Nuremberg Day 121 Walter Funk
On May 3, 1946, Walter Funk, Reich Minister of Economics and President of the Reichsbank, ...
published: 24 Feb 2009
author: RobertHJacksonCenter
Nuremberg Day 121 Walter Funk
Nuremberg Day 121 Walter Funk
On May 3, 1946, Walter Funk, Reich Minister of Economics and President of the Reichsbank, was called to the stand by his attorney Dr. Fritz Sauter. Some of t...- published: 24 Feb 2009
- views: 1861
- author: RobertHJacksonCenter
Grand parade on the occasion of the 4th Anniversary of the liberation of Madrid 1942
Die Deutsche Wochenschau Nr. 609 May 6, 1942 Grosse Parade anlaesslich des 4. Jahrestages ...
published: 09 Jan 2011
author: l80omarlllomar08l
Grand parade on the occasion of the 4th Anniversary of the liberation of Madrid 1942
Grand parade on the occasion of the 4th Anniversary of the liberation of Madrid 1942
Die Deutsche Wochenschau Nr. 609 May 6, 1942 Grosse Parade anlaesslich des 4. Jahrestages der Befreiung Madrids. Zusammenkunft des Fuehrers mit dem Duce in S...- published: 09 Jan 2011
- views: 414
- author: l80omarlllomar08l
Der Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecher Prozess - Das Urteil (5/9)
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: chronoshistory
Der Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecher Prozess - Das Urteil (5/9)
Der Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecher Prozess - Das Urteil (5/9)
- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 153
- author: chronoshistory
WALTER MURPHY- A Fifth of Beethoven (extended version)
Walter Anthony Murphy, Jr. (born December 19, 1952) is an American instrumentalist, songwr...
published: 22 Jul 2011
author: TheEternauta666
WALTER MURPHY- A Fifth of Beethoven (extended version)
WALTER MURPHY- A Fifth of Beethoven (extended version)
Walter Anthony Murphy, Jr. (born December 19, 1952) is an American instrumentalist, songwriter, and arranger who rose to cult status with the hit instrumenta...- published: 22 Jul 2011
- views: 239991
- author: TheEternauta666
Construction on the eastern front 1942
Die Deutsche Wochenschau Nr. 609 May 6, 1942 Grosse Parade anlaesslich des 4. Jahrestages ...
published: 09 Jan 2011
author: l80omarlllomar08l
Construction on the eastern front 1942
Construction on the eastern front 1942
Die Deutsche Wochenschau Nr. 609 May 6, 1942 Grosse Parade anlaesslich des 4. Jahrestages der Befreiung Madrids. Zusammenkunft des Fuehrers mit dem Duce in S...- published: 09 Jan 2011
- views: 343
- author: l80omarlllomar08l
Alarm and defense against a British air attack 1942
Die Deutsche Wochenschau Nr. 609 May 6, 1942 Grosse Parade anlaesslich des 4. Jahrestages ...
published: 09 Jan 2011
author: l80omarlllomar08l
Alarm and defense against a British air attack 1942
Alarm and defense against a British air attack 1942
Die Deutsche Wochenschau Nr. 609 May 6, 1942 Grosse Parade anlaesslich des 4. Jahrestages der Befreiung Madrids. Zusammenkunft des Fuehrers mit dem Duce in S...- published: 09 Jan 2011
- views: 1025
- author: l80omarlllomar08l
Gerald Celente: Banksters Use China, Their Franchise, to Buy up the World
Gerald Celente is a noted trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal.
