[Free Ebook] Conservation and the Genetics of Populations [PDF]
Link: http://www.benget.com https://www.facebook.com/bengetcom Hi, I found Conservation an...
published: 03 Apr 2013
author: bes rar
[Free Ebook] Conservation and the Genetics of Populations [PDF]
[Free Ebook] Conservation and the Genetics of Populations [PDF]
Link: http://www.benget.com https://www.facebook.com/bengetcom Hi, I found Conservation and the Genetics of Populations on the internet and sent so that you ...- published: 03 Apr 2013
- views: 905
- author: bes rar
UCL Ecological Genetics Fieldtrip
The UCL BIOL7008 ecological genetics fieldcourse to Zahara los Atunes southern Spain....
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: DJPMcBay
UCL Ecological Genetics Fieldtrip
UCL Ecological Genetics Fieldtrip
The UCL BIOL7008 ecological genetics fieldcourse to Zahara los Atunes southern Spain.- published: 24 Apr 2013
- views: 44
- author: DJPMcBay
Why is genetic polymorphism important to evolution?
Evolutionary genetics is the broad field of studies that resulted from the integration of ...
published: 30 Jan 2014
Why is genetic polymorphism important to evolution?
Why is genetic polymorphism important to evolution?
Evolutionary genetics is the broad field of studies that resulted from the integration of genetics and Darwinian evolution, called the 'modern synthesis' (Huxley 1942), achieved through the theoretical works of R. A. Fisher, S. Wright, and J. B. S. Haldane and the conceptual works and influential writings of J. Huxley, T. Dobzhansky, and H.J. Muller. This field attempts to account for evolution in terms of changes in gene and genotype frequencies within populations and the processes that convert the variation with populations into more or less permanent variation between species. In this view, four evolutionary forces (mutation, random genetic drift, natural selection, and gene flow) acting within and among populations cause micro-evolutionary change and these processes are sufficient to account for macro-evolutionary patterns, which arise in the longer term from the collective action of these forces. That is, given very long periods of time, the micro-evolutionary forces will eventually give rise to the macro-evolutionary patterns that characterize the higher taxonomic groups. Thus, the central challenge of Evolutionary Genetics is to describe how the evolutionary forces shape the patterns of biodiversity observed in nature. The force of mutation is the ultimate source of new genetic variation within populations. Although most mutations are neutral with no effect on fitness or harmful, some mutations have a small, positive effect on fitness and these variants are the raw materials for gradualistic adaptive evolution. Within finite populations, random genetic drift and natural selection affect the mutational variation. Natural selection is the only evolutionary force which can produce adaptation, the fit between organism and environment, or conserve genetic states over very long periods of time in the face of the dispersive forces of mutation and drift. The force of migration or gene flow has effects on genetic variation that are the opposite of those caused by random genetic drift. Migration limits the genetic divergence of populations and so impedes the process of speciation. The effect of each of these evolutionary forces on genetic variation within and among populations has been developed in great detail in the mathematical theory of population genetics founded on the seminal works of Fisher, Wright, and Haldane. Among the evolutionary forces, natural selection has long been privileged in evolutionary studies because of its crucial role in adaptation. Ecological genetics is the study of evolutionary processes, especially adaptation by natural selection, in an ecological context in order to account for phenotypic patterns observed in nature. Where population genetics tends toward a branch of applied mathematics founded on Mendelian axioms, often with minimal contact with data, ecological genetics is grounded in the reciprocal interaction between mathematical theory and empirical observations from field and laboratory.- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 1
Integrating Genetics and Ecology into Restoration Practice for Chesapeake Bay Seagrasses
The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) Seminar presented by Dr. Maile ...
