Posts Tagged ‘Indonesia’

Eat & Billy produce ‘Mlebu’ Zine #1 & #2; Photos from Trial; Mailing address released (Indonesia)

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

Now it is possible to send solidarity messages, postcards and letters to the imprisoned fighters Eat & Billy. You can find a guide to writing to prisoners here: (ABC Leeds)

Mailing address for Billy & Eat, proud members of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI-IRF at the prison in Yogyakarta:

Billy Augustan / Reyhard Rumbayan
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (LAPAS) Kelas IIB Sleman
Jalan Bedingin, Sumberhadi,
Mlati, Sleman,
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta


You can find photos of Eat & Billy at the one of the trial sessions here, with their lovers-friends-affinities: 1 & 2


Zine from Eat & Billy
: The two imprisoned comrades have made this publication from inside the prison called “Mlebu”. It isn’t yet in distribution, but will be soon… “Days that are over will not continue to last, if you want to construct the past…”

MLEBU zine # 1 (February 2012)
“MLEBU is the first word in the Java language which I can understand its meaning. The word is also the first words which forced me to come up to the police car and forced to sleep locked now. MLEBU is not regularly communicate pilot project as well as energy and imagination spilled media.
MLEBU Sustainability is not guaranteed. MLEBU does not meant to invite or force anyone to ‘get in’ to a situation such as our condition today. What can we do when it is ‘inside’? STILL TRYING TO GET ‘OUT’!”
Sleman, Feb 2012 (Billy)


MLEBU zine # 2 (March 2012)
MLEBU is an intervention effort against monotony and lack of freedom. MLEBU is a glimpse of reality. MLEBU is a creative process as well as destructive. MLEBU is not periodic publication. MLEBU is a one-way ticket with no guarantee of safety. MLEBU created manually using a razor blade, glue, pens, crayons, and paper …

This zine is an effort from 2 combatants in Yogjakarta to release their self (Eat & Billy) using the method of collage by Billy and coupled with the text from Eat.
So far we still do not get printed or PDF version of MLEBU. However, as soon as we get it we will immediately distribute it to anyone who want to express solidarity.

Burn down the prisons and courts!
Long live the live action and solidarity!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Bristol May-hem: 2 Highstreets attacked in 1 night (UK)

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

From IMC UK:

1 May 2012

On the night of May 1st (2am Wednesday morning) a number of targets in 2 different locations were attacked. In Downend, the windows and ATMs of Lloyds and HSBC banks were smashed, with a Besley Hill and St Andrews estate agents both smashed up as well. On Wells Road in Knowle, the windows and ATMs of a Natwest were destroyed, as well as a Money Shop; Besley Hill and Mathews estate agents were also attacked. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Dark Nights #18 – Wrath knows no borders – Solidarity with the Hungerstrikers in Greece – May 2012

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

12 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

!Stop the Press! The RO-CCF won their central demand for the transfer of their comrades from Domokos prison – Victory! Their hungerstrike is over!

Freshly released for May 1st, this issue publicizes the hungerstrike in the prisons of Greece by Theofilos Mavropoulos, Spyros Dravilas and 8 out the 9 comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Imprisoned Members Cell. You can find the declarations of intent inside the Dark Nights and a list of revolutionary solidarity actions. Also featured is two communiques with lists of over two dozen attacks in Barcelona from the last couple of months by a new generation of anarchist nihilists, plus an article about Eat & Billy, imprisoned anarchist comrades of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesian Section. This publication is put together from news-info via the international network for translation and counter-information, an informal project of radical media and self-organisation.


Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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Posted in Library

Update: Advanced Interrogation of 4 Captured Comrades in Malang (Indonesia)

Monday, April 30th, 2012

Rough translation from Negasi:

On Thursday, April 26, 2012, the four comrades who were captured in Malang underwent further interrogation by the police-pigs. The interrogation itself lasted for 8 hours from 10 am to 6 pm. Two comrades immediately undergo interrogation in two separate rooms. Interrogation lasted for 5 and 6 hours. While two other comrades were told to wait. The matters focused on in the interrogations, range from questions about the chronology of the vandalism action until the comrades were finally caught by the pigs, to the pigs demanding to know who had proposed the idea of the action as well, and about the relationship between the vandals and the comrades of Katalis and Kontinum. Questions about the association with the two anti-authoritarian groups (Katalis + Kontinum) were because in the bag of one comrade was found pamphlets of the two groups.

