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Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Diablo III "Darkness Falls, Heroes Rise" Second Unlock

We have reached the 20% (actually 24% at the time of writing this) and unlocked the second mystery in the count down to Diablo III's release. This time it is an excerpt from the Book of Cain detailing some lore on Tyreal the renegade angel of justice.

I've read the Sin War series and enjoyed having a lot of that lore fleshed out. Has anyone bought the Book of Cain? I am thinking about grabbing that to read while I wait for 5/15.

Rockstar Highlights Evolution Of Bullet Time In Max Payne 3
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Rockstar has released a new "Design & Technology" video for Max Payne 3, this time showing off how they've enhanced bullet time. Animations are also covered quite a bit, as both Max and his foes react much more realistically to changes in movement, and even bullet impacts. Get your trigger finger ready because Max Payne 3 launches May 15th.

Dark Souls PC Confirmed, Releases August 24th

Dark Souls, the hugely popular console-only title from Namco Bandai is finally coming to the PC after much hype and speculation. Dropping on August 24th, you'll be raging over your deaths in this notoriously difficult RPG before Summer is over.

The PC port will include the standard stuff, higher resolutions, and smoother frame rates (if you've got the rig to run it), but will also include an entire new chapter of gameplay content including some wicked looking bosses. The PvP mode is also getting an overhaul, making setting up and battling an easier experience.

Controversially, it will ship with GFWL integration. I don't know about you, but my Games For Windows Live experiences have been some of the most frustrating I've had with gaming DRM solutions. I would hate to see a crappy, clunky, piece of software like GFWL ruin an otherwise great game on the PC. Being that Dark Souls ship date is right around the corner, the GFWL piece is likely not going to change. Nonetheless, if you want to try and voice your opposition, some fans have setup an online petition to see GFWL removed from the release. Check out the preview video below!

Diablo III "Darkness Falls, Heroes Rise" First Unlock

The Diablo III Launch Site has reached the first unlock, thanks to Diablo fans' social media sharing activity. The first of the 10 unlocks is a developer diary recorded last spring (below). The chance to unlock your Demon Hunter sigil has passed, and this week it is the Barbarian, so if you haven't already (and you care about aesthetic options for your in-game banner), don't forget to pop over and unlock your sigil.

If you're as impatient as I am, you can get a sneak peak description of all of the unlocks as well as see all 5 class sigils. See your spoilers over at

NVIDIA Releases 301.24 Beta Driver
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The recently released 301.24 beta driver from NVIDIA continue to update support for the new Geforce GTX 680 line-up of graphics cards, enhances performance in a number of games, updates SLI profiles, improves surround display technology, and brings additional enhancements to recently introduced driver side NVIDIA FXAA, Adaptive Vertical Sync, and Frame Rate Target technologies.

For more details head on over to the driver page.

Ironclad Previews Second Beta For Sins Of A Solar Empire: Rebellion
The Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion beta has received a significant update on Steam, which can be accessed right now by pre-order customers. If you're still on the fence Ironclad has put together a preview video which looks at the changes brought by beta update 2. This includes the addition of the Advent race, their Titan class ships, and the powerful faction exclusive abilities tied to either the capture or harvesting of planets.

Pixel Enemy Shares Hawken Impressions From PAX East 2012
The guys at Pixel Enemy spent a decent amount of time with Hawken at PAX East 2012, and spent a little over twenty minutes sharing their impressions on Youtube. Sounds like a pretty intense experience, even though it's still six months from release.

Note: There are several minutes of gameplay footage audio overpowers the commentary, this eventually passes.

Next Heroes Of Newerth Hero Delivers A Little Taste Of Mechwarrior
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There have been a wide variety of heroes in Heroes of Newerth since the game launched back in 2009, but never quite as radical as Artillery. Artillery, due out this Friday, has a look and style very similar to the Mechwarrior Madcat, as well as a conveniently named "LRM" ability. Artillery is going to play the role of an agility carry, dishing out the pain on his foes from great distances. See the latest spotlight video for more details!

Blah... Thoughts On Kickstarter Madness
Have you guys been backing projects on Kickstarter as of late, or is the whole crowdsourcing thing just not something you're interested in? I think the incentives for pledges can be pretty enticing at times, especially when it involves potentially collectable stuff. I just wonder if we're only a step away from seeing developers simply put up donation links on their company web pages at this point.

The interesting thing is that Kickstarter takes so much risk away from the developers, i.e. getting money upfront with no real requirements other than having to deliver pledges. This is obviously unlike publisher or investment firm agreements, which is ok. It's just that pre-ordering at least lets gamers cancel at any point if they change their mind, whereas Kickstarter locks pledgers in no matter how the game is progressing. Even without the meddling of a publisher the very same risks of delays, cancellations, buggy / bad games, etc. exist, and in Kickstarter's case pledgers are forced to deal just with it.

I think it'd be good to be cautiously optimistic going forward, only because it's pretty much inevitable that there will be a dud at some point. Whether a game gets cancelled, or just simply sucks, once that happens I think the reality will surface that game development isn't easy (or a predictable science) no matter where the money comes from.

