Posts Tagged ‘Dark Nights’

Dark Nights #18 – Wrath knows no borders – Solidarity with the Hungerstrikers in Greece – May 2012

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

12 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

!Stop the Press! The RO-CCF won their central demand for the transfer of their comrades from Domokos prison – Victory! Their hungerstrike is over!

Freshly released for May 1st, this issue publicizes the hungerstrike in the prisons of Greece by Theofilos Mavropoulos, Spyros Dravilas and 8 out the 9 comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Imprisoned Members Cell. You can find the declarations of intent inside the Dark Nights and a list of revolutionary solidarity actions. Also featured is two communiques with lists of over two dozen attacks in Barcelona from the last couple of months by a new generation of anarchist nihilists, plus an article about Eat & Billy, imprisoned anarchist comrades of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesian Section. This publication is put together from news-info via the international network for translation and counter-information, an informal project of radical media and self-organisation.


Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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Dark Nights #17 – A World on Fire – April 2012

Friday, March 30th, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

12 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

This issue features an as always incomplete round-up of direct action and sabotage reports from the month of March, coverage of the trial of the Revolutionary Organisation – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, international repression reports and news about Thessaloniki 5 prison sentences, No Tav- letter from injured comrade Luca Abba, letter about Luciano Tortuga’s prison conditions, letter of comrade Kostas Katsenos, imprisoned anarchist accused of membership of the armed group – Revolutionary Struggle in Greece, report on the radical struggle in Russia & Ukraine over the past 2 months, trial updates about the Chilean frame-up “Bombs Case” against anarchists over there, “No Military on Our Streets” anti-Olympic/anti-Austerity text from UK, plus “Maybe they follow my account on Facebook” text from Anti-Authoritarians of Kalamata Messinias.

Fire to the Prisons


Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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Dark Nights #16: Insurrection … Is the Mother of Revolution – March 2012 (ACN)

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

4 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

This handout issue features a front page article from Actforfreedomnow/BoubourAs, the secondary article concerns anarchist revolutionary solidarity and the struggle against prison by Guiseppe. Also inside is an incomplete direct action chronology of the past few weeks and the breaking stories of the moment : CCF- Imprisoned Members Cell and accused others will be indicted with 250 attacks carried out in the name of the Revolutionary Organisation over the course of its history; Val Susa, Luca Abba is hospitalized fighting against the High-Speed Rail (Italy); Santiagio: State demands 15 years prison for Luciano ‘Tortuga’ (Chile).


Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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Dark Nights #15 released – Bad Passions & More

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

12 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

This issue features a front page of BAD PASSIONS : THE RIGHTS OF THE EGO : From an anti-Christian point of view by Maurizio De Simone, which will form part of a future collaborative publication concerning nihilism, egoism, refusal of society, etc by Edizioni Cerbero.

- Does Work Liberate (A poster from the streets)
- Letter from anarchist Rami Syrianos
- Declaration by Christos Tsakalos to the court
- Athens: Arson attack against ATM
- On a journey that hasn’t ended yet – Polykarpos Georgiadis
- Parole is denied for Marco Camenisch
- Thomas Meyer-Falk’s request
- Abuse of Children in UK Private Prisons by John Bowden
- Preparations for military repression at UK 2012 Olympics
- Anarchists attack the home of the President of Greece in Athens
- Belgium: Communique for arson of cars of two euro-parliamentarians, a NATO official and a diplomat

Download, print out and provoke…

Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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Dark Nights #14 released + supplement – Anarchist & Anti-Prison newsletter

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.


Click here: 16 pages A4 PDF + Click here: 4 pages A4 supplement

Longer format issue of Dark Nights; the frontpage carries the new open letter from Luciano ‘Tortuga’, anarchist in Chile hurt in a bomb attack against Santander Bank in Santiago. A major section of this issue is given over to a New Year Anti-Prison Actions Round-Up, which couldn’t begin to cover the vast nature of the second international call-out for anti-prison demos on the New Years Eve, but is nevertheless a contribution to be spread and distributed.

The remaining full articles include the cases of the revolutionary anarchist group Revolutionary Struggle, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Stella Antoniou, Sonja Suder & Christian Gauger of the Revolutionary Cells (RZ).

Special separate supplement covers the latest sabotages and attacks in Italy; Update on the “Bombs Case” in Chile; Joint declaration of subversive and revolutionary prisoners in support of the comrade Luciano Tortuga (Chile); Sabotage and attacks against automated car tolls and social control (Portugal); Update on the Two Imprisoned Combatants in Yogyakarta (Indonesia).

Dark Nights will continue a more frequent publishing schedule generated from the international network of translation and counter-information for the present time as a new editorial and design collective take over the freesheet.

Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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Dark Nights #13 released – Anarchist & Anti-Prison newsletter NYE 2011-2012

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

Click here: 4 pages A4 / Double sided A3 / Print to size.

This issue has a special front-page contributed by the comrades in Mexico of Conspiracion Acrata, an insurrectionary anarchist magazine, about refusing the legalistic demands of the State, and the anarchist-individualist thought which informs this. Plus, round-up of news : from UK, about police repression of an anarchist demo during the N30 General Strike; from Greece, news about the continued political-judicial harassment of Christos Stratigopoulos, who was arrested for a bank robbery alongside Alfredo M. Bonanno in Trikala, now accused of more ‘crimes’ of expropriation; Montreal, Canada, was the place of a great solidarity action for G20 prisoners, with an interesting and critical flyer denouncing the prison system and capitalist society; and not least, again from Greece, a short report of an action with molotovs against riot police in Exarchia outside the Culture Ministry, Athens, shortly after the attempt by imprisoned members of CCF and P.Vlastos to escape from Korydallos prison.