One comrade who also got the same questions plus another question about who had the idea of making posters of solidarity for the four combatants in jail (Billy & Eat, Tukijo and Hidayat), and how the association between the four comrades and the imprisoned combatants are, how the comrades know about the condition of the combatants and why the acts of vandalism solidarity should be dedicated to the 4 people who are combatants.

The interrogation ended with the four comrades in Malang having to register their identity cards, and the interrogation continues on Monday, April 30, 2012. Some items still have not been returned because they was seized by the police-pigs (USB, solidarity posters, paint-bombs, the diary of one comrade, comrades identity card and spray-paint). Three of the comrades are demanded to sign a witness form and one other comrade still has to undergo further interrogation before being forced to sign the forms.

The pig-cop trying to entrap the four comrades by letting the case drag on, is based on the grounds of waiting for complaints from owners of buildings whom such acts of vandalism (spray-paint slogans, posters, paintbombs) were directed. If there is a lawsuit from the owners of the building, then the 4 comrades in Malang will undergo further interrogation and will face legal proceedings.

Solidarity to 4 Malang combatants!
Long live the live action!
Long live the rebels!
Vandals for solidarity!

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Posted in Social Control

Brief Words of Rebellion from Eat, imprisoned member of the Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell, FAI-IRF (Indonesia)

Saturday, April 28th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

“I dream of collapse,
The collapse of the machine,
Feed the fire, comrades, don’t let it die.”

Eat, Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell, FAI-IRF

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Four persecuted anarchists have interrogation postponed whilst under surveillance (Indonesia)

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

From Negasi:

The four comrades who were captured during an action of solidarity vandalism should have been scheduled to undergo interrogation on Monday, April 23, 2012. But the questioning was postponed until the day Thursday, April 26, 2012 with no apparent reason. We ourselves, have heard that the police are still lurking and watching the movements of these comrades. Surveillance, of course, is a form of psychological repression that has been and continues to be held by the authorities.

Warmest regards and respect for our full solidarity to the comrades who spent this day under the supervision of the police. We believe that you will never recede.

Solidarity to dissidents!
Solidarity can never be brought to justice!
Long live the live action!

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Posted in Social Control

State Security Agency vehicle torched by Cell for Violent and Excessive Attack on Power / FAI (Mexico)

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

From Liberación Total (April 15, 2012) via This is our Job:

14 April 2012

Let us therefore trust the eternal Spirit which destroys and annihilates only because it is the unfathomable and eternal source of all life. The passion for destruction is a creative passion, too!

-M. Bakunin

Last night, we took to the streets with the clear intention to rupture their social peace, to break the order constituted by most of society’s passiveness, conformism, and ambition for power. At around 11:30 p.m., we placed two delayed incendiary devices next to a State Security Agency (ASE) patrol car parked in front of the ASE headquarters on Avenida Texcoco in the Juan Escutia suburb on the border of Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl and the Federal District. At the site, we also left graffiti claiming responsibility by the FAI!

We attack the property of the State/Capital’s security forces with fire, just like we would lethally and explosively attack those henchmen of power. The conflict with authority also exists in the neighborhoods on the edge of the city. We don’t expect to turn the system on its head with a single action. This is a daily war for freedom and individual rights. May they burn wherever they are, whether in Polanco or Santa Fe, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl or Ecatepec! Let everyone destroy their own oppressions and burn down the city! Conflict is in the streets, and it is accompanied by incendiary discourse that incites breaking the chains on thought and action that are encouraged, espoused, and imposed by pacifism and nonviolence!

Solidarity with comrade Tortuga!

Solidarity with Gabriel Pombo da Silva!

Solidarity with Braulio Durán!

Solidarity with the compas who were recently retaliated against in Italy!

Solidarity with Eat and Billy of the Indonesian FAI!

