
Aflatoxin and Mycotoxin Risks
Dr. Hutjens from the University of Illinois discusses Aflatoxin and Mycotoxin Risks....
published: 14 Sep 2012
author: uiucansci
Aflatoxin and Mycotoxin Risks
Dr. Hutjens from the University of Illinois discusses Aflatoxin and Mycotoxin Risks.
published: 14 Sep 2012
views: 742

Aflatoxin in Corn -- August 24, 2012 - Market Journal
Some cornfields across Nebraska may be at increased risk for fungal infections due to drou...
published: 24 Aug 2012
author: marketjournal
Aflatoxin in Corn -- August 24, 2012 - Market Journal
Some cornfields across Nebraska may be at increased risk for fungal infections due to drought. Tamra Jackson-Ziems, UNL Extension plant pathologist, and Mike Carlson, UNL Vet Diagnostic Center toxicologist, says producers should scout fields for aflatoxin and be aware of dangers that come with it.
published: 24 Aug 2012
author: marketjournal
views: 476

Aspergillus Ear Rot - Screening for Aflatoxin
Aspergillus ear rot is being detected in stressed corn this year. Grain elevators are comm...
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: PurdueExtensionEntm
Aspergillus Ear Rot - Screening for Aflatoxin
Aspergillus ear rot is being detected in stressed corn this year. Grain elevators are commonly screening harvested corn with a black light for fluorescence, which may signal the presence of the fungus Aspergillus flavus and its production of aflatoxin. This video describes the screening process. A conclusive, and quantitative, test for the presence of aflatoxin is only available by chemical testing. More information about aspergillus ear rot, aflatoxin, testing, and FDA action levels can be found in Purdue Extension Publication BP-83-W, Apergillus Ear Rot, which can be downloaded at: www.extension.purdue.edu
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: PurdueExtensionEntm
views: 634

A Search for Answers - Aflatoxin
What would cause a farmer to plow up a seemingly productive corn crop? The culprit is a fu...
published: 09 Sep 2010
author: texasfarmbureau
A Search for Answers - Aflatoxin
What would cause a farmer to plow up a seemingly productive corn crop? The culprit is a fungus called Aflatoxin and its proving to be devastating to Central Texas farmers. Matt Felder reports.
published: 09 Sep 2010
author: texasfarmbureau
views: 1087

Determination of aflatoxin B1 in animal feed
The method described has been validated in 1999 under co-ordination of the JRC Ispra. This...
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: JRCaudiovisuals
Determination of aflatoxin B1 in animal feed
The method described has been validated in 1999 under co-ordination of the JRC Ispra. This video is complementary to the written standard operation procedure being also available in the JRC Ispra, IHCP. The method, developed by the Food Products and Consumer Goods Unit (IHCP), is based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with immunaffinity column, clean up prior to analysis.
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: JRCaudiovisuals
views: 92

Breeding and screening for aflatoxin
Breeding and screening for aflatoxin....
published: 22 Nov 2011
author: texasagrilifelubbock
Breeding and screening for aflatoxin

Regular aflatoxin checks to be carried out in supermarkets
www.ntv.co.ke Supermarket chains and other food outlets will soon have their food stock su...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: NTVKenya
Regular aflatoxin checks to be carried out in supermarkets
www.ntv.co.ke Supermarket chains and other food outlets will soon have their food stock subjected to regular aflatoxin analysis to ensure that the food you eat, is not harmful to your health. Cereal Millers Association of Kenya says that at least 50% of the maize imported into this country is found to contain high levels of aflatoxin, but more often than not, that maize finds its way to the consumer instead of being destroyed.
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: NTVKenya
views: 744

Cancer Aflatoxin
You can comfortably view more of this informative research at www.HopeForYourCancer.com...
published: 12 Aug 2012
author: Lonnie Herman
Cancer Aflatoxin
You can comfortably view more of this informative research at www.HopeForYourCancer.com
published: 12 Aug 2012
author: Lonnie Herman
views: 39

The proposed VAT bill on agricultural inputs and food commodities, non-tariff barriers on ...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: gbskenyatv
The proposed VAT bill on agricultural inputs and food commodities, non-tariff barriers on agricultural produce, and import tariffs on basic food commodities remain the major contributors of the ever soaring food prices. This is according to Tegemeo's Institute empirical findings which were shared today to stakeholders in the domestic food production sector. During today's forum a grave concern over the possibility of the country possessing a good amount of maize contaminated with aflatoxin emanated and the parliamentary departmental committee on Agriculture Chair John Mututho blamed it on the lethargy from body's mandate to ascertaining set standards for food commodities.
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: gbskenyatv
views: 2