published: 01 Aug 2013
author: sesync annapolis
Integrating Genetics and Ecology into Restoration Practice for Chesapeake Bay Seagrasses
Integrating Genetics and Ecology into Restoration Practice for Chesapeake Bay Seagrasses
The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) Seminar presented by Dr. Maile Neel Associate Professor and Director, Norton-Brown Herbarium, Depa...- published: 01 Aug 2013
- views: 7
- author: sesync annapolis
Students explore Spain's ecology (UCL)
Each spring undergraduate students on the Ecological Genetics course go to southern Spain ...
published: 17 May 2010
author: UCLTV
Students explore Spain's ecology (UCL)
Students explore Spain's ecology (UCL)
Each spring undergraduate students on the Ecological Genetics course go to southern Spain for a taste of studying evolutionary biology in the field. http://w...- published: 17 May 2010
- views: 1359
- author: UCLTV
Genetics and genomics of adaptive divergence in(...)
AES, Advances in Ecological Speciation - Genetics and genomics of adaptive divergence in s...
published: 10 Jun 2013
author: CampusdoMar
Genetics and genomics of adaptive divergence in(...)
Genetics and genomics of adaptive divergence in(...)
AES, Advances in Ecological Speciation - Genetics and genomics of adaptive divergence in sticklebacks Recent advances in genomics offer an unprecedented oppo...- published: 10 Jun 2013
- views: 21
- author: CampusdoMar
Testosterone and Crime: What Can Genes Tell Us About Behavior?
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2011/04/13/Steve_Jones_Nature_Nurture_or_Neither Evoluti...
published: 03 Aug 2011
author: ForaTv
Testosterone and Crime: What Can Genes Tell Us About Behavior?
Testosterone and Crime: What Can Genes Tell Us About Behavior?
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2011/04/13/Steve_Jones_Nature_Nurture_or_Neither Evolutionary biologist Steve Jones notes that genes responsible for circul...- published: 03 Aug 2011
- views: 6748
- author: ForaTv
The genetics of the intriguing radiation of finches in(...)
AES, Advances in Ecological Speciation - The genetics of the intriguing radiation of finch...
published: 19 Aug 2013
author: CampusdoMar
The genetics of the intriguing radiation of finches in(...)
The genetics of the intriguing radiation of finches in(...)
AES, Advances in Ecological Speciation - The genetics of the intriguing radiation of finches in the Tristan da Cunha archipelago Recent advances in genomics ...- published: 19 Aug 2013
- author: CampusdoMar
Genetic Variation to Ecological Variation
http://my.brainshark.com/Genetic-Variation-to-Ecological-Variation-614337018 - sexual vs. ...
published: 03 Jan 2014
Genetic Variation to Ecological Variation
Genetic Variation to Ecological Variation
http://my.brainshark.com/Genetic-Variation-to-Ecological-Variation-614337018 - sexual vs. asexual reproduction, DNA replication, binary fission, mitosis, meiosis, inbreeding, aneuploidies, mutations, and cancer- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 0
Conservation Biology and Wildlife Genetics
Course 'Conservation Biology and Wildlife Genetics' at Kathmandu University, organised by ...
published: 15 Jan 2014
Conservation Biology and Wildlife Genetics
Conservation Biology and Wildlife Genetics
Course 'Conservation Biology and Wildlife Genetics' at Kathmandu University, organised by the Himalayan Tiger Foundation- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 11
Genetic divergence predicts reproductive isolation in(...)
AES, Advances in Ecological Speciation - Genetic divergence predicts reproductive isolatio...
published: 19 Aug 2013
Genetic divergence predicts reproductive isolation in(...)
Genetic divergence predicts reproductive isolation in(...)
