Small Intestines Histology Model - Layers & Mucosa
Small Intestines Histology Model - Layers & Mucosa
This video was produced to help students of human anatomy at Modesto Junior College study our anatomical models.
Respiratory epithelium - Mucosa, goblet cells and basement membrane
Respiratory epithelium - Mucosa, goblet cells and basement membrane
The video will shed some light on epithelium, espcially respiratory epithelium. Please see disclaimer on my website. www.academyofprofessionals.com
Mucosal Lichen Planus
Mucosal Lichen Planus
Dr. James L. Campbell Jr., MD discusses Mucosal Lichen Planus. See more at www.dermnet.com PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT!!! Mucosal lichen planus may involve the oral or genital mucosa, or both. The most common form is the non-erosive with a white lacy pattern. The erosive form is painful with beefy desquamation. Oral lesions primarily involve the buccal mucosa and lateral edge of the tongue. This may extend to involve the mucosal lip, but rarely extends beyond the vermillion border. Antibodies to hepatitis C are detected in about 30% of patients with mucosal involvement. The penis and vulva may be involved. Itching and burning is intense. Also marked erythema and mucosal fragility are common. Secondary candidiasis occurs frequently, likely as a side effect of topical treatment with topical steroids. Mucosal non-erosive lesions may resemble leukoplakia or candidiasis and penile lesions can be difficult to distinguish from psoriasis papules Erosive lesions should be discerned from pemphigus vulgaris, paraneoplastic pemphigus and a fixed drug eruption.
Urethral surgery - Dorsal plus ventral double buccal mucosa graft bulbar urethroplasty
Urethral surgery - Dorsal plus ventral double buccal mucosa graft bulbar urethroplasty
Dorsal plus ventral double buccal mucosa graft bulbar urethroplasty
Combined Dorsal Plus Ventral Double Buccal Mucosa Graft In Bulbar Urethral Reconstruction
Combined Dorsal Plus Ventral Double Buccal Mucosa Graft In Bulbar Urethral Reconstruction
European Urology - Surgery in Motion - 2008-01 - January. Authors: E. Palminteri, E. Berdondini, G. Manzoni, F. Di Fiore, G. Testa, M. Poluzzi, A. Molon
Surgical Techniques In Substitution Urethroplasty Using Buccal Mucosa
Surgical Techniques In Substitution Urethroplasty Using Buccal Mucosa
European Urology - Surgery in Motion - 2008-06 - June. Author: CR Chapple
Dorsal inlay Buccal Mucosa Graft Urethroplasty (ASOPA technique)
Dorsal inlay Buccal Mucosa Graft Urethroplasty (ASOPA technique)
Release of 5 Hydroxytryptamine From the Mucosa Is Not Required for the Generation...
Release of 5 Hydroxytryptamine From the Mucosa Is Not Required for the Generation...
Dr. Nick J. Spencer discusses his manuscript Release of 5 Hydroxytryptamine From the Mucosa Is Not Required for the Generation or Propagation of Colonic Migrating Motor Complexes. To view the print version of this abstract, go to: tiny.cc
Research Study: Oral Mucosa - a new hope for regenerative medicine
Research Study: Oral Mucosa - a new hope for regenerative medicine
Lecturer: Dr. Sandra Treves "Graduation Ceremony of the 7th Class of the International Post-Graduate Program for the Advanced Degree of Orthodontics 2008-2012", The Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University
Dr. Gustavo and Dr. Avital Tooth to Mucosa with Closed Sinus lift Closed
Dr. Gustavo and Dr. Avital Tooth to Mucosa with Closed Sinus lift Closed
Muving from Tooth support Protocol into Mucosa Support protocol with Closed Sinus Lift
Severe Nasal Mucosal Edema
Severe Nasal Mucosal Edema
At the height of the spring pollen season some patients have marked edema and yellow spots on the middle turbinates. I think these are eosinophils.
2. Right Tonsil: Incising the mucosa of Anterior Pillar - Tonsillectomy Primer
2. Right Tonsil: Incising the mucosa of Anterior Pillar - Tonsillectomy Primer
This video demostrates the steps to a tonsillectomy : Incising the mucosa of the anterior pillar where it meets the tonsil
Dr. Ilan Mucosa Support with Opened Flap
Dr. Ilan Mucosa Support with Opened Flap
10 implants Installation Mucosa support with opened Flap
Mucosa olfatoria
Mucosa olfatoria
Componentes presentes en la mucosa olfatoria del sistema respiratorio.
Ectopic Sebaceous Glands (Fordyce Granules) of Oral Cavity Mucosa
Ectopic Sebaceous Glands (Fordyce Granules) of Oral Cavity Mucosa
Sebaceous glands are usually found in the skin being closely associated with hair follicles. However, they can also occur in the mucous membrane. The lesions are benign and usually found as incidental findings. Biopsy is seldom done as the characteristic features are diagnostic; whitish, measuring 1-3 mm, with slightly elevated mucosa over each lesion. This video shows Fordyce granules involving buccal and retromolar trigone mucosa.
Insitu of Split skin graft in cancer area buccal mucosa
Insitu of Split skin graft in cancer area buccal mucosa
Biópsia Mucosa Jugal
Biópsia Mucosa Jugal
Biópsia de lesão em mucosa jugal. Destinado a alunos de graduação de Odontologia.
cyberagro.blogspot.com Los Quistes en Mucosa endometrial en la Yegua son una de las causas de Infertilidad, pero su relación causa - efecto no esta claramente definida. En mi práctica privada y durante la elaboración de mi tesis de grado en la evaluación de úteros de Yeguas al Post Mortem, he encontrado que su incidencia aumenta a medida que las yeguas son más viejas. Como caso curioso en el matadero me encontré con más casos de los que me he encontrado en la práctica. La bibliografía reporta que la propensión a encontrar este tipo de estructuras en los Uteros es más alta en yeguas mayores de 11 años que en yeguas jóvenes, adicionalmente estos Quistes están relacionados con pérdidas embrionarias tempranas e infertilidad. Durante los estados primarios de gestación, el embrión equino una vez baja de las trompas alrededor del día 6 - 7, comienza a movilizarse por todo el útero para lograr que éste reconozca su presencia. Cuando los quites (que se pueden encontrar solos o en racimos) son mayores de 3 cm. impiden la movilidad del embrión antes de su fijación hacia el día 16 o 17 y esta puede ser una de las causas de la falla en el reconocimiento maternal de la gestación induciendo posteriormente a la luteolisis ya la perdida del embrión. En el caso de que la movilidad del embrión NO sea afectada, los quistes endometriales ( www.thehorse.com ) de otro lado interfieren en la gestación si el embrión se fija a uno de estos quistes, por que no hay un adecuado contacto del embrión <b>...</b>