Anarchist shot by the police in Viña del Mar (Chile)

April 7th, 2012

WOS note: Beyond this initial announcement from Bengalas’ comrades which appears below, there are several more texts and updates about the comrade which we will translate soon. At the moment, we are too busy to present all of it. The additional texts and updates may appear as edits to this post, or separately. We send an embrace full of fire and health to Bengalas.

from vla, transl waronsociety:

Yesterday, March 30, in the afternoon, our brother was in a cyber cafe updating our page [Solidaridad Anarquista] and on finishing up, he left the cyber cafe and to someone appeared to steal an older woman’s wallet and the police came in pursuit; since these uniforms are such sacks of shit that they’re tired after running only 15 seconds, they chose to use their service weapon and a shot struck; it so happened that this bullet hit the Anarchist brother Bengalas’ chest, at only 9 meters away, the bullet entered through the chest, exiting through his back; our brother did not have time to react and fell to his knees leaving a large pool of blood around him; thanks to some anonymous persons who were in the area, they stopped the hemorrhaging and applied first aid, calling an ambulance and stopping the uniforms from approaching the brother’s body so that they could not take any evidence nor change anything in the area; the compañero was taken to the Viña del Mar Hospital and at this time has still not regained consciousness. Read the rest of this entry »

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Letter from the Imprisoned Members Cell of the CCF to Culmine & Parole Armate concerning the recent raids (Italy)

April 6th, 2012

Translated by Act for freedom now! / boubourAs:

For a few days now has begun one more oppressive operation against anarchist comrades in Italy. Some comrades were arrested, interrogated, some got conditional discharges and others, house arrest.

The cops raided houses in the areas of Pisa, Chieti, Genoa, Catania, Ravena and elsewhere. The operation included the Carabinieri of Perugia, the Antiterrorist and the team of Technical Investigations of Rome. Amongst the arrestees, were also 4 anarchist comrades who were persecuted for “criminal organization of a subversive nature”. From the confiscated objects from the houses of the comrades, this time the cops showed special interest to their email communication with Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Marco Camenisch and the members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. During the investigation the email account of Culmine and Parole Armate was broken into and copied. By the cops.

Don’t say that its over…

Through these few words we send a comradely signal to all those who participate in Culmine and Parole Armate helping in the translations and the spreading of communiques, texts and letters from prison for the spreading of insurrectional anarchy.

Right now the Black International of the anarchists of action is a fact. Nothing would be the same without them. Especially this last year an international anarchist galaxy is created by individuals and autonomous groups who, whether support the FAI/IRF, or not, the attack the existing, communicate with their concerns, exchange thoughts.

They are the comrades with no name, the friends without a face, they are all of us who wore a hood and became bombers of authority symbols, bank robbers, saboteurs of their normality, and arsonists of social peace. Through Culmine and Parole Armate we share experiences and close relations with these unknown comrades from around the world.

This sharing is a moment of the continuous attack against the dogmatic thought, the mass culture, the society of useless information. Through Culmine and Parole Armate blossoms the real polymorphic dialogue of the anarchist insurrectional internationalism, not just in the words, but in practice. Because words fill the pages just like bullets slide into the chamber of a gun.

Ready and armed to give their own battle. Words that hit the normality of daily life, words that escape from the prison cells, words that are whispered conspiratorially before the moment of the attack, words that turn into actions, words that don’t beat around the bush, words clean like our look and conscience.

This wind of thousands of untameable words and anarchist actions visits numerous times the crossroad of Culmine and Parole Armate, for a moment, so it can explode and create again thousands of new moments of chaos and anarchy.

Culmine and Parole Armate is the secret harbour of chaos where words mixed up with actions and thoughts disguised into gestures go back-and-forth continuously in indeterminate and informal formations of attack. By stealing and rephrasing the words of the comrades Parole Armate we can say that the project of Culmine and Parole Armate is a result of the will of some anarchist individuals who deny the meaning of the official syntactic team and instead of that invite all those are interested in the spreading of insurrectional anarchist texts, to create relations and situations which liberate and are ready to be materialized outside the virtual frame of the internet.

