
Emmanuel & Phillip Hudson Questions Pt 2 | The Gossip
Emmanuel & Phillip Hudson Questions Pt 2 | The Gossip
Emmanuel & Phillip Hudson Questions Pt 2 | The Gossip Yall still askin all them questions, makin statements assumin! So we had to make another video for the ladies and dudes that gossip about there relationships. Watch and enjoy another installment to the "Questions" Saga. Ratchet Girl Anthem - The Single Now Avaliable on iTunes - bit.ly For Booking Contact Management 404-804-5579 - Bobby | archivebooking@gmail.com | Subscribe to our Channel: ow.ly Subscribe to our Website: ow.ly Archive Ent's Twitter ow.ly Emmanuel & Phillip's Twitter ow.ly Emmanuel Hudson's Twitter ow.ly Phillip Hudson's Twitter ow.ly Reverbnation ow.ly Facebook ow.ly Google + ow.ly Tumblr ow.ly Fan mail - HudsonFanMail@gmail.com

Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie (Part 2) ft. Eminem (Lyrics)
Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie (Part 2) ft. Eminem (Lyrics)
Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie (Part 2) ft. Eminem (Lyrics)

Talking Twin Babies - PART 2 - OFFICIAL VIDEO
Talking Twin Babies - PART 2 - OFFICIAL VIDEO
twin baby boys have a conversation part 2. find more of the boys' adventures at my wife's blog. visit www.twinmamarama.com

This is my story (Part 2)
This is my story (Part 2)
Kieran Miles inspired me to do this, Just thought I should share my story to the rest of the world, watch part 1 first. www.youtube.com

David Blaine Street Magic Part 2
David Blaine Street Magic Part 2
The original...David Blaine Street Magic Part Two! See David Blaine terrorize the same two idiots from the first video. Starring Mitch Silpa, Mikey Day, and Michael Naughton. Directed by David Morgasen. There's been some confusion about where this one is posted. It's finally here along with the first one. And Part Three is coming soon!

Modern Warfare: Frozen Crossing Pt. 2
Modern Warfare: Frozen Crossing Pt. 2
Making of: www.youtube.com Missed Part 1? See it here: www.youtube.com SOUND DESIGN BEHIND THE SCENES: www.youtube.com Download the soundtrack on iTunes: bit.ly Full credits: www.corridor-digital.com Finally - part 2 is here! Hopefully we delivered this in a reasonable amount of time. Thanks to people graciously helping us for the sake of making a fun action movie, we managed to do all of this for a total of just over $600. A little pricier than the first, but totally worth it. Also if you're a super nerd, see if you can find when Spectre gets an achievement. We are not authorized, nor affiliated in any way with Activision or Infinity Ward. Just dudes with computers as usual! And if you want a Part 3, let us know in the comments below! Also, Spectre is equipping OMA on this, hence the weapon switching. DIRECTED BY Niko Pueringer & Sam Gorski PRODUCED BY James Sicignano, Robert Setari, Robert Hooven ASSOCIATE PRODUCER Hilary Glaholt MADE POSSIBLE BY Think Big Productions CAMERA EQUIPMENT AND GEAR Invision Productions, Shane Valdes AIRSOFT EQUIPMENT AND TACTICAL GEAR Freddie Mac and Alan Hu SPECTRE/MARCO Daz Crawford ANJA Lisa Catara DUST Robert Hooven LIAM Robert Setari HQ Heldine Aguiluz DIMITRI (AKIMBO THUG) David Mutchler WAREHOUSE THUGS Neil Sandilands, Freeman White III, James Sicignano, Mark Ritchie GLA MILITIAMEN Kevin McMahon, Freddie Mack, Aaron Yohe-Mellor, Jake Watson EDITING / VISUAL EFFECTS / COLOR BY Corridor Digital (our company!) SOUND DESIGN BY Freddie <b>...</b>