AFLA-SENSE Aflatoxin test kit
www.neoventures.ca This video provides a simple guide to the use of an aptamer based detec...
published: 21 Jun 2012
author: NeoVenturesBiotech
AFLA-SENSE Aflatoxin test kit
www.neoventures.ca This video provides a simple guide to the use of an aptamer based detection system for the mycotoxin aflatoxin including aflatoxin B1, aflatoxin B2, aflatoxin G1, aflatoxin G2, and aflatoxin M1. This mycotoxin testing system for aflatoxin is better than antibody mycotoxin testing systems or antibody tests for mycotoxins especially antibody tests such as ELISA tests for mycotoxins or ELISA tests for aflatoxin because the aptamer mycotoxin test is simpler and is a lower cost mycotoxin test.
published: 21 Jun 2012
author: NeoVenturesBiotech
views: 215

CANCER IS A FUNGUS AND CAN BE STOPPED www.cancerisafungus.com en.wikipedia.org www.ashtarc...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: MsSherrieLea
CANCER IS A FUNGUS AND CAN BE STOPPED www.cancerisafungus.com en.wikipedia.org www.ashtarcommandcrew.net blogs.plos.org Insect Protected -- Bt Corn - Monsanto ~ A Sustainable ... www.monsanto.com/products/Documents/biotech-technical-publications/... · PDF file Damage and Aflatoxin Accumulation in Conventional and Transgenic Corn Hybrids. Field Crops Research. 91(2-3): 329 - 336. Monsanto Scientific Affairs Page 4 August 2007 EnglishTechnical Publications on the Impacts of Biotech Products ... www.monsanto.com/products/Documents/biotech-technical-publications/... · PDF file and Aflatoxin Accumulation in Conventional and Transgenic Corn Hybrids. Field Crops Research. 91(2-3): 329 - 336. Monsanto Scientific Affairs Page 5 August 2007 . BULLSHIT www.monsanto.co.uk
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: MsSherrieLea
views: 188

2012 Farm Progress Show: Plant Pathologist Alison Robertson
Plant pathologist Alison Robertson discusses Goss's wilt, Aspergillus ear rot, aflatoxin a...
published: 31 Aug 2012
author: IowaStateExtension
2012 Farm Progress Show: Plant Pathologist Alison Robertson
Plant pathologist Alison Robertson discusses Goss's wilt, Aspergillus ear rot, aflatoxin and how farmers can deal with these fungus in their crop.
published: 31 Aug 2012
author: IowaStateExtension
views: 148

Aflatoxin and Mycotoxin Concern in High-Moisture Forage
Bill Seglar, Senior Nutritionist for DuPont Pioneer, discusses aflatoxin and mycotoxin con...
published: 17 Sep 2012
author: PioneerHB
Aflatoxin and Mycotoxin Concern in High-Moisture Forage
Bill Seglar, Senior Nutritionist for DuPont Pioneer, discusses aflatoxin and mycotoxin concerns in high-moisture corn. 2012 PHII
published: 17 Sep 2012
author: PioneerHB
views: 118

Dealing With Aflatoxin
Wyffels Hybrids Product Development Manager Bob Jackson talks about how to best deal with ...
published: 18 Sep 2012
author: WyffelsHybrids
Dealing With Aflatoxin
Wyffels Hybrids Product Development Manager Bob Jackson talks about how to best deal with aflatoxin in grain and management tips.
published: 18 Sep 2012
author: WyffelsHybrids
views: 44
Youtube results:

What strategies are used for aflatoxin control?
Shu Guan, Ph.D. (Technical Manager, BIOMIN Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore) answers the quest...
published: 23 Mar 2011
author: MycotoxinChannel
What strategies are used for aflatoxin control?
Shu Guan, Ph.D. (Technical Manager, BIOMIN Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore) answers the question: "What strategies are used for aflatoxin control?"
published: 23 Mar 2011
author: MycotoxinChannel
views: 573

The Risks Of Aflatoxin In Corn-Based Feeds.m4v
Drought in the Midwest has led to the risk of increased levels of aflatoxin in corn-based ...
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: HFGOnline
The Risks Of Aflatoxin In Corn-Based Feeds.m4v
Drought in the Midwest has led to the risk of increased levels of aflatoxin in corn-based feeds. University of Illinois emeritus dairy nutritionist Mike Hutjens explains what growers and livestock producers can do to minimize the problem after speaking at the Sept. 25 Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin Nutrition & Feed Conference in Stevens Point, Wi.
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: HFGOnline
views: 10

One Dies due to Aflatoxin Poisoning in Makindu
One person was confirmed dead and scores taken ill after consuming poisoned maize in Makin...
published: 03 Jun 2010
author: kenyacitizentv
One Dies due to Aflatoxin Poisoning in Makindu
One person was confirmed dead and scores taken ill after consuming poisoned maize in Makindu in eastern province. There are concerns that the situation could worsen in eastern and parts of coast province after the government confirmed that 2.3 million bags of maize in the region was contaminated with the deadly aflatoxin. Our crew which has just returned from Makindu found that most of the families were still stuck with the poisoned maize as the government was yet to begin its program to mop up the bad maize as promised last week. Hussein Mohamed reports.
published: 03 Jun 2010
author: kenyacitizentv
views: 3194

Tackling the Aflatoxin Menace in Groundnuts in Kenya
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: PeanutCRSPKenya
Tackling the Aflatoxin Menace in Groundnuts in Kenya