published: 24 Sep 2013
Gerald Celente: Banksters Use China, Their Franchise, to Buy up the World
Gerald Celente: Banksters Use China, Their Franchise, to Buy up the World
Gerald Celente is a noted trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal. http://www.trendsresearch.com/index.php http://www.infowars.com/bilderberg http://www.infowars.com/b To add to Gerald's trends in the news, here's Mr. Gerard Batten, MEP for the European Parliament, stating the fact that the European Union is the literal Fourth Reich. Indeed, the EU corresponds in all to the blueprints of Hjalmar Schacht and Walter Funk [Hitler's economic gurus] for a Fascist European Federation, one that would be unified under Nazi rule. The gradualist method of construction (what the EU calls spillover, whereby one step leads to the next), the mercantile organization of the economy, the authoritarian apparatus, and even the plan for ethnic-based Euro-regions -- it's all there. «Gerard Batten, a member of the European Parliament for London for the United Kingdom Independence Party, said earlier this week at Watford, outside of the Bilderberg confab, that the European Union was designed by Nazis. "In 1942," Mr. Batten told Alex Jones, "the German central bank under Doctor Walther Funk along with leading industrialists said how are we going to run the economies of Europe after we have won the war." They proposed the "European Economic Community, that's what they called it, and they had a common agricultural policy" and policies covering other aspects of trade and cultural affairs. Batten said it is more than likely many of the Nazi economic architects responsible for drafting up plans for a common union found their way into the bureaucracy after the supranational institution began under the auspices of the European Economic Community in the early 1950s, at the same time the Bilderberg Group was established and began to hold annual meetings. The Maastricht Treaty officially established the current European Union in 1993. Asked about the CIA's role in forcing Britain into the union through a trade deal in the 1970s, Batten said the intelligence agency outspent and out maneuvered those opposed to integration. "I see this as an instrument of American foreign policy at the time," Batten said, adding that the global elite were keenly interested in creating a centralized and autocratic dictatorship in Europe» http://www.infowars.com/member-of-eu-parliament-calls-european-union-a-nazi-plan/- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 113
"The European Union is the Fourth Reich" -- Gerard Batten, MEP.
Here's Mr. Gerard Batten, a member of the European Parliament, calling for an investigatio...
published: 12 Jun 2013
author: LibertyArchives3
"The European Union is the Fourth Reich" -- Gerard Batten, MEP.
"The European Union is the Fourth Reich" -- Gerard Batten, MEP.
Here's Mr. Gerard Batten, a member of the European Parliament, calling for an investigation of the Bilderberg Group, whilst stating the fact that the Europea...- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 86
- author: LibertyArchives3
Max Keiser: Welcome to Nazi Europe
To add to Max Keiser's statements, here's an article with Mr. Gerard Batten, a member of t...
published: 12 Jun 2013
author: LibertyArchives
Max Keiser: Welcome to Nazi Europe
Max Keiser: Welcome to Nazi Europe
To add to Max Keiser's statements, here's an article with Mr. Gerard Batten, a member of the European Parliament, stating the fact that the European Union is...- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 142
- author: LibertyArchives
War Criminals: "Guilty Men" 1945 Army-Navy Screen Magazine #79 World War II Nuremburg Trials
more at http://quickfound.net/links/military_news_and_links.html Public domain film from t...
published: 23 Nov 2012
author: Jeff Quitney
War Criminals: "Guilty Men" 1945 Army-Navy Screen Magazine #79 World War II Nuremburg Trials
War Criminals: "Guilty Men" 1945 Army-Navy Screen Magazine #79 World War II Nuremburg Trials
more at http://quickfound.net/links/military_news_and_links.html Public domain film from the National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with...- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 189884
- author: Jeff Quitney
Nazi Party Members - Top List
Karl Dönitz
Walther Funk
Ernst Kaltenbrunner
Adolf Hitler
Hans Frank
Hermann Göring
published: 13 Jan 2014
Nazi Party Members - Top List
Nazi Party Members - Top List
Karl Dönitz Walther Funk Ernst Kaltenbrunner Adolf Hitler Hans Frank Hermann Göring Gottfried Feder Hans Fritzsche Wilhelm Frick Rudolf Hess- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 0
Nazi Leaders on Trial - Nuremberg 1945_Historical Documentary_WW2 Footages of War Crimes_Full Length
My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives Facebook: https://facebook.com/TheBestF...
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: TheBestFilmArchives
Nazi Leaders on Trial - Nuremberg 1945_Historical Documentary_WW2 Footages of War Crimes_Full Length
Nazi Leaders on Trial - Nuremberg 1945_Historical Documentary_WW2 Footages of War Crimes_Full Length
My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives Facebook: https://facebook.com/TheBestFilmArchives Subscribe for new videos: http://youtube.com/subscripti...- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 3315
- author: TheBestFilmArchives
Burgdorf Claus is coming to town?
Burgdorf has volunteered to be Santa Claus but Hitler has an opinion about this.
About ...
published: 22 Dec 2011
Burgdorf Claus is coming to town?
Burgdorf Claus is coming to town?