For us the anarchist undertakings of Culmine and Parole Armate were created from the thought and desire of some comrades who discussed, managed from some hands which liberated meanings and disputes and belong to whoever considers them a piece of the individual and collective struggle for anarchy and chaos.
No matter what happens because of the attack of the Italian police, Culmine and Parole Armate will remain for ever a meeting point of comrades and friends, an unmade map of the Black International of Anarchists of Action.

Until we meet again

Solidarity to the comrades who are persecuted by the Italian state FOR EVER IN BATTLE FOR THE REALIZATION OF THE BLACK INTERNATIONAL OF THE ANARCHISTS OF ACTION

Imprisoned Members Cell of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF

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Posted in Social Control |

PERSONAL INFERNO – For a clearing of solidarity

April 6th, 2012

‘… I don’t want and don’t give solidarity,
Because I’m convinced that it is yet another chain
And because, like Ibsen, I believe that the one who is most alone is the stronger.’

Renzo Novatore – I’m also a Nihilist

For a clearing of solidarity
Invitation to Egoist nihilist action addressed to the comrades hit by the law of the State issued by society under the disguise of nun Manuela Comodi*.

No prayer!
No sign of abating!
The rebel who triumphs on his EGO knows, and he knows how many abysses his existence has. Alas! ‘There are too many abysses for the lonely ones’ Zarathustra used to say

No prayer!

No profession of faith or creed for the lonely one!

No fanatic religious solidarity for the lonely one!

No prayer or rosary!

This is the path, the non-path!
So rise up you single vagabonds of the Ego!
Do not kneel down!
If you die your soul will die even before your body!

Do not pray!

‘I am a guardrail on the flow: those who can, take me.’
So your EGO speaks!
‘But I am not your crutch’

Do not trust man Christ recommended! I add, not even God!
Trust yourself!
Do not beg!

To the comrades of Culmine and Parole Armate
Edizioni Cerbero – Maurizio de Monte and Federico Buono


* M.Comodi is the public prosecutor directing the case.


English PDFSpanish PDFItalian PDF

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Konstantina Karakatsani released from prison (Greece)

April 6th, 2012

325 receives and transmits :

Yesterday 4/4/2012 Konstantina Karakatsani was released from prison after the court accepted her appeal to be released until the first “Halandri case” goes to the second trial (the appeal).

Always in fight.

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Lublin: Solidarity action for political prisoners (Poland)

April 5th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

In the last days of March, we attacked with paint three ATM’s, each belonging to another bank. The growing climate of state repression, must meet with our overwhelming response. An uncompromising attack of capital, taking away from us the remaining social gains, can no longer remain unanswered.

Violence is an integral part of our lives, concealed behind a mask of abstract social relations. Pushed to the ghettos of poverty, filling the prison cells, reside in the slums of third world. We have no illusions about it. We will come from darkness of the night and attack state and capitalist targets, every time more violently and with a stronger belief in the rightness of our actions.

We also address our words to those who are staying on the moderate positions, trying to censor different concepts of fight. Our dreams remain illegal, WE remain illegal. There is no place for us in capitalist machine. We don’t find ourselves on another miserable demonstration. We don’t make long-term political plans. We don’t ask the chiefs and rulers for small compromises. We want immediate change, looking for each other, creating cells capable to provide adequate answer to our daily humiliations.

We dedicate this symbolic action to prosecuted fighters of the Revolutionary Struggle and the Conspiracy of Cells Of Fire. Comrade Tortuga, who remains in dungeons of Chilean state. Eat and Billy, captive by the Indonesian State. Stella Antoniou, facing health problems, and all political prisoners from around the world.

Honour to comrade Lambros Foundas, who fell dead, by cops’ bullets.