Thursday, April 5, 2012
Diablo III Barbarian Spotlight

36 Days and counting until the release of Diablo III. Today, get introduced (properly) to the Barbarian. I still haven't decided what class to play first, but I think the Barb is definitely in contention.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Presentation From PAX East
Firaxis wants to freshen up engagements in XCOM: Enemy Unknown with action-shot breaks. Here's a look at how it's going to all play out, as seen at PAX East.

Hitman Absolution "She Must Be Special" Trailer

Hitman has to be one of my top 5 favorite gaming franchises. No other series lets you pull off assassinations in such a fun way; ranging from manic serial killer to a cold precision professional, kills with Agent 47 are the most satisfying in the genre. It will be interesting to see how the latest title feels in comparison. There have been a lot of little changes to modernize the series, and some of those changes have die hard fans worried. Specifically instead of the open sandbox type levels where you can roam and stalk to your heart's content before setting your plan of attack in motion, we know that there will be a more linear and "cinematic" focus in Absolution. Time and reviews will tell if it lives up to its legacy, but I know I am still certainly excited.

Get your cold-blooded instincts pumping by watching the video below:

Legend of Grimrock Reviews Rolling In
Legend of Grimrock is indeed still close to a week away from launch, but developer Almost Human has already lifted the embargo for reviews. If you're in the reading mood be sure to hit up GameSpy, Gaming Trend, and Rock Paper Shotgun. Alternatively, you can spend a few minutes with our own quick look in which LoG scores a 4.5/5.

Kickstarter Madness: Jordan Weisman Pitches Shadowrun Returns
Are you guys over the Shadowrun FPS yet? If not, then skip to the next news post. If so, then you'll be pleased to hear that Jordan Weisman (FASA, Mechwarrior, Crimson Skies, Shadowrun) has a team ready to create a turn-based tactical take on the Shadowrun franchise via "Shadowrun Returns". All he needs is some cash monies through, you guessed it, Kickstarter.

The campaign has already hit it's goal, any additional funds will only serve to expand the game even further to other platforms, languages, and maybe even some versus multiplayer support. Check out the pitch below for more info.

Kickstarter Madness: Al Lowe Wants To Bring Back Leisure Suit Larry
Al Lowe, another former designer at Sierra, is trying to reboot Leisure Suit Larry on Kickstarter. Lowe has partnered up with Replay Games to get the ball rolling, but he needs some financial assistance first in order to make things happen.

If the Leisure Suit Larry Kickstarter succeeds then LSL1 will get a remake, which will potentially include some new content. Then if the LSL1 reboot does well enough it's suggested that a new Larry game with Al Lowe at the helm could come next. Wouldn't that be something?

Kickstarter Madness: Jane Jensen's Pinkerton Road
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It seems like every former game developer under the sun is working hard at putting together Kickstarter campaigns of their own following Tim Schafer's success with "Double Fine's Adventure". Jane Jensen (of Sierra / Gabriel Knight fame) is one of the latest classic developers to join the Kickstarter party with Pinkerton Road aka "A Year of Adventure". Jensen's campaign is based on "Community Supported Gaming" however, not a specific game title.

Much like community supported farming (which is where the Jensen family got the idea from), Pinkerton Road Kickstarter supporters can pay into a subscription of sorts which grants them access to a full year of game releases. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that there's any sort of guarantee as to how many games that could or should involve, or what each title would be exactly. Jensen's pitch is... interesting though, and she seems pretty determined to go back to what used to work back in the classic Sierra days.

Diablo III Demon Hunter Spotlight Video Released

Only a mere 39 days until Diablo 3 comes out. If you've got an insatiable appetite for all things Diablo, you've probably already seen this spotlight video. If you're slightly more casual, check out this mix of lore and gameplay highlighting none other than the Demon Hunter.

EA Wins The Golden Poo For "Worst Company In America"

The Consumerist ran its annual Golden Poo awards in which they collected over 250,000 votes to name EA the worst company in America. A quote from the site lays it out "...after years of being ignored and relegated to steerage, game-players have voted to send a message to Electronic Arts and the gaming business as a whole: Stop treating your loyal customers like crap."

Do you agree that EA is the ultimate evil (as far as American corporations go)? You can check out more of the reasoning on the website if you're unsure. EA beat out the next closes contender, Bank of America, 64% to 36%.

The AM Socket Stuffer

Hello everyone! Sorry for our extended absence, recently the backend CMS encountered some issues and it took a little while for it to get fixed. Thank you for sticking with us while we work through our issues, we are now coming back to our regularly scheduled news program. We are continuing to look into what the future holds for us all, but rest assured you will all be the first to know when we do.

I pretty much missed April Fool's day this year, not a single prank given, received, nor witnessed this year. Did you guys get up to any crazy shenanigans? Let us know what kind of crazy stuff you got up to. If you were anything like me, here are some OK clips courtesy of Break for you to experience vicariously.