PowersWithin - Cytoplasm (FL Studio)
PowersWithin - Cytoplasm (FL Studio)
MP3: arts.powerswithin.net Facebook Page: www.facebook.com Here's something different... again XD; I think I just wanted a break from the usual trance stuff kuz I did a couple of those in a row. Anyway, in school we're doing nerdy b...
Cytoplasmic streaming in Elodea
Cytoplasmic streaming in Elodea
Cytoplasmic streaming is the flowing of cytoplasm in eukaryotic cells. This occurs in both plant and animal cells. It creates cytoplasmic reorganization during cell reproduction. In some unicellular eukaryotes, such as amoeba, it provides t...
Cytoplasmic Streaming in Water Lily Petal
Cytoplasmic Streaming in Water Lily Petal
At 100X magnification of a water lily petal, we can see the rapid and directed movement of vesicles being transported by the motor proteins Kinesin and Dynein, up and down microtubule highways, with the nucleus in the center. The interconne...
Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction
Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction
( www.abnova.com ) - Subcellular fractionation is extremely useful for assessing protein localization. This protocol shows how to separate and prepare of cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts from mammalian cultured cells. More videos at Abnova ...
Fathead minnow cells - cytoplasmic movement
Fathead minnow cells - cytoplasmic movement
This time-lapse video shows fathead minnow fish cells (a line of epithelial cells derived from adult minnows (Pimephales promelas). Protrusive extensions of the cell and cytoplasm are seen [lamellipodium, (singular); lamellipodia (plural)]....
Plant Cell Motility and Laser Microsurgery of Cytoplasmic Strands
Plant Cell Motility and Laser Microsurgery of Cytoplasmic Strands
Plant cells are shaped by rigid cell walls. Osmotic forces press the plasma membrane tightly against these walls. The walls can be removed with enzymes. The remaining structures, the protoplasts, are now bordered by the plasma membrane. Sin...
Cytoplasmic Streaming in Nitella
Cytoplasmic Streaming in Nitella
This demonstrates the cytoplamic streaming that takes place in the cells of Nitella collected in Singer Bog in Summit County. The still image is using the dissecting scope and will be the cells used for this video. There is a mature oogoniu...
Autophagy Suite: Atg9 Cycling in the Cytoplasm to Vacuole Targeting Pathway
Autophagy Suite: Atg9 Cycling in the Cytoplasm to Vacuole Targeting Pathway
Autophagy is a lysosome-dependent mechanism of intracellular degradation used for the turnover of damaged proteins and excess or aberrant organelles. Various pathways and processes involving macromolecular interactions and assemblies have b...