Posts Tagged ‘ELF’

A Letter of Solidarity with the Informal Anarchist Federation by Walter Bond, A.L.F Prisoner of War (USA)

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

Hello, my name is Walter Bond. I am currently serving a prison sentence in the United States for 3 A.L.F. arsons totaling nearly 2 million dollars’ worth of damage. Recently, I read a statement in solidarity with the Conspiracy Cells of Fire attempting to create a real voice for all of us political prisoners and prisoners of war, those of us that have fought and still fight from our prison cells against all civilization. I was happy to see that solidarity was signed with me in that article as well. As a small token of my support please accept the enclosed brief letter of solidarity that I have written for the Informal Anarchist Federation. Animal Liberation, Whatever It May Take! (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle, Prison Struggle

Words of Solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from some members of Russian Earth Liberation Front / FAI-IRF (Russia)

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

So many of us captured, thrown into prisons, tortured, wounded or even dead. It’s getting more and more difficult to mention every comrade in each communique. Yet they are all worth mentioning, they shouldn’t fade into obscurity of silence of prison cells. Names spin in the head… People we’ve never known, but their dedication and sacrifice for the cause resonates with our worldview, with our own cause. And faces of friends we’ll never see again. Dead, murdered by the System. Is it everywhere like this? Are we all alone in this hostile world? Are there other mutineers, saboteurs, discontent? How do we get in touch with all this censorship?

How do we let them know with all this conspiracy of silence in media and society, even among political left? How do we communicate? We don’t know their language even. How do we write? Can they translate from Russian? OK, let’s just give it a try, we’ll see where this’ll go soon enough… (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘McDonalds’ smashed by ALF / ELF in Bedminster (UK)

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

27 September 2011

“In the early hours of Tuesday morning (27/09/11) McDonalds drive thru in Bedminster was visited and thoroughly smashed, with all it’s windows attacked.

Fuck Mcdonalds and the death culture they perpetuate and symbolise globally, which means:

abuse and mass slaughter for millions of animals caged all their miserable lives, poisonous food, sickness and cancer for humans, mind numbing drudgery and workplace control and discipline for workers treated like slaves, destruction for the environment and of course massive profit for capitalists.

If you thought smashing up Mcdonalds had gone out of anticapitalist fashion, think again. We don’t forget or forgive.

For earth, animal and human liberation.”


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Posted in Direct Action

Dozens of raids as new investigation against anarchists begins (Italy)

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Breaking news from the mainstream media, treat with caution:

The Digos, the Italian political police, in the city of Bologna, have executed an operation investigating frequent visitors to the Bologna activist circle ‘Fuoriluogo’. The provision for the operation was decided by the prosecutor of Bologna within an inquiry carried out by the Bologna Digos.

Whilst this morning, more than 300 police have carried out searches in Bologna, Ferrara, Modena, Rome, Padova, Trento, Reggio Calabria, Ancona, Turin, Lecce, Naples, Trieste, Genoa, Teramo, Forli, Ravenna and Milan. The comrades under investigation are accused of belonging to a ‘subversive association for criminal intent’. 60 searches are reported, resulting, so far, in 12 people under precautionary measures and one arrest according to media. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Conspiracion Acrata, English edition – Feb 2010-2011 (Mexico)

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Insurrectionary and revolutionary anarchist publication

Mexico city – Mexico

English edition – February 2010-2011

“Salud! This here is one more number of the insurrectionary and revolutionary anarchist publication that we call CONSPIRACION ACRATA. This project was born during the month of March of 2009 as a medium for the diffusion of the insurrectional anarchist struggle. During this time we have completed 8 editions, with this being the most recent. This edition, completely in English (except the addition of the editorial) was made with the aim of spreading the social war that is being fought in Mexico to English speaking countries, this special edition is a compilation of texts, news, critiques, communiqués from anarchist and eco-anarchist cells in Mexico as well as various texts that were edited for past editions. This publication was also formed from the importance of the diffusion of revolutionary anarchist ideas that are often strongly criticized by individuals who feel they have the role of the judge of the revolution, and instead of putting forth objective critiques, only assert prejudiced and condemnatory critiques which aim to isolate the anarchist compañer@s of action from the entire movement.”

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Posted in Library

Under night-time’s lovely coat- Solidarity with anarchist Jonatan (Sweden)

Friday, November 20th, 2009

This is the call for Revolutionary Solidarity with our Swedish anarchist comrade Jonatan and for all fighting prisoners! Please spread it and publish it on your websites, blogs and lists.


On the 14th of October 2008 the Swedish secret police SAPO raided 3 houses in different places in Sweden. They arrested the anarchist Jonatan and took different tools, political pamphlets, his computer and other personal stuff with them. After two months in custody he had his trial and was sentenced to about 15 Months in Prison, which he begins in October ’09. He is accused of three ELF-Actions. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle, Prison Struggle