Against the police: arsons every day!

Against the State/Capital: Social War on all fronts!

Long live anarchy!

Cell for Violent and Excessive Attack on Power (Informal Anarchist Federation); A; April 13, 2012

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Posted in Direct Action

Buenos Aires: Friends of the Earth / FAI claim responsibility for arson attacks on luxury vehicles (Argentina)

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

From vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

14 April 2012

On April 14 at 3 PM, we left an incendiary device made of gasoline and a retardant fuse that burned two luxury cars in Luis Vile and Cucha Cucha.

We continue giving fire in the city of Buenos Aires, as we said we would, after the social alarm that intends to make every citizen into a police hero “at the service of the community.”

Today civilization is coming to be a society of control of sustainable production. This means an adjustment of the screws that impose order through force.

The police service promises to spread in society; our free and wild instinct goes on the march at the same moment as well.

They cannot stop us, we do not fight so that the Earth will have its freedom and nothing more, nor to improve our conditions in life.

We use money for the destruction of their materialization.

To comrade Tortuga imprisoned in Chile.
To comrade Billy imprisoned Indonesia.
To comrade Luca seriously wounded in Italy.

Friends of the Earth – FAI

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Posted in Direct Action

New repression wave – Four anarchists detained and investigated for solidarity actions – ‘Memori Senja’ shut down (Indonesia)

Saturday, April 21st, 2012

On the night of Friday, April 20, 2012, four people were arrested by police [in Malang] when comrades are doing acts of vandalism as a form of solidarity against a variety of asymmetric struggle against the state, capital and society and solidarity to the imprisoned revolutionary combatants (Billy & Eat, Tukijo and Hidayat). The four comrades were detained and underwent a long interrogation for 17 hours without stopping before then released while still in the surveillance and investigation of the police.

During interrogation, the police force four comrades to mention Facebook address each of the accused as a “communication tool” of internal “group of troublemakers and bullies the social order”. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Comrade Hidayat released from prison (Indonesia)

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

We want to spread the news that our brother and comrade, Hidayat is released from prison since Tuesday April 17 2012, after the trial in court which accused our brother with article 170 of the Indonesian criminal code.

Now, we want to say thanks to all the comrades around who always on support since our comrade in prison until reached his freedom again.

With love and solidarity

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Cambridge: ‘Jobcentre’ vehicle torched by Fire Cell / FAI (UK)

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

17 April 2012

We stand alongside the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Informal Anarchist Federation (CCF/FAI) and salute our brothers on hunger strike in the prisons of Greek democratic totalitarianism for the final prison transfer of CCF/FAI prisoners of war Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argyrou. for dignity and rebel solidarity.


On 17/04/12 we set on fire a promotional “employment van” of the Cambridge Jobcentre, we entered the gated carpark, lit our fire and left, right under the snouts of passing cops.




- Fire Cell / Informal Anarchist Federation – International Conspiracy for Revenge

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Posted in Direct Action

Incendiary attack on Bank of the Andes ATM in La Paz (Bolivia)

Saturday, April 14th, 2012

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

We claim responsibility for the sabotage of an ATM belonging to the Pro Credit Bank of the Andes, located in the Miraflores area [of La Paz], which ended up totally unusable due to the fire.

There are new times of insubordination and disobedience in Bolivia.

New opportunities to re-propose and redefine conceptions of struggle for anarchy, we see from the lens of direct action and all its nuances, not from the abstracts and old reformist significations that are not only outdated but also contrary to the thirst for vengeance and destruction that emerges from the bowels, of the urgent reappropriation of our lives, not a life corrupted by money and consumption, but on the contrary, a life that soars far from its limits and its laws, complicit in every gesture with each of those who confront Power.

We defy every form of authority, we reject the phrases already made and repeated to the death by the erudite of the revolution who fly the discourse of the process of change and this disgusting anti-imperialist/anti-capitalist form of MAS [Movement for Socialism, the ruling government party of Bolivia].

We are not going to wait for them to tell us when is the adequate context for revolt, the “proper conditions” for struggle, factors that eternally return to waiting to finish with this reality. We decide to confront here and now, conscious of every action, every step that from now on will be a threat to Power and the society that collaborates and is part of the annihilation of the world in which we live.

