Edwin 'Ed' Meese III

Group Group Type Years Title Compensation
American Civil Rights Union Foundation 2006-2007
American Civil Rights Union Foundation 2006 Director
American Civil Rights Union Foundation 2007 Director
American Council of Trustees and Alumni Foundation 2007-2009
American Council of Trustees and Alumni Foundation 2007 Director
American Council of Trustees and Alumni Foundation 2009 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 1998-2010
Capital Research Center Foundation 1998 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 1999 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 2000 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 2001 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 2003 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 2004 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 2005 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 2006 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 2007 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 2008 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 2009 Director
Capital Research Center Foundation 2010 Board Member
Foundation for Research on Economics & the Environment Foundation 2005
Foundation for Research on Economics & the Environment Foundation 2005 Director
Heritage Foundation, The Foundation 1998-2010
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 1998 $240,400
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 1999 $243,973
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 2000 Trustee - Reagan Fellow $249,685
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 2001 Trustee - Reagan Fellow $259,046
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 2002 Vice President & Reagan Fellow $271,400
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 2003 Vice President & Reagan Fellow $261,860
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 2004 Vice President & Reagan Fellow $274,648
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 2005 Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow $275,080
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 2006 Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow $378,228
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 2007 Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow $393,339
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 2008 Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow $398,626
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 2009 Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow $404,874
The Heritage Foundation Foundation 2010 Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Foundation 2004-2011
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Foundation 2004 Board Member
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Foundation 2005 Board Member
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Foundation 2006 Board Member
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Foundation 2007 Board Member
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Foundation 2008 Board Member
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Foundation 2009 Board Member
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Foundation 2010 Board Member
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Foundation 2011 Board Member
Landmark Legal Foundation Foundation 1997-2007
Landmark Legal Foundation Foundation 1997 Vice Chairman
Landmark Legal Foundation Foundation 1998 Vice Chairman
Landmark Legal Foundation Foundation 1999 Vice Chairman
Landmark Legal Foundation Foundation 2001 Treasurer
Landmark Legal Foundation Foundation 2002 Treasurer
Landmark Legal Foundation Foundation 2003 Treasurer
Landmark Legal Foundation Foundation 2004 Chairman
Landmark Legal Foundation Foundation 2006 Vice Chairman
Landmark Legal Foundation Foundation 2007 Vice Chairman
Mercatus Center Foundation 2006-2008
Mercatus Center Foundation 2006 Director
Mercatus Center Foundation 2007 Director
Mercatus Center Foundation 2008 Director
Southeastern Legal Foundation Foundation 1999-2005
Southeastern Legal Foundation Foundation 1999 Member, Board of Trustees
Southeastern Legal Foundation Foundation 2000 Member, Board of Trustees
Southeastern Legal Foundation Foundation 2001 Member, Board of Trustees
Southeastern Legal Foundation Foundation 2002 Member, Board of Trustees
Southeastern Legal Foundation Foundation 2003 Member, Board of Trustees
Southeastern Legal Foundation Foundation 2004 Member, Board of Trustees
Southeastern Legal Foundation Foundation 2005 Member, Board of Trustees