AES, Advances in Ecological Speciation - Genetic divergence predicts reproductive isolation in damselflies Recent advances in genomics offer an unprecedented opportunity to understand the mechanisms involved in ecological speciation. In order to build a solid two-way bridge between ecology and genomics, the AES international conference will promote a brainstorm on cutting-edge empirical and theoretical advances in the study of ecological speciation. We aim to create an open discussion atmosphere between students and more experienced researchers that can inspire future educational and research programs on this topic, currently one of the most prominent in evolutionary biology. This meeting is part of the European Science Foundation's Research Networking Programme Frontiers of Speciation Research (FroSpects, www.iiasa.ac.at/Research/EEP/FroSpects), which is funded by 18 of ESF's national member organisations. Video available at: http://tv.campusdomar.es/en/video/1893.html- published: 19 Aug 2013
- views: 0
Unique cultural and ecological role of tartary buckwheat
This is a presentation by Mary Saunders given at the 2012 annual meeting of the Society fo...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: TeachEthnobotany
Unique cultural and ecological role of tartary buckwheat
Unique cultural and ecological role of tartary buckwheat
This is a presentation by Mary Saunders given at the 2012 annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany. ABSTRACT: Unique cultural and ecological role of...- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 133
- author: TeachEthnobotany
"Time is Running Out: Ecology or Economics?" - David Suzuki - May 6, 2013
Environmentalist and activist David Suzuki gave a lecture titled "Time is Running Out: Eco...
published: 07 May 2013
author: Western Washington University
"Time is Running Out: Ecology or Economics?" - David Suzuki - May 6, 2013
"Time is Running Out: Ecology or Economics?" - David Suzuki - May 6, 2013
Environmentalist and activist David Suzuki gave a lecture titled "Time is Running Out: Ecology or Economics?" at noon on May 6, 2013 at Western Washington Un...- published: 07 May 2013
- views: 6795
- author: Western Washington University
Rybka lubi... skakać?
Niektóre ryby są całkiem niezłymi skoczkami. Niewykluczone, że przed milionami lat tak ska...
published: 10 Oct 2011
author: EurekNews
Rybka lubi... skakać?
Rybka lubi... skakać?
Niektóre ryby są całkiem niezłymi skoczkami. Niewykluczone, że przed milionami lat tak skakały, że aż wyskoczyły z wody i w końcu zasiedliły ląd. O odkrytych...- published: 10 Oct 2011
- views: 96
- author: EurekNews
Vimeo results:
New Gift | Supriyo Sen
In today’s context of biological and ecological destruction caused by chemical farming, in...
published: 30 May 2012
author: Focus Forward Films
New Gift | Supriyo Sen
In today’s context of biological and ecological destruction caused by chemical farming, industrial agriculture and genetic engineering, the film explores the core philosophy of “Navdanya” movement ignited by Dr. Vandana Shiva who believes seed is a gift of life, heritage and continuity and saving seeds leads to conserving biodiversity, knowledge, culture and sustainability.
Join the conversation and tweet #NEWGIFT to have your tweet featured on the GE FOCUS FORWARD website. Go to http://focusforwardfilms.com/films/34/new-gift to see the discussion.
Watch more GE FOCUS FORWARD films at vimeo.com/focusforwardfilms/films.
Director: Supriyo Sen
Producer: Supriyo Sen
Image: Kashif Siddiqui
Montage: Saikat S. Ray
Location Sound: Ashish Pandya
Sound Mixing: Abdul Rajjak
Music: Kanishka Sarkar
Vandana Shiva on the Problem with Genetically-Modified Seeds
For more go to: http://billmoyers.com/segment/vandana-shiva-on-the-problem-with-geneticall...
published: 13 Jul 2012
author: BillMoyers.com
Vandana Shiva on the Problem with Genetically-Modified Seeds
For more go to: http://billmoyers.com/segment/vandana-shiva-on-the-problem-with-genetically-modified-seeds/
Bill talks to scientist and philosopher Vandana Shiva, who’s become a rock star in the global battle over genetically modified seeds. These seeds -- considered “intellectual property” by the big companies who own the patents -- are globally marketed to monopolize food production and profits. Opponents challenge the safety of genetically modified seeds, claiming they also harm the environment, are more costly, and leave local farmers deep in debt as well as dependent on suppliers. Shiva, who founded a movement in India to promote native seeds, links genetic tinkering to problems in our ecology, economy, and humanity, and sees this as the latest battleground in the war on Planet Earth.