Action in Solidarity.
Stella Antoniou, comrade imprisoned in Greece
Eat and Billy, comrades imprisoned in Indonesia.
Luciano Pitronello, strength throughout the trial we are with you.
Comrades of the CCF on hunger strike. For the constant discussion and strengthening of the FAI-IRF.

Some Wayward Nocturnals – FAI/IRF

PS. Because it doesn’t remain an isolated act. All our contempt for the converted Walter Bond — pardon… Abdul Haqq

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Posted in Direct Action

Urgent: International Call for Solidarity to Billy’s Health (Indonesia)

Friday, April 13th, 2012

“Most of all, this is an attempt to send me your hug. Coz I send many greetings for you guys.”Billy Augustan

We are asking for donations and solidarity for our brother, Billy Augustan (proud member of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesia). As many of you know that he was detained since last year (with our brother and camerad Reyhard Rumbayan a.k.a Eat) by the pigs for a political action by setting fire to ATM belonging to BRI Bank in Jogjakayarta. He is still being held and is currently on trial. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Explosive attack against the Indonesian Embassy in Paris (France)

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

21 March 2012

From the press:

A bomb of artisan manufacturing has exploited this Wednesday in front of the Indonesia Embassy in Paris, without causing casualties, although damage.

“The Embassy of Indonesia in Paris reported an explosion at one of the intersections near the building to the 5.20 hours”
, has confirmed the Coordinating Minister for Legal Affairs, political and security of Indonesia, Djoko Suyanrto.

Suyanrto has indicated that there is no victims among people working in the diplomatic headquarters. “The Ambassador is in place, but has been unable to move away”, the Indonesian official said. Nevertheless, yes there has been material damage, the Windows are broken.

Questioned about the reasons for this attack, Suyanrto has pointed out that, for the moment, is unknown what was the target of the bomb.

Police sources consulted by the daily Le Parisien reported that several witnesses have seen three men placed a package near the Embassy of Indonesia in Paris, located in the 16th district.

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Posted in Direct Action

Solidarity letter with the anarchist comrades and with Culmine, from Conspiración Acrata (Mexico)

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

It is the hour of the social tragedy!
We will destroy laughing.
We will set fires laughing.
We will kill laughing.
We will expropriate laughing.
And society will fall.
The fatherland will fall.
The family will fall.
All will fall after the free man is born.
The one is born who has learned the Dionysian art of joy and laughter through tears and sorrow.
The hour has come to drown the enemy in blood…
The hour has come to wash our minds in blood.
Enough, enough, enough!
As the poet transforms his lyre into a dagger!
As the philosopher transforms his probe into a bomb!
As the fisherman transforms his oar into a formidable ax.
As the miner comes up from the unbearable caves of the dark mines armed with his shining iron.
As the farmer transforms his fruitful spade into a war lance.
As the laborer transforms his hammer into a scythe and cleaver.
And forward, forward, forward.
It is time, it is time — it is time!
And society will fall.
The fatherland will fall.
The family will fall.
All will fall after the Free Man is born.
Forward, forward, forward, oh joyful destroyers.
Beneath the black edge of death we will conquer Life!
And we will make it our slave! Laughing!
And we will love it laughing!
Since the only serious people are those who know how to be actively engaged laughing.
And our hatred laughs…
Red laughter. Forward!
Forward, for the destruction of the lie and of the phantoms!
Forward, for the complete conquest of individuality and of Life!

1922, ITALY.

