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The Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine regret the resignation of the party whip by Baroness Tonge and offer her their full support. Her resignation follows condemnation of her by the party leadership for remarks she made in a meeting at Middlesex University last week. The condemnation was made before the leadership had heard her side [...]

An open letter to Nick Clegg

Rt. Hon. Nick Clegg Esq., M.P. Deputy Prime Minister By email 18 January 2012 Dear Nick, Your Press Conference with President Abbas On behalf of Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine, we would like to thank you for the statesmanlike comments you made about Israeli settlements in your joint press conference with President Abbas. By calling [...]

Gorgeous George is at least consistent. Can Liberal Democrat MEPs say the same?

04 April 2012

It did not take George Galloway winning in Bradford West to highlight the fact that politics in the UK is hugely unpredictable at the moment. Dislike of the coalition Government does not automatically translate into support for the opposition party. Those like George Galloway who are willing to take risks and campaign consistently on a [...]

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In Your Eyes A Sandstorm

02 April 2012

Who are the Palestinians? In this compelling book of interviews, Arthur Neslen reaches beyond journalistic clichés to let a wide variety of Palestinians answer the question for themselves. Beginning in the present with Bisan and Abud, two traumatized children from Jenin’s refugee camp, the book’s narrative arcs backwards through the generations to come full circle [...]

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EU lists its 82 funded projects destroyed by Israel

30 March 2012

The European Commission has published a list of 82 EU-funded projects in Palestine that have been destroyed as a result of Israeli action since 2001. Stefan Fule, the European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, says that the total cost of damage inflicted by Israeli armed forces on development projects amounted to €49.14 million.  The estimated [...]

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Transcript of Speech To House of Lords by Baroness Tonge

23 March 2012

My Lords, before I speak about recent developments in Palestine, I want to put on record two personal statements. The first is that I am not anti-Semitic but I am anti-injustice, and the treatment of the Palestinians over the last six decades, by Israel and the international community, has been a gross injustice which has [...]

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An Open Letter to Liberal Democrat MEPs

15 March 2012

To Liberal Democrat MEPs                                                                                         15 March 2012 By email Dear Member of the European Parliament, EU Israel Association Agreement: the proposed ACAA  agreement with Israel As you know, a possible agreement between Israel and the EU on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACAA) regarding pharmaceuticals will shortly be coming before the European Parliament. [...]

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15 March 2012

Martin Horwood’s careful picking over of what Jenny Tonge actually said is worthy of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: he has quoted her wrongly, but what of that?  The Inquisitors have decided that her language at Middlesex University was  offensive and inflammatory. Offensive? Of the 549 emails Jenny has so far received [...]

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An Open Letter from Baroness Jenny Tonge

05 March 2012

I must be allowed to correct the allegation made about me by Andy McSmith (“0ops, the Baroness did it again“, 29 February). When I was asked 18 months ago by the Jewish Chronicle to comment on YouTube postings that the IDF were stealing body parts from victims of the earthquake in Haiti, I congratulated the [...]

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LDFP at the Spring Conference: Is there a future for the Arabs in Israel?

27 February 2012

LDFP will be holding a fringe event at the Newcastle Lib Dem Conference on Saturday 10th March. Title: Is There a Future for the Arabs in Israel? Details: A close look at Israel’s treatment of its Arab minority. Speakers: UPDATED (05/03/2012):  Chair: Simon Hughes MP for Southwark and Bermondsey & Deputy Leader of the Liberal [...]

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Jeff Halper: You Can’t Get There From Here: The Need For “Collapse with Agency” in Palestine

21 February 2012

Even as I write this, the bulldozers have been busy throughout that one indivisible country known by the bifurcated term Israel/Palestine. Palestinian homes, community centres, livestock pens and other “structures” (as the Israel authorities dispassionately call them) have been demolished in the Old City, Silwan and various parts of “Area C” in the West Bank, [...]

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Pick of the Week: Why Israel’s rattling sabers

21 February 2012

Why Israel’s rattling sabers: Yousef Munayyer explains how Netanyahu is hedging his bets in the 2012 election Available at http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2012/02/2012296186462790.html Washington, DC – If Iran strikes Israel with a nuclear weapon, every member of my family living throughout Israel and Palestine could be killed or injured and my place of birth and ancestral homeland would likely be [...]

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