‘Night Aurora’


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Florence: Let’s start again – On the response to the arrests (Italy)

April 4th, 2012

Translated from informa-azione.info

We usually don’t give reports on everything we do but after the latest events we think it is important to inform the comrades on the situation in Florence, the problems we have to face and the potentialities we have to develop. To start with, the expulsion orders don’t seem to have intimidated anyone and they will be deliberately ignored. Released late in the morning on Saturday, three dear comrades are now forced to remain in their respective towns as they are subjected to mandatory residence: Sandro and Filomena in Pontassieve, and Nicola in Pistoia. As these places are not far from Florence we will be able to see them every day and surely they won’t be abandoned. Read the rest of this entry »

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Communiqué for bombing at ESADE business school in Barcelona (Catalunya)

April 3rd, 2012

From Liberación Total (March 27, 2012) via This is our Job:

Street protests against the attacks of capitalist States on our living conditions have recently spread throughout Europe. Despite the strikes, actions, and massive demonstrations, and despite the broad movements that haven’t even expressed any grand revolutionary aspirations beyond the mere defense of minimum basic necessities, the States have responded with indifference.

Appealing to confusing economic formulas, numbers, statistics, and abstract concepts, those States have tried to locate the problem’s origin in inaccessible, metaphysical realities. However, the origin and causes of our daily problems have no metaphysical foundation whatsoever. Poverty, exploitation, repression, and systematic abuse are the results of very concrete structures, of specific decisions taken by specific people who have specific interests.

One such structure is called the College of Business Administration and Management (ESADE). Nestled in the middle of the wealthy Pedralbes neighborhood, this school produces a stream of executives who—day after day—order, manage, and benefit from the destruction of the lives of the great majority of the population. Each year, the school propels social predators into the world, and for the rest of their lives they dedicate themselves to plundering and trampling on this country’s exploited from their institutional (like the presidency of the Generalitat itself, occupied by Artur Mas) or corporate positions.

Facing a context of intensifying exploitation and instability, and facing the new, deeply serious attack brought on by the recent Labor Reform, we have decided to respond by pointing out those responsible for the situation we are suffering through. Therefore, last Wednesday, March 21, we decided to carry out an attack that forced the interruption of the school’s functioning and caused its evacuation. The action was specifically designed (through the location of the device’s placement, the quality and quantity of explosive material used, etc.) to not cause injuries. Our goal, apart from singling out an entire social network of exploiters, was to sabotage the offensive, insulting social peace prevailing in the wealthy neighborhoods, which are totally hermetic and oblivious to the anguish and suffering generated by their decisions and privileges.

Having reached this point, we pose a question for reflection. Since the press have noted that students, professors, and area residents got away unscathed, how can we describe the everyday experience of those who live in poor neighborhoods? If being evacuated from your school for a few hours means getting away unscathed, what should we presume to call what thousands of evicted people feel—those who sleep in the street, those who are psychiatrized for not bearing the pressure, those who are brutally beaten for protesting, even peacefully? What do we call the suffering of the excluded, tortured in prisons and Immigrant Detention Centers? What do reporters call what the families of people murdered by the police have experienced, experience, and continue to experience?

If we have given them a “scare,” what are they doing to us?

We, and more people every day, know full well who the real terrorists are. They are the ones whom the press define as honorable people, the ones who have their luxurious offices on Plaza Sant Jaume or Avenida Diagonal, the ones who live in mansions in Pedralbes and Sant Cugat and send their sons and daughters to ESADE. They are the ones who, even though they have it all, dare to overstep their own legal limits and steal more of what they theoretically get according to their own rules.

We warn that if the State isn’t willing to withdraw its attacks, then we won’t be willing to withdraw our resistance. If they are prepared to bring back the policies and living conditions of the last century for us, then we will be prepared to revive the weapons and tactics of that era for them. And if they believe they will go right through us—not just our group, but all of society—without resistance or rebellion, then they don’t know the history of our people.