A few days ago, the security apparatus at the hand of the Italian State perpetrated a repressive raid against anarchist comrades and the Culmine blog, a raid carried out in various cities and towns of that country, resulting in 4 comrades arrested under accusations that are the most common accusations in Italy and under which many other comrades have been arrested and incarcerated in the past, in similar repressive raids. Accused of Terrorism and subversive association, our comrades find themselves in the clutches of the State and need to be vindicated in the same way that those anarchist comrades in affinity in Italy have shown themselves in solidarity with the struggles and the prisoners in other parts of the World. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Trial report of the process against Eat & Billy, members of Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / FAI-IRF (Indonesia)

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

Important update: We got news about our brother Billy’s health. He’s sick and getting worse since the prison conditions are so bad. More details coming as soon as possible. Strength and health to Billy, united in struggle and affinity for insurrection. War against the existent…

325 receives and transmits:

We received late news that the State continued the trial against our brothers (Eat & Billy). The fourth trial held in Friday 6, April 2012 in Sleman Courthouse (Yogyakarta). This trial itself showed that the State and Capital want to force the Anti-Terrorism Act as a tool of repression against the rise of new generation of anarchist urban guerrilla in Indonesia under the name of Revolutionary Organization – Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesian Section. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Lublin: Solidarity action for political prisoners (Poland)

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

In the last days of March, we attacked with paint three ATM’s, each belonging to another bank. The growing climate of state repression, must meet with our overwhelming response. An uncompromising attack of capital, taking away from us the remaining social gains, can no longer remain unanswered.

Violence is an integral part of our lives, concealed behind a mask of abstract social relations. Pushed to the ghettos of poverty, filling the prison cells, reside in the slums of third world. We have no illusions about it. We will come from darkness of the night and attack state and capitalist targets, every time more violently and with a stronger belief in the rightness of our actions.

We also address our words to those who are staying on the moderate positions, trying to censor different concepts of fight. Our dreams remain illegal, WE remain illegal. There is no place for us in capitalist machine. We don’t find ourselves on another miserable demonstration. We don’t make long-term political plans. We don’t ask the chiefs and rulers for small compromises. We want immediate change, looking for each other, creating cells capable to provide adequate answer to our daily humiliations.

We dedicate this symbolic action to prosecuted fighters of the Revolutionary Struggle and the Conspiracy of Cells Of Fire. Comrade Tortuga, who remains in dungeons of Chilean state. Eat and Billy, captive by the Indonesian State. Stella Antoniou, facing health problems, and all political prisoners from around the world.

Honour to comrade Lambros Foundas, who fell dead, by cops’ bullets.

‘Night Aurora’


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Posted in Direct Action

Email addresses for correspondence with anarchist prisoners – Eat, Billy & Hidayat (Indonesia)

Friday, March 30th, 2012

Now it is possible to write emails to Eat and Billy, members of Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – IRF/FAI, and also to Hidayat (AKA Yaya). Their friends/comrades will print them out and show them the messages of solidarity. Communication is vital to break the isolation of prison. Also reaching us at this time is the news that Hidayat is out of the isolation cells.

Eat and Billy have taken responsibility for the destruction of an ATM bank in Yogyakarta as an international solidarity action for Luciano Tortuga. They are both presently being dragged through the courts in a long trial process. You can email both of them here: blackhammer(at)riseup.net

Hidayat is a social combatant and anarchist who is accused of attacking a police outpost during a mass riot against brutal police repression which left several people dead, after people had occupied and blocked Sape port (Bima), to protest the prescence of a hated mining company in the area. You can email him here: swatantra(at)riseup.net

Wolves cannot be tamed!

Let’s keep wild!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anger is transformed into an action – Rejection of fuel price rises in Makassar (Indonesia)

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

Rough translation from kokemi:

Wednesday 21 March 2012 – The people’s anger exploded yesterday in Makassar. People who are members of the Makassar People’s Movement Makassar made an action of denial in front of the UNHAS Campus gate as a part of a series of fuel price hike rejection actions in some areas of Indonesia.

Dozens of people were boycotting the gas stations and they handed out gasoline free of charge to users of motorcycles and to public transport drivers. LPG delivery vehicles were looted and gasoline distributed free of charge to users of the road. Demonstrators also looted filling stations, looting and burning of coca-cola machines as well as the official Pertamina fuel tank transporters.

Action was stopped by campus bureaucrats. But before the actions are stopped the demonstrators are face to face with police equipped with shields, water canon and tear gas. It ended with the arrest of two protesters.

The people react with stones in hand, and angry hearts. Some areas also perform the same reaction, and pray that this is not the conclusion.