Burgdorf has volunteered to be Santa Claus but Hitler has an opinion about this. About the music, according to lieutenant colonel Eugene K.Bird (the US warden of Spandau) at Christmas Walther Funk used to play Bach on the chapel organ. I don't know WHAT EXACTLY he played but I just love Bach's "Goldberg Variations". It's one of those things that erases all negative energy and all worries... I once listened to them on my ipod when walking in the rain. It was more than beautiful. Merry Christmas!- published: 22 Dec 2011
- views: 23
Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Anklage (1/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess
Nürnberg - Justizpalast im November 1945, der Internationale Militärgerichtshof beginnt zu...
published: 07 Jun 2012
Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Anklage (1/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess
Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Anklage (1/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess
Nürnberg - Justizpalast im November 1945, der Internationale Militärgerichtshof beginnt zu tagen. Angeklagt sind 22 Deutsche, von Göring bis Fritzsche, Politiker, Beamte, Militärs des Dritten Reiches sowie 7 Organisationen. Die 4 Chefankläger sind: Robert H. Jackson für die USA, Roman A. Rudenko für die UdSSR, Sir Hartley Shawcross für Großbritannien und Francois de Menthon für Frankreich. 8 Richter unter dem Vorsitz von Lord-Richter Lawrence. 21 Verteidiger und 50 Hilfsverteidiger, 29 Zeugen werden gehört, als Kronzeugen der Anklage u.a. Generalmajor Erwin Lahousen und Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich Paulus. Ca. 600 Journalisten und Kameracrews sind vor Ort. Die Anklageschrift umfasst 85 Schreibmaschinenseiten, 2.100 Beweise für Verbrechen werden durch Dokumente und Filmaufnahmen belegt. Der Prozess umfasst 218 Verhandlungstage, nach 76 Sitzungstagen schließt die Anklage am 07. März ihr Beweisverfahren ab. Justizpalast, Fürther Straße, Jahrhundert-Prozess, internationaler Kriegsverbrecherprozess, Lucius Clay, Alliierten, Nürnberg, Donnedieu de Vabres, Robert Falco, Francis Biddle, John Parker, Nikitchenko, Wolkow, Sir Geoffrey Lawrence, Norman Birkett, Anklageschrift, Verbrechen gegen Frieden, Kriegsrecht, Humanität, Verschwörung, Hermann Göring, Rudolf Heß, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Robert Ley, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Walther Funk, Hjalmar Schacht, Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Karl Dönitz, Erich Raeder, Baldur von Schirach, Fritz Sauckel, Alfred Jodl, Martin Bormann, Franz von Papen, Arthur Seyß-Inquart, Albert Speer, Constantin von Neurath, Hans Fritzsche, Sekretär Hitlers, Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun, Selbstmord, Testament Hitlers, Propagandaminister, Josef Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer SS, vergiftet, Zyankali, Martin Bormann, Krupp, General Eisenhower, Reichsmarschallstab, Gefängnislager, Karlshorst, bedingungslose Kapitulation, General Feldmarschall Keitel, Mohndorf, SS, Gestapo, Reichsgesundheitsführer Conti, Anwälte, Dr. Dix, anglo-amerikanische Prozessordnung, Entnazifizierung- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 11251
Youtube results:
O Julgamento de Nuremberg, ou oficialmente, o Tribunal Militar Internacional (TMI) foi um ...
published: 09 Nov 2012
author: MrDominiopublico001
O Julgamento de Nuremberg, ou oficialmente, o Tribunal Militar Internacional (TMI) foi um Tribunal Internacional formado após o fim da segunda Guerra Mundial...- published: 09 Nov 2012
- views: 18560
- author: MrDominiopublico001
Der Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecher Prozess - Das Urteil (2/9)
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: chronoshistory
Der Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecher Prozess - Das Urteil (2/9)
Der Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecher Prozess - Das Urteil (2/9)
- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 311
- author: chronoshistory
HD Stock Footage WWII - Nuremberg Trials Crimes Against Humanity Reel 7
Purchase Link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_dc_102.html True HD direct fil...
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: BuyoutFootage
HD Stock Footage WWII - Nuremberg Trials Crimes Against Humanity Reel 7
HD Stock Footage WWII - Nuremberg Trials Crimes Against Humanity Reel 7
Purchase Link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_dc_102.html True HD direct film transfer Nuremberg Trials Reel 7 Each Nuremberg trial defendant h...- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 1098
- author: BuyoutFootage
Der Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecher Prozess - Das Urteil (4/9)
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: chronoshistory
Der Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecher Prozess - Das Urteil (4/9)
Der Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecher Prozess - Das Urteil (4/9)
- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 307
- author: chronoshistory