3CR 855am

3CR 2011 Annual Report Available Online

3CR 2011 Annual Report3CR's 2011 Annual Report provides a great snapshot of the activities, programming, people and processes in action during 2011 at the station.

It's a great read, beautifully presented and we encourage you to take a look and get inspired about the amazing diversity of media action and the wealth of people involved at your local community radio station 3CR.

Position Vacant - Radiothon Worker


3CR needs an organised and motivated person to help us with our annual Radiothon fundraiser. Our Radiothon is a two-week appeal to encourage listeners and supporters to keep this unique and independent community radio station on air. Each year we employ a Radiothon Worker to support staff and programmers with our fundraising efforts. This years appeal runs from June 4-17, plus the special Gardening Radiothon on June 24. The position is a fixed-term contract for 11 weeks from April to July. If you would like to work for 3CR check out the position description. Applications to be submitted to the Station Manager marked ‘Confidential’ Email stationmanager@3cr.org.au or post to 3CR PO Box 1277 Collingwood Vic 3066Closing Date: Wednesday 4th April 5pm

"Where the Heart Is" Live Broadcast

Tony, Daz, Dale and Tojo3CR's Roominations team (Tony, Daz, Dale and Tojo pictured) will again be hosting a live outside broadcast from the Where The Heart Is Festival. Held each year in Edinburgh Gardens, the festival is for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and features music, performance, lifestyle and pampering activities, art, games and community information.

Tune into 3CR from 1-3pm
for all the action on Friday 23 March. 855AM, 3CR Digital and streaming live on 3cr.org.au

Talkback With Attitude - Live Broadcast

Talkback with AttitudeJoin 3CR’s Talkback with Attitude team Dr Joe Toscano, Pat Khor and technical supremo Michael Smith for a live broadcast from Human Rights Square. Open Microphone – Let the world hear your thoughts. 

Where: Human Rights Square (Formerly Melbourne City Square) Cnr Collins and Swanston St Melbourne

When: Thursday 22nd March 9am for breakfast (bring your own food & drinks) 

Followed at 9.30am with a LIVE Talkback with Attitude Broadcast.

Can’t make it down to the square? Tune in to 3CR 855AM, 3CR Digital or live streaming on 3cr.org.au

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