1. About “Anti-Judicial Anarchism”, Max Stirner, Luigi Galleani, CCF & More.

2. UK: Mass Arrests in Hackney.

3. Montreal, Canada: Counter-info action in solidarity with the G20 prisoners.

4. Greece: Solidarity with Christos Stratigopoulos.

5. Greece: Riot police attacked with molotovs at the Culture Ministry in Exarcheia, Athens.

Organise & Resist – Zines are for life not just Xmas!!

Anti-Copyright Network 2011

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Dark Nights #11 & #12 – Anarchist & Anti-Prison Newsletter May 2011

Thursday, May 12th, 2011

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet of resistance reports and repression news to download and print out.

Two part special issue for May 2011. Four pages of UK news with an eight page European Social Struggle supplement / A3 size.

#11 : Anti-System Conflict in the United Kingdom
This issue carries news about the increase in subversive action across the UK and the recent repression wave against squats and autonomous social centres in the wake of the March 26th TUC Demo / Black Bloc. Also covers Telepathic Heights eviction, Stokes Croft riots etc.

#12 : European Social Struggle – May Supplement
The longer supplement has a combative Mayday report from Barcelona, a small contribution on the topic of Solidarity by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Greece, and the call for an escalated struggle against Genetic Manipulation by Swiss eco-anarchist prisoners, who are on hunger strike May 1 to 28, in Switzerland (Billy, Marco, Silvia and Costas).

Organise and Resist.

Anti-Copyright Network 2011

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Dark Nights #10 – Anarchist & Anti-Prison Newsletter January 2011

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet of resistance reports and repression news to download and print out. 8 pages / A3 size. Distribute and discuss.

Dark Nights #10 : Letters from imprisoned anarchists in Greece

- Letter from Kostas Sakkas, comrade accused of being part of a “terrorist organisation”, in which he dissembles the economic crisis and urges resistance.

- Letter from Gerasimos Tsakalos, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Imprisoned Members Cell. Tsakalos writes about the 1st Nov 2010 arrest of himself and his comrade, Panagiotis Argirou in Athens, plus his own anti-political ideas of anti-socialist anarchism and revolutionary nihilism.

- Letter from Christoforos Kortesis, held hostage accused of membership of the armed group, Revolutionary Struggle.

- Text from the 3 imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle “Let’s make the beginning in Greece of a world-wide social revolution”. Kostas Gournas, Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis analyse the economic crisis with regard to Greece and Europe, and call for social revolution based on anarchist-libertarian principles.


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Dark Nights #9 – Anarchist & Anti-Prison Newsletter December 2010

Friday, December 17th, 2010

Dark Nights is an irregularly published anarchist & anti-prison freesheet of resistance reports and repression news to download and print out. This issue covers the calls for solidarity coming from Greek prisoners on hungerstrike, members of armed groups Revolutionary Struggle and Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, imprisoned for their actions, and those in clandestinity, who call for increased escalation of the social war.

Dark Nights #9 – Solidarity with Greek prisoners in Struggle


- International call for solidarity from members of Revolutionary Struggle. / About the emergence of the new generation of armed revolutionary struggle and the economic era of ‘crisis’.

- Fire to the State: Letter from Gerasimos Tsakalos & Panagiotis Argirou + International Solidarity Call by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. / Claim of responsibility and anarchist declaration by two imprisoned fighters of the armed group Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, plus a call for an international campaign of revolutionary solidarity to tie in with a trial in January against the group.

- Ongoing mass prisoners hunger-strike in Greece. / About the continuing widespread refusal of food in Greek prisons plus the communique from the prisoners initiative about their demands.



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Dark Nights #8 – Anarchist & Anti-Prison Newsletter September 2010

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

Dark Nights is an irregularly published anarchist & anti-prison freesheet of resistance reports and repression news.

Issue #8 has a feature on the 14 August anti-anarchist repression in Chile, with a letter from an imprisoned anarchist, communique from insurrectionalist groups about the state attacks against social centres and anarchist initiatives, and call for international solidarity.

On the 24th of September there is an international day of solidarity with the Chilean comrades, and we dedicate this issue to the situation. The repression is aimed at silencing the growing discontent and stopping the anarchist direct action against corporate, religious and state targets which has grown in recent years. Because the Chilean government has no way of stopping the attacks, it attempts to persecute and dismantle the broader anarchist movement with investigations, raids and beatings at gun point.

The international anarchist and radical social movements must answer this frame-up with our solidarity and resistance.

Dark Nights #8


- Call for international solidarity with the hostages of the Chilean ‘democracy’.
- List of hostages and those under conditional ‘freedom’.
- Communique from Mónica Caballero
- Communique from insurrectionalist groups in South America concerning the frame up.

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Dark Nights #6 Anarchist & Anti-Prison Newsletter March 2010

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Dark Nights is an irregularly published anarchist & anti-prison publication of resistance reports and repression news. Existing since 2005 this free newsletter has been printed and read in many places around the world, encouraging replication and collaboration.

#6 Contents:

Alfredo & Christos denied bail (Greece)
European Social Repression (About the arrests in Berlin & Paris)
Alfredo accused of second bank robbery (Greece)

Action reports:
Bristol RBS HQ attacked with Rocks & Fire (UK)
Courts attacked in Bristol (UK)

Replicate / Organise / Resist

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