—Barcelona (The Rose of Fire), Spanish State, March 2012

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Cardiff: Report from Prison Noise Demo 31/3 (UK)

April 3rd, 2012

A report from the Cardiff prison noise demo held on 31st March in solidarity with prisoners by local campaigners against the prison system and I.P.P. sentencing.

At 3:30pm on Saturday 31st of March around 25 local residents, children and anarchists gathered outside a local leisure centre for a noise demo at Cardiff prison, to show support for the prisoners and raise awareness about I.P.P. sentencing, a type of sentence that has destroyed lives in the local community. They came accompanied with black flags, a sound system and two large banners (reading “Abolish I.P.P.” and “Solidarity”). Read the rest of this entry »

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Florence – Update on the arrested anarchists (Italy)

April 1st, 2012

Translated from informa-azione.info
We receive from the Pistoia anarchist comrades:

Last Thursday [29 March] the bloody Florence cops assaulted and arrested three comrades, Nicola, Filomena and Sandro and accused them of a series of bullshit such as resistance and causing bodily harm. This morning [Saturday 30th March] the judge decided to make a favour to the Florence Digos [Italian political police]: as he obviously couldn’t keep the comrades imprisoned, he opted for house arrest in the comrades’ towns, two in Pontassieve and one in Pistoia. It is clear how this operation aims at eliminating all ‘elements of disturbance’, that is to say those who are active in the city. As power can’t (for the moment) do whatever they like with Anarchists, they try their best to silence them, in this case through house arrest. On the contrary they did do whatever they liked with some immigrants, who were beaten to death in the police headquarters of Florence [the comrades were arrested while distributing leaflets on this event].

Solidarity with the comrades hit by repression, fire to all prisons and death to the authorities!

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Posted in Social Control |

Perugia – Anarchists investigated, searched and questioned (Italy)

March 31st, 2012

Posted on March 30, 2012 by Culmine – Translation act for freedom now/B.pb :

On 29th March the power of attorney of Perugia, following an investigation led by public prosecutor Comodi, has unleashed a repressive operation against 4 anarchist comrades. House searches were carried out in Pisa, Chieti, Brescia, Genoa, Catania, Ravenna and other cities. We don’t have a complete picture yet but we know that 2 comrades were forcibly taken to the ROS [Special Operations Unit of the Carabinieri] barracks in Perugia after being house searched, where they were supposed to be questioned by the public prosecutor. The comrades gave no comment interviews and were released in the night after 22 hours of kidnapping. The charges are: 270bis and 280, the latter concerning ‘a subversive nature of crime organization’. Read the rest of this entry »

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Cyber-raid against Culmine – Email account violated and copied by state forces (Italy)

March 31st, 2012

Message from counter-info website Culmine via Contra-Info:

Culmine is informing you that in the context of an investigation against anarchist comrades from Italy, our mail has been violated and copied. So, we notify that we will no longer use culmine(at)distruzione(dot)org and that in the next days we are going to decide if and how we’re going to continue operating the blog culmine.noblogs.org Read the rest of this entry »

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Email addresses for correspondence with anarchist prisoners – Eat, Billy & Hidayat (Indonesia)

March 30th, 2012

Now it is possible to write emails to Eat and Billy, members of Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – IRF/FAI, and also to Hidayat (AKA Yaya). Their friends/comrades will print them out and show them the messages of solidarity. Communication is vital to break the isolation of prison. Also reaching us at this time is the news that Hidayat is out of the isolation cells.

Eat and Billy have taken responsibility for the destruction of an ATM bank in Yogyakarta as an international solidarity action for Luciano Tortuga. They are both presently being dragged through the courts in a long trial process. You can email both of them here: blackhammer(at)riseup.net

Hidayat is a social combatant and anarchist who is accused of attacking a police outpost during a mass riot against brutal police repression which left several people dead, after people had occupied and blocked Sape port (Bima), to protest the prescence of a hated mining company in the area. You can email him here: swatantra(at)riseup.net

Wolves cannot be tamed!