Yogscast - Guild Wars 2: Human Part 2: Hero's Tasks
Yogscast - Guild Wars 2: Human Part 2: Hero's Tasks
Vanquishing a giant beast sends us out into the world, saving watermelon farms from giant bunnies, and other such tasks. Such is the life of this legendary hero! ● Yogscast Gear: yogscast.spreadshirt.co.uk ● Facebook: www.facebook.com ● Twitter: www.twitter.com ● Forums: yogscast.com ● Podcast: itunes.apple.com

Superman vs Hulk - The Fight (Part 2)
Superman vs Hulk - The Fight (Part 2)
This is the second part to my ongoing animation project, a tribute project to Superman and The Incredible Hulk. As you'll notice, the models and overall look has evolved and will continue to do so in future sequences. I'm already working on a new look for the Hulk on the next one. I got professional help this time in the music and sound design department, provided by the talented Francois Gratecap, which has made the whole project that much better. So my thanks to him. Disclaimer : This is not affilliated with Marvel or DC and is just my interpretation on how a fight between these two fictional characters could potentially go down. I'm not basing it on any previous materials such as the comics in which they appear. In this, their powers are not infinite as may have been depicted before. Also, I consider this a work in progress experiment, I'm learning animation as I go so this is far from a polished and finished piece. I welcome all comments but please keep that in mind when commenting. About the project specs : Created on an Intel i7-990X hex core 24 GB RAM, and and i7-920 quad core 12 GB RAM. It took about eight months to do the animation. The models and character puppets have been a work in progress for years prior though. Autodesk Maya is used for the all 3d modeling, animation, hair and cloth simulation. Z brush is used a bit for additional high detail model sculpting of the characters. Mental Ray is used for rendering. Adobe After Effects is where it's all <b>...</b>

How to solve a Rubik's Cube (Part Two)
How to solve a Rubik's Cube (Part Two)
Add me on twitter!: twitter.com Add me on facebook!: facebook.com PART ONE: www.youtube.com -LIST OF ALGORITHMS- 1) Fi U Li Ui 2) Ri Di RD 3) UR Ui Ri Ui Fi UF 4) Ui Li ULUF Ui Fi 5) FRU Ri Ui Fi 6) RU Ri URUU Ri 7) UR Ui Li U Ri Ui L 8) Ri Di RD Song used in video: "Funeral Thirst" by The Black Dahlia Murder *Use of copyrighted material in this video meets "Fair Use" qualifications within United States Copyright Law*

WATCH THE BLOOPERS & MORE: bit.ly WATCH PART 4: youtu.be WATCH PART 3: youtu.be WATCH PART 1: youtu.be WATCH THIS VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: youtu.be Anthony continues on his quest to become the greatest Pokemon master of them all! *Yep, the Mankey and Charizard costumes are custom made :) ----------------------------------- Hey it's our very own website: smosh.com Oh and our Facebook page facebook.com Want to know when we're filming and/or pooping? Now you can: twitter.com ------------------------------------ Background music re-created by the very talented Taylor Lipari. CHECK HIM OUT: youtube.com soundcloud.com twitter.com

Collective Soul - Why Pt. 2 (Video)
Collective Soul - Why Pt. 2 (Video)
© 2005 WMG Why Pt. 2 (Video)

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Target clip (HD)
Breaking Dawn Part 2 Target clip (HD)
EVERYTHING U NEED TO KNOW IS IN THE DESCRIPTION BELOW. Song Artist: Iko. Song: Heart of Stone. (this official song is not out yet to download) The first teaser Trailer for Breaking Dawn is in the video link below. AND yes for the 100th time this is me recording the video with a few others. We are at Target during the Breaking Dawn Part 1 DVD release. Thank you for pointing out the obvious and your very welcome. and all you haters can you please stfu!! If you dont like Twilight we dont give a rats ass. Video SUBTITLES: Bella: "It's strange. Physically I feel I can demolish a tank. Mentally I feel drained." Edward: "How about a bath?" Bella [Smiles] Edward: "I've had a bad habit of underestimating you. Every obstacle you've faced... I think you couldn't overcome it. But you just did. You are the reason I have something to fight for. A family." Edward: "I'll go and get the water running." The letter is from Alice and says quote "Gather as many withnesses as you can before the snow sticks to the ground. Thats when theyll come for us." - Shes talking about the Voultri. Reading the book will help this make sense of this. -TEAM EDWARD (:

