
Telling my dad that I am gay-LIVE
Telling my dad that I am gay-LIVE
I called my dad to tell him the hardest thing that gay guys will ever have to say. I am doing the AIDS LifeCycle bike ride from San Fran to LA (545 miles) in June. Please donate and help end AIDS ↓↓↓ actnow.tofighthiv.org randy.spreadshirt.com ---- my T Shirt shop www.facebook.com twitter.com www.youtube.com --- my random channel

The War Boys - First Gay Love Scene
The War Boys - First Gay Love Scene
After a little bit of the preceding scene (where Marta, played by Micaela Nevárez, and Greg, played by Victor Rasuk, are parting ways), we come to the first gay sex (love) scene in the movie The War Boys (2009). This is the first of two such scenes in the film. This scene may be puzzling to those who have not seen the movie, so here's a bit of context. Earlier, three best friends (David, George, and Greg) had been out in the desert where one of them (George) falls into a patch of cactus and gets cactus spines lodged in his buttocks. Now, he is being helped by his friend (David), who is removing the cactus spines. The actors are Benjamin Walker (who plays David, the one removing the spines) and Brian J. Smith (who plays George, the one having the spines removed). Obviously, falling into a cactus patch, and having to have your best friend remove the spines from your buttocks, is a plot contrivance that the writers used as an excuse to have one character unclothed while his buttocks are carefully examined by another character. However, it does lead to very dramatic and erotic confrontation between the two male leads. Brian J. Smith may be familiar to science fiction fans for his work on the Stargate Universe television series. He also appeared in the film Hate Crime (2005), where he played a gay man who is the victim of a brutal hate crime.

Gay For Pay - Tyra (Part 1)
Gay For Pay - Tyra (Part 1)
The Tyra Banks Show - ''Men who are 'gay for pay''' (Recorded Jan 22, 2009, WWOR)

How To Tell If Someone Is Gay - Foolproof!
How To Tell If Someone Is Gay - Foolproof!
Most people try to use stereotypes to tell if someone is gay - but generalizations aren't always true. Instead, use this simple technique to know if someone is gay. It works every time! Circle Davey on Google+: gplus.to Davey's Facebook: www.facebook.com BlogTV channel: www.blogtv.com Davey's Twitter: www.twitter.com Davey's second YouTube channel: www.youtube.com Davey's blog: www.breaktheillusion.com Davey's fitness blog www.daveywaveyfitness.com Special thanks to the Algonquin Hotel www.algonquinhotel.com Music - Kevin MacLeod: Quasi Motion & Itty Bitty 8 Bit

Shit Girls Say to Gay Guys
Shit Girls Say to Gay Guys
Click to tweet! clicktotweet.com And here's Shit Chicks Dig AKA Shit Douchebags Say (my newest video): www.youtube.com If you liked this video, here are some more!: www.youtube.com Click like and share to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and anywhere else your heart desires! Starring, Written,...

True Blood: Sam Merlotte and Bill Compton gay shower scene
True Blood: Sam Merlotte and Bill Compton gay shower scene
dont drink vampire blood!! lol

Steve Hughes: the "straightness" of gay men, and the "gayness" of straight men (CC)
Steve Hughes: the "straightness" of gay men, and the "gayness" of straight men (CC)
original: www.youtube.com

FIFA 12 | Is This Gay?
FIFA 12 | Is This Gay?
Hmm... Clips by: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com My Twitter: twitter.com Music by MachinimaSound FifaFunnies@hotmail.com

The Gay Who Wasn't Gay Enough
The Gay Who Wasn't Gay Enough
A recruitment mockumentary by Toronto's gay rugby team -- inspired by the players' true stories -- about one man's quest to find himself. Muddy York RFC presents: ~ THE GAY WHO WASN'T GAY ENOUGH ~ coming out of the closet was the easy part in association with The Corner Store and Henderson Bas Kohn starring the boys of Muddy York RFC featuring Anthony Wallace as Richard directed by Linzi Knight lensed by Colin Akoon written by Lino DiNallo art direction by Jeff Wilbee edited by Sandy Coles @ Relish sound by Stephanie Pigott and Jared Kuemper @ Pirate Toronto casting by Fade to Black