Let’s keep wild!

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Dark Nights #17 – A World on Fire – April 2012

March 30th, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

12 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

This issue features an as always incomplete round-up of direct action and sabotage reports from the month of March, coverage of the trial of the Revolutionary Organisation – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, international repression reports and news about Thessaloniki 5 prison sentences, No Tav- letter from injured comrade Luca Abba, letter about Luciano Tortuga’s prison conditions, letter of comrade Kostas Katsenos, imprisoned anarchist accused of membership of the armed group – Revolutionary Struggle in Greece, report on the radical struggle in Russia & Ukraine over the past 2 months, trial updates about the Chilean frame-up “Bombs Case” against anarchists over there, “No Military on Our Streets” anti-Olympic/anti-Austerity text from UK, plus “Maybe they follow my account on Facebook” text from Anti-Authoritarians of Kalamata Messinias.

Fire to the Prisons


Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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Posted in Library |

Florence: Another wave of repression against anarchists (Italy)

March 30th, 2012

Anarchist comrades’ houses searched following articles 270bis and 280

Translated from informa-azione.info
We receive and transmit:

Yesterday morning, 29/03/2012, the ROS units [Special Operations Unit of the Italian Carabinieri paramilitary police] of Rome and Perugia searched four houses of comrades looking for evidence concerning the usual charge of conspiracy. And as usual, the watchdogs of the authority were particularly interested in electronic equipment, mobile phones and paper. Wastepaper, searches and warnings: we’ve seen more of the same many times but every time it just makes us sick. Read the rest of this entry »

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PDF Leaflet: No Military on our Streets (UK)

March 30th, 2012

325 receives and transmits : Click for PDF version


In the last couple of years, the ‘Help for Heroes’ army PR campaign has tried to make us love Britain’s military forces. We have been told they are ‘our boys’, ‘our troops’. We have been encouraged to think of them as our friends, and our comrades. They are not. An army needs an enemy to be an army. They are an occupying force fighting the enemies of the bankers, the politicians, and the new social order. The people are this enemy. And so ‘our boys’ are our enemy. War abroad, repression at home. This summer, and already, a military state will be rolled out on the streets of Britain for the security of the Olympic games, as the Tories and Security Services continue their unrelenting demolition of people’s freedom and means of survival. The Army is being trained to quell future riots and widespread social unrest which is inevitable as we struggle to live in intolerable conditions. The people have been at the receiving end of intense propaganda via the ‘Help for Heroes’ campaign for years now, in order to make us accept the occupation which is coming and the role of the Army in breaking the back of any industrial action or strike which has the possibility to create any rupture of the ‘Queen’s Peace’. Read the rest of this entry »

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Anarchist updates from comrade in Osaka (Japan)

March 30th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:


Saluton from Osaka, an western part of Japanese islands.
By the way, right now, I am a dayworker having gotten low incomes. Some of about 3 million low-income Japanese workers like me are facing the fuckin’ evil invitation from the scums of the “Tokyo electric power ltd.” and also Japanese government now! THEY always pick us into the hell. Still now, Japanese capitalists and their subjects urge the nuke-power plants in Japanese islands to generate fuckin’ “clean & economic electric power” again. (especially the “Kansai electric power ltd.” strongly urge their nuke-power plants to generate electoric power again.). Read the rest of this entry »

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Letter from the imprisoned members of the CCF on the new prosecutions (Greece)

March 29th, 2012

From Actforfreedomnow!boubourAs-Contrainfo-Sysiphus – Respect & Solidarity:

The choice of claiming responsibility and not capitulation

We, as Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – imprisoned members, chose and claimed responsibility from inside the prison for our participation in our project. The responsibility claim is the least way to defend and honour the most beautiful acts that we share. Not as a memory that fades away after our arrests but as a living reality and prospect of carrying on our actions in the continuous present, the here and now.