“We are angry,” said graffiti on walls and LPG vehicles from the action. Well, do not let all the anger and rage be mediated and represented, by whoever.


Anti-Authoritarian Flyer from Manado

For us, protesting the increase in fuel prices is merely one partial action that is not essential. For us, being trapped in the logic of the economy and political issues is a shallow analysis of the commodification of life under capitalism and the State. Whether the price of fuel rises or not, it won’t change the fact that each of us remain consumers whose only role is to buy. Each of us remain low-cost workers whose role is to produce the commodities that we will buy. Each of us remain zombies who don’t have anything other than the obligation to continue being ruled, oppressed, tortured, consumed and to accumulate all the things we don’t need.

The deprivation of lives, their dreams and loves, is too simple if merely contained in economic issues such as rising fuel prices. We are too angry to understand that it is far more important for us to define and reclaim our lives, than simply following the glamour party of false opposition: to protest or support raising the price of fuel.

Demand more! This is an attempt for the possible to break out of impossibility, and the hypocrisy and shallowness of life at present.

And what do we want?

Total destruction of society and its entire infrastructure today. The simultaneous collapse of the State and Capital. The collapse of the political and economic tyranny that is the torturer and ties that bind society: civilisation.

This is the main reason behind the distribution of this flyer, together with peaceful demonstrations taking place in almost every city in Indonesia. Our involvement is to interrupt Capital and the State in various ways, including the moments that these demonstrations are taking place, because we consider a good demonstration to be one that clearly shows the face of recuperation.

And what do we demand?

Find your anger and let it flow in the streets. Destroy all property that you consider deserves to be destroyed. Directly attack Capital and the State, although there is no future for them.


*(This flyer was distributed during a protest against increasing fuel prices that was held in Manado, 27 March 2012, as a statement of the position of several anarchists that consciously joined the action but refused to submit to the propaganda and sensationalism of the Left and the reformists). *
(Thanks to the translator. Original from Negasi.)

From disaccords.wordpress.com

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Posted in Direct Action

Solidarity Flypostering to Eat & Billy from Rebels of Cochabamba (Bolivia)

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

“Strength to Eat & Billy – Anarchist Prisoners in Indonesia – We are at War”

In the polymorphic war against the system and the state, every act of anarchist solidarity combines into a barrage, which has found an expression of global informal co-ordination in the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front (FAI-FRI). Click here for photos of flyposters on the streets of Cochabamba, pasted in solidarity with Eat & Billy, arrested members of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesia. The anarchist comrades in Bolivia are currently facing persecution from the government while showing sympathy and solidarity with indigenous warriors TIPNIS 8 and with all those who are struggling in a variety of ways.

Solidarity and freedom!


Here is the actual claim from the comrades in Cochabamba, sent to the comrades of Negasi:

Viñetas en Solidaridad con Eat y Billy!

Viñetas en Solidaridad con Eat y Billy Anarquistas Presos en Indonesia

Fuerza a Reyhard Rumbayan y Augusto Billy anaquistas insurrecionales presos en Indonesia.

Puede ser esta una mínima acción en solidaridad con Eat y Billy, sin embargo permanente es el compromiso con las finalidades anaquistas FAI – FRI, en la lucha contra el sistema en términos concretos y eso es lo que cuenta, la solidaridad ahora para el Eº Boliviano como para cualquier otro Estado un crimen y aquellos que se muestren solidarios o afines a determinadas luchas son perseguidos y condenados.

Compañeros anarquistas en Bolivia están siendo perseguidos por el Estado en este tiempo a causa de demostrar su afinidad y solidaridad con la octava marcha indígena en defensa del TIPNIS y también con la marcha de personas con capacidades diferentes.

Como ya dijeron antes: ¡Que ningún guerrero esté solo!

¡Viva la Célula larga Vida a Luciano Tortuga!
¡Viva la Anarquía Insurrecional!

Solidaridad con todas(os) las(os) guerreras(os) insurrecionales del mundo desde Cochabamba – Bolivia.


Negasi – Foto-Foto : Pictures sent by the comrades in Bolivia

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Posted in Direct Action