Globalization and GMO's Module Module featuring Dr. Vandana Shiva
”Globalization and GMO's” Dr. Vandana Shiva, Environmental Activist, Delhi, India
and San ...
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: Ripe For Change
Globalization and GMO's Module Module featuring Dr. Vandana Shiva
”Globalization and GMO's” Dr. Vandana Shiva, Environmental Activist, Delhi, India
and San Francisco, CA reveals what drove her to becoming an activist was attending the first meeting of the biotechnology industry where they set up the World Trade Organization and treaties were created to force third world countries replace traditional agriculture systems with mono-culture and GMO’s. How the patenting of life has boosted the application of genetic engineering in agriculture, leading to ecological contamination and the prosecution of farmers whose crops become contaminated. That California and genetically engineered foods have a long history beginning with the FLAVR SAVR tomato. The FLAVR SAVR tomato was the first genetically engineered crop product to be commercialized and California was where it was farmed. It was the first genetically engineered crop to fail. Mendocino County was the first county in the US to prohibit GMO’s.s.
Stefano Mancuso: "The Unexpected Plant – Beyond the Animal Model"
Stefano Mancuso is a founder of the study of plant neurobiology, which explores signalling...
published: 15 Sep 2011
author: MAD
Stefano Mancuso: "The Unexpected Plant – Beyond the Animal Model"
Stefano Mancuso is a founder of the study of plant neurobiology, which explores signalling and communication at all levels of biological organization, from genetics to molecules, cells and ecological communities.
He is a professor of Plant, Soil & Environmental Science at the University of Florence, ItalY and co-founder of the LINV (the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology).
The work of Stefano and his team continues to transform our view of plants from simple organisms to complex ecological structures and communities that can gather, process and share important information.
Youtube results:
Trends in Conservation Genetics
Presentation by Cardiff University's Michael Bruford on "Trends in Conservation Genetics: ...
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: World Wildlife Fund
Trends in Conservation Genetics
Trends in Conservation Genetics
Presentation by Cardiff University's Michael Bruford on "Trends in Conservation Genetics: The Bottom Line and the Genome Revolution." Bruford explains that c...- published: 13 Feb 2012
- views: 496
- author: World Wildlife Fund
Ecological Resiliency: Is It a Meaningful Concept for Reclamation Regulation?
Brett Purdy with Alberta Innovates reviews the current regulatory reclamation policy for o...
published: 13 Feb 2013
author: LanduseKN
Ecological Resiliency: Is It a Meaningful Concept for Reclamation Regulation?
Ecological Resiliency: Is It a Meaningful Concept for Reclamation Regulation?
Brett Purdy with Alberta Innovates reviews the current regulatory reclamation policy for oils sands projects. He points out that recently released Best Manag...- published: 13 Feb 2013
- views: 39
- author: LanduseKN
Avon River Precinct: Waterway Restoration Ecology
EOS Ecology is responsible for the ecology components of the Avon River Precinct, North Fr...
published: 31 Aug 2013
Avon River Precinct: Waterway Restoration Ecology
Avon River Precinct: Waterway Restoration Ecology
EOS Ecology is responsible for the ecology components of the Avon River Precinct, North Frame and East Frame anchor projects, which form part of Christchurch's CBD rebuild. We've been tasked with ensuring ecology remains a cornerstone of the design process. Our aim: to improve the health of the Avon River, and by doing so bring back life to the CBD. Our philosophy: healthy river = healthy people.- published: 31 Aug 2013
- views: 102
21. Ecology
For more information, log on to- http://shomusbiology.weebly.com/ Download the study mater...
published: 15 Jul 2013
author: Suman Bhattacharjee
21. Ecology
21. Ecology
For more information, log on to- http://shomusbiology.weebly.com/ Download the study materials here- http://shomusbiology.weebly.com/bio-materials.html Ecolo...- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 36
- author: Suman Bhattacharjee