Only Gay In The World Music Video To Rihanna Only Girl
Only Gay In The World Music Video To Rihanna Only Girl
Ryan James Yezak presents the "Only Gay In The World" music video, a gay interpretation to Rihanna's "Only Girl (In The World)". Ryan James Yezak's: Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: tinyurl.com Video Blog: youtube.com Collab Channel: youtube.com Anthony Saldana's: Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: on.fb.me Jake Quinney's: Facebook: on.fb.me Joe Lauer's: Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: bit.ly YouTube: youtube.com Scott Nelson's: Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: facebook.com YouTube: youtube.com Noel Montelongo's: Twitter: twitter.com FacebooK: on.fb.me David Rae's: Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: is.gd Cory Lee's: Facebook: is.gd Twitter: twitter.com Donna Hood's: Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: is.gd Derion Loman's Facebook: is.gd Kyle Roark's: Facebook: on.fb.me Choreographed by Tarance "T" Artis of Barbie's Addiction: youtube.com Opening music by Ramon Reyes ramonreyesmusic.com http Get merchandise here: onlygayintheworld.com Download the video here bit.ly For all press/business inquiries: ryanyezak@gmail.com

How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?
How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?
Representative Steve Simon (DFL Hopkins/St. Louis Park) says a proposed Minnesota constitutional amendment is largely about religion. He says if sexual orientation is innate as science is showing us, and not a lifestyle choice, then God created gay people. He asks how many gay people must God create before we accept that he wants them around.

Things NOT to Ask a Gay Guy
Things NOT to Ask a Gay Guy
Facebook: www.facebook.com Here's a list of things that you should NEVER ask a gay guy! Check out my blog: www.breaktheillusion.com Music Kevin MacLeod

Margaret Cho - Gay Men Jokes
Margaret Cho - Gay Men Jokes
twitter.com Warning: Mature Language. These are some gay jokes from Margaret Cho, that I find kinda hilarious. haha!

The Gay Rights Movement
The Gay Rights Movement
Click here to be part of this effort to create change: kck.st Click here to tweet this video: clicktotweet.com facebook.com twitter.com To order a shirt: White: tinyurl.com Black: tinyurl.com If you are currently being discriminated against & would like to be considered as a subject for the documentary, please email me: ryanyezak(at)gmail(dot)com Ryan's Info... Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: facebook.com Gays of the Week: youtube.com YouTube Vlog: youtube.com Tumblr: ryanjamesyezak.tumblr.com Google+: t.co Song: "The First Days of Spring" by Noah & The Whale Click here to download: tinyurl.com

FND Films - Gay Zombie
FND Films - Gay Zombie
The dead have risen from their graves to take over civilization. There's only one thing...all they want are the men.

Yes, We're Gay But...
Yes, We're Gay But...
Rate, Comment, Subscribe and get this video seen! Thanks guys for helping out with this! Miguel- www.youtube.com Scotty- www.youtube.com Michael- www.youtube.com Davey Wavey- www.youtube.com John- www.youtube.com Derrick- www.youtube.com Carlos- www.youtube.com and of course, Marcellas Reynolds from E! and Big Brother :)

Gay McDonald's ad in France:
Gay McDonald's ad in France:
Gay ad that ran in France in 2010. More info and comments on yagg.com Music by Mile Ends: www.myspace.com

Mad TV Gay Gangster Fight
Mad TV Gay Gangster Fight
A gangster picks a fight with a gay gangster. See what happens. *****ALL CREDIT GOES TO MAD TV*****

ABC's "What Would You Do" - Gay Bullying
ABC's "What Would You Do" - Gay Bullying
This is a segment from an episode of ABC's "What Would You Do". It aired on October 29th, 2010 and focuses on gay bullying. Upon watching, you'll see that I am in fact one of the actors involved. I am portraying one of the 'bullies'. This video is in no way owned by me. The only work I contributed to it was that of being an actor. It is owned by ABC. The clip of the episode itself was posted by YouTube user 'Sharing = Caring'. I hope you enjoy it! Also, remember to watch "What Would You Do", Friday nights at 9pm, only on ABC.