)
Rainfall by Hungry Lucy off of the album To Kill a King, with Pictures from The Libertine. First attempt at making a video like this, for just pictures and lyrics I think I did a pretty good job. I know some of the lyrics are hard to read, so I will also post them on here. I think the movie and the song go together really awesomely!! I love Hungry Lucy! Enjoy! Feedback appreciated! Lyrics: Behind a wall There is a boy I've tried to reach For many years Each time it rains I see his face I offer shelter He walks away May you have brighter tomorrows The past you had was shrouded in deceit May you be eternally beautiful The way you are The way you are To me I had the chance To feel his pain I didn't look Deep inside My desperate hope Won't bring him back It only kills The love I have I walked away From the waters edge Feeling numb From the cold Now when it rains I can't see his face I am weak And I have failed

Deadmau5 w/ EPIC rainfall intro @ Lollapalooza 2011!
Deadmau5 w/ EPIC rainfall intro @ Lollapalooza 2011!
Went to the Deadmau5 concert on the final day of Lollapalooza and it started to rain the moment Deadmau5 dropped his first beat! EPICNESS!

Nintendo: Why Won't You Let Me Give You My Money?
Nintendo: Why Won't You Let Me Give You My Money?
Sales data courtesy of VGChartz.com. For the 43 Nintendo published titles, I excluded the ones that Nintendo only published in Europe or Australia but I did count games that were published by Nintendo in Japan but someone else in America (like the Mario & Sonic games, for example). I also, in an attempt to be fair, eliminated a couple games such as Wii Sports (because it was a pack-in in the US) and Wii Play (because most copies were bundled with a controller). Including them would have bumped up the average factor from 3.9 to 4.1. The 3 Nintendo published titles that sold better in Japan are: Wii Party, Mario Sports Mix, and Samurai Warriors 3. Where's my Eagle Scout medal? It's part of a framed awards collage that's hanging on my mom's wall. Or in storage, I'm really not sure. A bit more info on this video can be found at my blog below: www.ign.com Jonesing for Last Story, Xenoblade, and Pandora's Tower? Check out Operation Rainfall, a fan campaign that's going to great lengths to convince Nintendo to release those titles in North America. Check it out here: oprainfall.blogspot.com Like my videos? Subscribe to my channel. Interested in my written stuff? Follow me on Twitter @AndrewEisen

Depeche Mode - The Sun And The Rainfall - piano cover
Depeche Mode - The Sun And The Rainfall - piano cover
this is not my usual kind of piano cover to post, but I was requested to make sheet music and I like the song. So I decided to post it anyway. And I do have a rainbow on my keys, I love those rainbow catchers :)