The Melanie Iglesias Flip Book: Part 2
The Melanie Iglesias Flip Book: Part 2
www.MelanieIglesias.com The Melanie Iglesias Flip Book Part 2 is a stop motion video made up of over 2000 photos starring Melanie Iglesias, featuring her best friend model Lisa Ramos. Photographed by Michael Creagh in New York City, Melanie decided to release a sequel due to the demand and attention received from her original flip book which can be viewed here www.youtube.com Melanie is currently working on a television show premiering in November 2011 on MTV2. Be sure to subscribe for updates on Melanie's career including an 8 page spread in a very special edition of Maxim Magazine. You can also see more of Melanie in the current/first issue of "World's Most Beautiful" 3-D magazine, photographed by Nick Saglimbeni. www.Worldsmostbeautiful.com Follow Melanie on Facebook: Facebook.com Follow Melanie on Twitter: twitter.com - @melanieiglesias Follow Lisa Ramos on Twitter: twitter.com -- @lisaaramos Facebook.com/LisaRamosFans Photographer info: Website: michaelcreagh.net Blog michaelcreagh.me Facebook www.facebook.com twitter.com -- @Michael_Creagh Music produced by Grand Staff Song: "Party til' 9am" www.grandstaff.bandcamp.com Melanie Iglesias, Lisa Ramos, Flip Book, models

Yogscast - Left 4 Dead Minecraft Mod Part 2
Yogscast - Left 4 Dead Minecraft Mod Part 2
Er, yeah, so this week we're doing things the other way around! I edited this quickly, so forgive any roughness. We were also joined by Duncan on this one, which may explain why we didn't just die over and over. He actually knows how to play games. www.youtube.com The mod is available here! www.l4dmaps.com It's actually a very simple install, just unzip the .vpk file to your: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\addons then you should be able to host a "custom" campaign! Have fun :) ● Yogscast Gear: yogscast.spreadshirt.co.uk ● Facebook: www.facebook.com ● Twitter: www.twitter.com ● Forums: yogscast.com ● Podcast: itunes.apple.com

Nobody's Watching Part 2
Nobody's Watching Part 2
this is a pilot produced for the WB by the writers of Scrubs and Family Guy. it's very funny, very different, and deserves to be seen by all

Breaking Dawn Part 2 exclusive clip
Breaking Dawn Part 2 exclusive clip
Target midnight release of Breaking Dawn Part 1 DVD and their exclusive clip of Breaking Dawn Part 2

Korgoth of Barbaria - Part II
Korgoth of Barbaria - Part II
YOU! You will regret what you have done this day! I will make you regret ever being born! You're going to regret you ever left you mother's womb, where it was warm, and safe, and wet! I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new specturm of pain! Like a RAINBOW! But! THIS rainbow is not just like any other rainbow, it's - LAAARRRRRRRRRRGGHHHHHHH!!!!

Assassin's Creed - Lineage (Part 2)
Assassin's Creed - Lineage (Part 2)
... Pursuing Sforza's assassin's, Giovanni arrives in Venice where he intercepts a coded letter from the members of the conspiracy. Decoding this document in order to get to the top of the conspiracy becomes of extreme importance. Background: When the Duke of Milan is brutally murdered, Giovanni Auditore, an Assassin - and Ezio's father - is dispatched to investigate the crime. His mission: determine who is responsible and why. The answers he uncovers implicate Italys most powerful families reaching all the way back to the Vatican itself. As Giovanni draws closer to the truth, he becomes hunted himself. He must expose the conspirators before he joins their ever growing list of victims This is the Prequel to the Assassins Creed II Story.