We believe that the responsibility claim and the words we express through this contribute decisively to the intensification of anarchist action. It is an open offence towards the apologetic low-key stance that the prosecutors and interrogaters wanted to extract from us. This attitude reveals the existence of two different worlds. A world of power on one side and on the other the world of anarchy, which are in perpetual war with each other. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty, Prison Struggle |

Anger is transformed into an action – Rejection of fuel price rises in Makassar (Indonesia)

March 29th, 2012

Rough translation from kokemi:

Wednesday 21 March 2012 – The people’s anger exploded yesterday in Makassar. People who are members of the Makassar People’s Movement Makassar made an action of denial in front of the UNHAS Campus gate as a part of a series of fuel price hike rejection actions in some areas of Indonesia.

Dozens of people were boycotting the gas stations and they handed out gasoline free of charge to users of motorcycles and to public transport drivers. LPG delivery vehicles were looted and gasoline distributed free of charge to users of the road. Demonstrators also looted filling stations, looting and burning of coca-cola machines as well as the official Pertamina fuel tank transporters.

Action was stopped by campus bureaucrats. But before the actions are stopped the demonstrators are face to face with police equipped with shields, water canon and tear gas. It ended with the arrest of two protesters.

The people react with stones in hand, and angry hearts. Some areas also perform the same reaction, and pray that this is not the conclusion.

“We are angry,” said graffiti on walls and LPG vehicles from the action. Well, do not let all the anger and rage be mediated and represented, by whoever.


Anti-Authoritarian Flyer from Manado

For us, protesting the increase in fuel prices is merely one partial action that is not essential. For us, being trapped in the logic of the economy and political issues is a shallow analysis of the commodification of life under capitalism and the State. Whether the price of fuel rises or not, it won’t change the fact that each of us remain consumers whose only role is to buy. Each of us remain low-cost workers whose role is to produce the commodities that we will buy. Each of us remain zombies who don’t have anything other than the obligation to continue being ruled, oppressed, tortured, consumed and to accumulate all the things we don’t need.

The deprivation of lives, their dreams and loves, is too simple if merely contained in economic issues such as rising fuel prices. We are too angry to understand that it is far more important for us to define and reclaim our lives, than simply following the glamour party of false opposition: to protest or support raising the price of fuel.

Demand more! This is an attempt for the possible to break out of impossibility, and the hypocrisy and shallowness of life at present.

And what do we want?

Total destruction of society and its entire infrastructure today. The simultaneous collapse of the State and Capital. The collapse of the political and economic tyranny that is the torturer and ties that bind society: civilisation.

This is the main reason behind the distribution of this flyer, together with peaceful demonstrations taking place in almost every city in Indonesia. Our involvement is to interrupt Capital and the State in various ways, including the moments that these demonstrations are taking place, because we consider a good demonstration to be one that clearly shows the face of recuperation.

And what do we demand?

Find your anger and let it flow in the streets. Destroy all property that you consider deserves to be destroyed. Directly attack Capital and the State, although there is no future for them.


*(This flyer was distributed during a protest against increasing fuel prices that was held in Manado, 27 March 2012, as a statement of the position of several anarchists that consciously joined the action but refused to submit to the propaganda and sensationalism of the Left and the reformists). *
(Thanks to the translator. Original from Negasi.)

From disaccords.wordpress.com

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Fascist group North West Infidels outnumbered by Anti-Fascists in Bolton (UK)

March 29th, 2012

Today [24-3-12], the North West Infidels went to Bolton. There was a month of hype and build up, especially after the events in Liverpool on February 18, and in the past week threats and tough talk were bandied about on the internet. But ultimately, the demo fell flat on its face. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Anti-Fascist |

Vertice Abisso numero 1 Foglio Egoista Nichilista (Edizioni Cerbero)

March 27th, 2012

Per chi legge:

Questo è il file per scaricare il numero uno di “Vertice Abisso”

This is the link for the download of number one of “Vertice Abisso”

Vertice Abisso #1

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